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Tal edited this page Jul 29, 2023 · 1 revision




The objective of Delib 5 is to serve as an inclusive B2C deliberative app, offering a diverse array of deliberation methods.

What is deliberation

Deliberation stands as an informed and inclusive mode of discussion, dedicated to discovering the most optimal solution for all stakeholders, while actively striving to minimize any harm to the interests of those who might be adversely affected by the proposed solution.

Theory of Deliberation

There are many theories of deliberation. A partial summary of the theory we use can be found on "On deliberation".

Development History

Before Delib 5, there were Delib 1, 2, 3, and 4. We have experimented with all of them in many scenarios. Delib 5 is built upon the experience gained using them.

Target users

Targeting a diverse audience, our platform welcomes individuals seeking to collaboratively reach agreements, whether a group of friends, a thriving community, or even a national-scale initiative, spanning from small gatherings to millions of participants.


The main Information architecture of the app is based on WhatsApp IA.

There is the main screen, which contains “statements.”:

Main architecture

Within Delib, the focal points revolve around three essential entities: "person," "statement" (הגד), and "evaluation." Each person enjoys the freedom to craft multiple statements (1:n), with others having the opportunity to engage through responses within a designated container (statement screen), thereby facilitating collaborative evaluation of each other's input. Statements are subsequently ordered based on these evaluations to streamline the process further. Leveraging the power of "general good" algorithms, individuals can easily identify statements that best alignment of interests, fostering a harmonious convergence of perspectives. A statement can be just a statement or become a container for other statements.

Infinte deliberation

This can help deliberation become an infinite discussion on the one hand. On the other hand, every statement-container can summarise the discussion for the whole container and represent the best alignment of interests, thus summarising a long discussion into one or a few lines.


The technology stack was designed to help the initial creator to build the app fast while using widespread technologies that new volunteers can adopt. The technologies are React in the frontend and Firebase in the backend. If there is a demand to change the backend to more traditional technology, volunteers can develop a node-express/nest-socket-MongoDB backend.

For further reading on the design document pls read:

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