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tutorial newapp

travis edited this page Feb 14, 2020 · 17 revisions

Creating a new application

Running the archetype

In order to create a new application you must use the archetype provided by devon4j which uses the maven archetype functionality.

To create a new application, you should have installed devonfw IDE. You can choose between 2 alternatives, create it from command line or, in more visual manner, within eclipse.

From command Line

To create a new devon4j application from command line, you can simply run the following command:

devon java create com.example.application.sampleapp

For low-level creation you can also manually call this command:

mvn -DarchetypeVersion=3.1.0 -DarchetypeArtifactId=devon4j-template-server archetype:generate -DgroupId=com.example.application -DartifactId=sampleapp -Dversion=1.0.0-SNAPSHOT -Dpackage=com.devonfw.application.sampleapp

Further providing additional properties (using -D parameter) you can customize the generated app:

Table 1. Options for app template
property comment example


Choose the type of RDBMS to use (hana, oracle, mssql, postgresql, mariadb, mysql, etc.)



Option to add an batch module



Option to add an EAR module with the given name


From Eclipse

After that, you should follow this Eclipse steps to create your application:
  • Create a new Maven Project.

  • Choose the devon4j-template-server archetype, just like the image.

Select archetype
  • Fill the Group Id, Artifact Id, Version and Package for your project. If you want to add an EAR generation mechanism to your project, you should fill the property earProjectName with the value Artifact Id + "-ear". For example, "sampleapp-ear". If you only want WAR generation, you can remove the property earProjectName.

Configure archetype
  • Finish the Eclipse assistant and you are ready to start your project.

What is generated

The application template (archetype) generates a Maven multi-module project. It has the following modules:

  • api: module with the API (REST service interfaces, transferobjects, datatypes, etc.) to be imported by other apps as a maven dependency in order to invoke and consume the offered (micro)services.

  • core: maven module containing the core of the application.

  • batch: optional module for batch(es)

  • server: module that bundles the entire app (core with optional batch) as a WAR file.

  • ear: optional maven module is responsible to packaging the application as a EAR file.

The toplevel pom.xml of the generated project has the following features:

  • Properties definition: Spring-boot version, Java version, etc.

  • Modules definition for the modules (described above)

  • Dependency management: define versions for dependencies of the technology stack that are recommended and work together in a compatible way.

  • Maven plugins with desired versions and configuration

  • Profiles for test stages

Core Module

Core module contains the base classes and the base configuration for the application. We are going to describe each Java file and each XML configuration file that archetype has generated.


Those are the different Java files contained in each package:

  • general.common

File Description

Abstract interface for a MutableGenericEntity of this application.

Interface for a BinaryObject.

NlsBundle for this application.

Interface to get a user from its login.

Interface for the profile of a logged user.

Abstract business main exception.

Abstract main exception.

Abstract technical main exception.

Manage exceptions when user require to be logged in.

Abstract class for Composite Transfer Object.

Abstract class for Entity Transfer Object.

Abstract class for a plain Transfer Object.

Abstract class for a Transfer Object with the criteria for a search query.


Provides access to the BeanMapper.

Responsible for the security aspects of authentication.

Implementation of PrincipalAccessControlProvider.

  • general.dataaccess

File Description

Abstract Entity for all Entities with an id and a version field.

Interface for all DAOs of the application.

Interface for all revisioned DAOs of the application.

  • general.logic

File Description

Annotation to mark all use-cases.

Abstract base class for any use case in the application.


File Description

Class to manage denied access.

MappingFactory class to resolve polymorphic conflicts within the application.

Class that represents REST service for security.


Those are the different XML files contained in resources folder:

  • db


Those are different Java files to serve as base classes in testing:

  • general.common

File Description


Test to check if all relevant methods in use case implementations have permission checks.

Server Module

This module is contains two files:

  • logback.xml: This file is in the resources folder and it is the responsible to configure the log.

  • pom.xml: This file has Maven configuration for packaging the application as a WAR. Also, this file has a profile to package the Javascript client ZIP file into the WAR.

EAR Module

This module only contains a pom.xml file to packaging the application as EAR from the WAR generated.

Database configuration and creation

Including driver installation if oracle or other db is required.

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