:toc: macro ifdef::env-github[] :tip-caption: :bulb: :note-caption: :information_source: :important-caption: :heavy_exclamation_mark: :caution-caption: :fire: :warning-caption: :warning: endif::[] toc::[] :idprefix: :idseparator: - :reproducible: :source-highlighter: rouge :listing-caption: Listing = Docker Configuration == Introduction OpenShift is a docker container orchestrator built on top Kubernetes. === Overview This template allow you to configure Jenkins in order to work with OpenShift. It will: * Add OpenShift client as custom tool. * Configure an OpenShift cluster to work with. == Prerequisites In order to execute this template, you need the following plugins installed in your Jenkins: - link:https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/OpenShift+Client+Plugin[OpenShift Client Plugin] NOTE: The initialize instance template will install all plugins if you select `Openshift` or `Docker+Openshift` in the `installDeploymentPlugins` parameter == Template This template will be automatically created in your jenkins after executing the `Initialize_Instance` template inside the `UTILS` folder with the name `Openshift_Configuration`. For manual creation see: link:how-to-add-a-template[How to add a Template] IMPORTANT: This template needs the link:https://github.com/devonfw/production-line-shared-lib[devonfw Production Line Shared Lib] === Parameters The required parameters are: - `ocName`: The name of the OpenShift connection. You can define multiple OpenShift connections by changing the name. - `ocUrl`: The OpenShift URL. - `ocProject`: The OpenShift Project. - `ocToken`: The OpenShift token. In order to have a long-term token, this token should be a service account token. === Execution . Press the Build with Parameters button . Insert the parameters. . If the OpenShift token is not added as credential, please add a new entry. . Press the `Build` button. . Wait until the pipeline ends. WARNING: If a cluster already exists with the provided name, it will not modify anything. image::images/openshift-configuration/openshift-configuration.png[] image::images/openshift-configuration/openshift-configuration2.png[] image::images/openshift-configuration/openshift-configuration3.png[] You can add more clusters by executing the template again or in Jenkins -> Manage Jenkins -> Configure System image::images/openshift-configuration/openshift-clusters.png[]