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David Fahlander edited this page May 6, 2014 · 15 revisions

Structure of database change object.


rev : Number The revision of this change
type: Number Type of change. 1=CREATED, 2=UPDATED, 3=DELETED
key : any Primary key of changed object
table : String Table name of where the change took place
obj: Object Contains the created object. Provided only if type=1 (CREATED).
mods: Object Contains a set of key paths (property names or dotted property names) and values that has been modified in the object. Provided only if type=2 (UPDATED)
oldObj: Object Contains the object as it was before the change. Provided only if type=2 (UPDATED) or 3 (DELETED).
source : any Optional. Source of the modification. If the ´source´ property of the Transaction object was set to a value while performing a database operation, this value will be put in the change object. Can be used to ignore certain changes that origin from self.
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