PrioritySort 调度插件是调度器默认使用的对 Pod 队列进行排序的插件,顾名思义,它使用 Pod 的优先级来对 Pod 进行排序。代码位于 ./pkg/scheduler/framework/plugins/queuesort/priority_sort.go
// Less is the function used by the activeQ heap algorithm to sort pods.
// It sorts pods based on their priority. When priorities are equal, it uses
// PodQueueInfo.timestamp.
func (pl *PrioritySort) Less(pInfo1, pInfo2 *framework.QueuedPodInfo) bool {
p1 := corev1helpers.PodPriority(pInfo1.Pod)
p2 := corev1helpers.PodPriority(pInfo2.Pod)
return (p1 > p2) || (p1 == p2 && pInfo1.Timestamp.Before(pInfo2.Timestamp))
核心实现是一个 Less()
函数。如果两个 Pod 的优先级一样,则按照 Pod 被加到调度队列中的时间顺序进行排序,否则就按照优先级排序。返回优先级的函数如下:
// PodPriority returns priority of the given pod.
func PodPriority(pod *v1.Pod) int32 {
if pod.Spec.Priority != nil {
return *pod.Spec.Priority
// When priority of a running pod is nil, it means it was created at a time
// that there was no global default priority class and the priority class
// name of the pod was empty. So, we resolve to the static default priority.
return 0