defstudio/dock is an autonomous docker development configurator
dock is a laravel-zero standalone phar file that helps ot build a docker development environment. In order to work properly it needs a working installation of:
- php (^7.4)
- docker
- docker-compose
dock does not require installation, simply download the binary file from here or type this from your project folder:
wget --no-cache
Building an environment
in order to build a development environment, dock uses a "recipe" system that configures the proper services for the development target.
the first step is .env file initialization:
php dock init
the system will let you choose a list of recipes:
and a configuration wizard will start, if available:
the process will end up with an env
file and a src
folder in your project root:
Project Root
|-- dock
|-- .env
|-- src/
Building and starting docker containers
after an .env
file is created (manually or by running the php dock init
command) the development environment can be bring to life:
php dock start --build
the process can take quite a few minutes, so stop for a coffe (or better, a beer), it will end up with a confirmation in your terminal:
your development system is up and running!
Update dock executable
dock embeds a self update command that checks current version against the last released version and auto updates itself:
php dock self-update
dock offers a few commands to mantain and manage the development environment.
Note that additional command can be added by the active recipe, for more information please check each recipe documentation
Show documentation (php dock
by typing php dock
command a list with all available commands will be displayed
Init command (php dock init
the initialization wizard can be started at any time with the php dock init --force
note that in order to load the changes the environment should be shut down with the php dock stop
Log a service (php dock log
with the php dock log
command, a service selection prompt will be displayed and will let the user choose a service for showing its live log:
to bypass the prompt, the service name can be given as parameter for the command, es. php dock log nginx
Log all services (php dock log:all
a condensed log for all services can be displayed with the php dock log:all
Log into a service shell (php dock shell
it is useful, sometimes, to log into a specific container, with the php dock shell
commands it is possible to select the service to log into:
to bypass the prompt, the service name can be given as parameter for the command, ie. php dock log php
Display active containers statistics (php dock stats
dock embeds docker's stats
command to display containers memory, cpu, i/o data into its own php dock stats
List running containers (php dock list:containers
with the php dock list:containers
command, dock will display the list of all running containers in the system
List available hosts (php dock list:hosts
usually you will bind your services to a custom hostname, in order to simplify the addressing during development.
this means that the OS hosts file should be updated to include the mapping between these hostnames and the local ip address.
to obtain a list of the hostnames defined by the build process, type php dock list:hosts
in your terminal:
in this example, you should append this entries to your hosts file laravel.ktm mysql.laravel.ktm mail.laravel.ktm
List available URLs (php dock list:urls
like the list:urls
command, with php dock list:urls
dock can display the list of available urls defined during the build process:
Start a Lazydocker instance (php dock lazydocker
Starts a Lazydocker instance, a simple terminal UI for docker and docker-compose
instead of writing
php dock [command]
you can setup a console alias for dock:alias dock="php dock"
, so it will be enough to typedock [command]
to make the dock alias persistent between reboots, add
alias dock=./dock
at the end of your~/.bashrc
- dock is built with, and depends on, the awesome Laravel Zero by Nuno Maduro
- dock embeds Jesse Duffield 's docker management terminal UI: lazydocker