:toc: macro ifdef::env-github[] :tip-caption: :bulb: :note-caption: :information_source: :important-caption: :heavy_exclamation_mark: :caution-caption: :fire: :warning-caption: :warning: endif::[] toc::[] :idprefix: :idseparator: - :reproducible: :source-highlighter: rouge :listing-caption: Listing = How to add a Template to your PL instance * Go to Jenkins. * On the upper left click on "New Element" to create a new Jenkins job. * Chose a name for the job such as "MTS-template-seed-job". The job type has to be "Pipeline". Click on ok. image::./images/newjenkinsjob.PNG[] * Scroll down to the bottom of the job creation page where you will find the "Pipeline" section. ** Switch to "Pipeline script from SCM". ** Set "SCM" to "Git". ** Set "Repository URL" to: https://github.com/devonfw/production-line.git ** Credentials can be left empty, because the repository is public. ** Set "Script Path" to the template that you want to use e.g. "devon4j-mts/Jenkinsfile". image::./images/pipelinesettings.PNG[]