In this lab you will learn about Defect Dojo. For the purposes of this lab, we will assume we are Student003 of Workshop 001.
Duration: 5-10 minutes
- You should have received en email with access to a OneDrive folder for your workshop. Open that folder:
- Open the subfolder corresponding to your student number. In our case, it's 003:
- Observe the contents of the student info text file. We have:
Workshop Number: 001
Student Number: 003
Defect Dojo Url:
Defect Dojo User Name: Student003
Defect Dojo Password: P@ssw0rd!1
Defect Dojo Product Name: GitHub-OSS-pygoat-devsecops-workshop-001-product-003
Azure Container Registry Name: crs003r46vs7qui3ejw
Azure Container Registry Password: TUf************************************************
- Now navigate to your Defect Dojo Instance and log in:
- Navigate to your product and make note of your product id
- In our case, our product id is 12