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159 lines (142 loc) · 9.37 KB

Varying Vagrant Vagrants Changelog

In Progress

  • New: Add support for Parallels as a provider. (#479)
  • MySQL: Enable innodb_file_per_table. (#537)

1.2.0 (December 14, 2014)

  • VVV is now MIT Licensed.
  • Possible Breaking: By default, database files are no longer mapped to a local location.
    • A full vagrant destroy and the removal of MySQL data from {vvv-dir}/database/data/ is recommended.
    • If database files already exist from an earlier version of VVV, data will continue to be mapped locally until removed.
    • Database data will continue to exist on the virtual machine through vagrant halt and vagrant suspend.
    • Database data will no longer exist on the virtual machine after vagrant destroy.
    • A db_backup script is provided by default that creates local backups of each database on halt, suspend, and destroy if the vagrant-triggers plugin is installed.
  • Possible Breaking: Ubuntu has been upgraded from 12.04 LTS to 14.04 LTS. We have also moved from 32bit to 64bit.
    • A full vagrant destroy is recommended for best results.
    • A new box will be downloaded for the base virtual machine. If you'd like to free space, remove the old box with vagrant box remove precise32. Running vagrant box list will show you all base VMs on your local machine.
    • With a new operating system comes a new RSA key. If you are connecting via SSH through an application that relies on your machines known_hosts file, you will need to clear the old key for See #365
  • Init scripts are now fired with source rather than bash. Due to this change, something like cd "$(dirname $0)" no longer works as expected. See #373 and #370 for reasoning and discussion.
  • WordPress: Add develop_git to convert the default SVN checkout to Git.
  • PHP: Update to PHP 5.5.x
  • PHP: Remove php-apc and apc.ini. Enable built in opcache.
  • PHP: Start tracking custom php5-fpm.conf file.
  • PHP: Start tracking custom opcache.ini file.
  • PHP: Update to PHPUnit 4.0.x
  • PHP: Install XDebug PECL extension directly, rather than via apt.
  • phpMyAdmin: Update to
  • WP-Cli: Add support for autocomplete.
  • VVV Dashboard: Add Opcache Status for opcache monitoring.
  • Bash: Allow for a custom bash_prompt file in config/
  • NodeJS: Use recommended PPAs to install
  • NodeJS: Self update NPM during provisioning
  • Logs: Map a shared directory for logs, start storing php_errors.log
  • Nginx: Install using the mainline repository, currently 1.7.x.


  • Transition to Varying Vagrant Vagrants organization.
  • Add a CONTRIBUTING document.
  • Add --allow-root to all wp-cli calls in VVV core.
  • Use a new global composer configuration.
  • Add zip as a package during provisioning.
  • Introduce a helpful caveats section.
  • Remove tcp_nodelay config in Nginx. Reasoning in 0cce79501.


  • Introduce Auto Site Setup during provisioning to allow for easy new project configuration.
  • Happy Fix vagrant up after halt meets expectations and no longer requires provisioning to be reapplied.
  • Begin implementing best practices from Google's shell style guide in our provisioning scripts.
  • Databases can now be dropped in phpMyAdmin. Pro-tip, drop database wordpress_develop in phpMyAdmin followed by vagrant provision clears your src.wordpress-develop.test for reinstall.
  • Copy config files instead of linking them. This allows for a nicer vagrant up after a vagrant halt and treats provisioning more like it should be treated. See 1fbf329 for a more detailed commit message.
  • Allow for dashboard-custom.php to override the default dashboard provided by VVV
  • Reduce size of the included my.cnf file to exclude unrequired changes. Increase max_allowed_packet setting.


