:toc: macro toc::[] = CORS configuration in Spring == Dependency To enable the CORS support from the server side for your devon4j-Spring application, add the below dependency: [source,xml] ---- com.devonfw.java.starters devon4j-starter-security-cors ---- == Configuration Add the below properties in your application.properties file: [source] ---- #CORS support security.cors.spring.allowCredentials=true security.cors.spring.allowedOriginPatterns=* security.cors.spring.allowedHeaders=* security.cors.spring.allowedMethods=OPTIONS,HEAD,GET,PUT,POST,DELETE,PATCH security.cors.pathPattern=/** ---- [cols="1,1,1"] |=== |Attribute |Description |HTTP Header |allowCredentials |Decides the browser should include any cookies associated with the request (`true` if cookies should be included). |Access-Control-Allow-Credentials |allowedOrigins |List of allowed origins (use `*` to allow all orgins). |Access-Control-Allow-Origin |allowedMethods |List of allowed HTTP request methods (`OPTIONS`, `HEAD`, `GET`, `PUT`, `POST`, `DELETE`, `PATCH`, etc.). |- |allowedHeaders |List of allowed headers that can be used during the request (use `*` to allow all headers requested by the client) |Access-Control-Allow-Headers |pathPattern |Ant-style pattern for the URL paths where to apply CORS. Use "/**" to match all URL paths. | |===