  • Possible Annoying: Use precise32 for the Vagrant box name for better cross project box caching.
    • Note: This will probably cause a new Vagrant box to download. Use vagrant box remove std-precise32 after a vagrant destroy to remove the old one and start with this.
  • Possible Breaking: Change VM hostname to vvv.test
    • Note: If you had anything setup to rely on the hostname of precise32-dev, this may break.
  • Possible Breaking: Change MySQL root password to root
    • Note: If anything is setup to rely on the previous password of blank, this may break.
    • You can also now access mysql -u root without a password.
  • Introduce support for the WordPress develop.svn
    • This was added pretty much the day it was available. Such a pleasure to work with!
    • Allowed us to remove the old wordpress-unit-tests in favor of the new wordpress-develop/tests
  • Introduce support for the Vagrant hostsupdater plugin
    • Use vagrant plugin install vagrant-hostsupdater to install.
    • Very, very much recommended for an easier and happier life.
  • Introduce Postfix with a default config. Mail works! (But check your spam)
  • Introduce the WordPress i18n Tools, including config/homebin/makepot
  • Introduce PHP_CodeSniffer, WordPress-Coding-Standards, and Webgrind
  • Remove entire well intended but not so useful flags system
  • Rather than include PHPMemcachedadmin in the VVV repository, download it on initial provision
  • Verify support for Vagrant 1.3.5 (as well as 1.2.x) and VirtualBox 4.3 (as well as 4.2.x)
  • Move xdebug_on and xdebug_off controls to executable files in config/homebin
  • Generate vagrant_dir in Vagrantfile for accessing relative file locations
  • Add a basic network connectivity check by pinging Google DNS servers
  • Update stable version of WordPress automatically on provision
  • General cleanup to screen output during provisioning
  • Many updates to the default nginx configuration
  • Remove poor, unused implementation of Watchr
  • Provide default certs for SSL in Nginx


  • Enable SSH agent forwarding
  • Wrap update/installation procedures with a network status check
  • Enable WP_DEBUG by default
  • Update wp-cli during provisioning
  • Better handling of package status checks
  • Better handling of custom apt sources
  • Add PHPMemcachedAdmin 1.2.2 to repository for memcached stats viewing.
  • Add phpMyAdmin 4.0.3 to repository for database management


BREAKING CHANGES: Breaking changes are made in this release due to the reorganization of config files for PHP that will require a full vagrant destroy and vagrant up to resolve.

  • Refactor of package provisioning allows for better (and incremental) vagrant provision uses by checking individual package installs before attempting to install them again.
  • Remove several flags used to disable portions of provisioning. This favors the scaffold approach provided by VVV.
  • Improved nginx configuration and documentation
  • Use --asume-yes vs --force-yes with apt
  • Update Composer based on a specific revision rather than always checking for an update.
  • Update Mockery based on a specific version rather than using the dev channel.
  • Update ack-grep to 2.04
  • Add php5-imap package
  • Update to Nginx 1.4 sources
  • Update to PHP 5.4 sources
  • Update to Git 1.8 sources
  • Updated xdebug configuration parameters, fixes 60s timeout issue
  • Better method to enable/disable xdebug configuration
  • Refactor handling of custom PHP, APC, and xdebug configurations
  • Bump default memcached memory allocation to 128M
  • Introduce custom apc.ini file, bump apc.shm_size to 128M
  • Provide a phpinfo URL at
  • Set WP_DEBUG to true by default for included installations of WordPress


  • Add WordPress Unit Tests
  • Option for custom shell provisioning file
  • Pre/Post provisioning hooks via additional shell scripts
  • Flags system to disable portions of default provisioning
  • Grab stable WordPress from latest.tar.gz vs SVN
  • Append custom apt sources list to default
  • Update to SVN 1.7.9, addresses specific Windows permissions issue
  • Move wp-cli to /srv/www/ for easier contributions


  • Repository moved under 10up organization
  • Wrap provisioning in an initial run flag, speed up subsequent boots
  • Add support for a Customfile to pull in desired local modifications


  • Add default .vimrc file with some helpful tricks
  • Clarify sample SQL commands
  • Add WordPress trunk installation to default setup
  • Use composer to install phpunit, mockery and xdebug - faster than PEAR
  • Filename modifications for config files
  • General documentation improvements


  • Add Mockery
  • Vagrant version requirement changes
  • Add wp-cli
  • Use wp-cli to setup default WordPress installation
  • Add subversion


  • Bug fix on importing SQL files


  • Add ack-grep
  • Move to Vagrant 1.1 style Vagrantfile
  • Better DB handling all around
  • Link mysql data directories for persistence
  • Add PHPUnit
  • Add XDebug


  • Initial version, lots of junk from untracked versions. :)