4.5.4 (2022-05-27)
- 物模型: 修复物模型回显时间 (6d980ce)
- 修复打包编译失败 (539476d)
- 组态: 设置组态在预览状态下不可点击 (8a1b307)
- card style (48eaf9c)
- channel message: the channel message and the home mqtt message are strung together (5453eb8)
- ciew: language (dc8e6fa)
- cloudot: myticket (83ab56e), closes /gitee.com/dgiiot/dgiot/issues/I57QG8#note_10356949
- delete channel: channel (5086514)
- devDependencies (aa899d9)
- device: product (ba98f01)
- devicetype: devicetype default (2a423c7)
- ignore (dfe5421)
- pressure: repair the automatic lifting of pressure measurement interface (759ee87)
- table: table height (b11fb81)
- thing: fix the problem that Boolean types cannot be saved (f62edd7)
- (i18n) (631a49f)
- 设备详情: 设备详情卡片优化 (ccaf90c)
- 时间格式化过滤器 (328c573)
- 添加ivui 字体文件 (62f7335)
- 物模型关联控制指令 (3cdfe68)
- 物模型状态 (01e3389)
- 用户自定义topic (2c8ffd0)
- 自定义topic (2941eab)
- api (7275916)
- api promise (c634c40)
- channel: topic key (8e93fe6)
- cloudpressure: cloudPressure page (b3a0a58)
- device: device table (2e79705)
- disposable: disposable (8a36459)
- grafana: grafana iframe (5874069)
- home: topic Back end subscription homepage topic (d3598c2)
- lowcode lanauage (0988bf1)
- lowcode(from select) (77b3de2)
- message: element message to $baseMessage (ddef342)
- pressure (6f366cd)
- pressure (e876f5d)
- pressure (a37799e)
- pressure: add button (4918e23)
- pressure: dialog (00fcd2d)
- pressure: draw (0451ee9)
- product: select product (7db287f)
- protocol: _.sortBy (5cf3c13)
- protocol: cache Protocol (7569680)
- protocol: protocol sortBy (08ca519)
- proxy (2b212b6)
- proxy (9791b38)
- proxy (840c0de)
- proxy (e26a0e8)
- resource_types: sortBy (c30e361)
- roles: roles Relation (6c7bd25)
- save json type (b72ae1d)
- sortby: delete sortBy protocol (206c20e)
- src/dgiot/components/DgiotAmis/render.vue (3f5f498)
- text (78c405d)
- thing unit: users can create model units themselves (34c0c2f)
- thing: 优化物模型删除刷新 (0b06ce4)
- thing: message (55db496)
- thing: user defined object model units are supported (5a35d60), closes /gitee.com/dgiiot/dgiot/issues/I4RB2R#note_10203658
- timeExp (bedf5fd)
- topic: 用户自定义topic (e06c75f)
- topic: change topic subscription from dgiot mqtt dashboard to HTTP subscription (bcf679c)
- translate (a85cacf)
- i18n: change the device address to the device location (159548d)
4.5.3 (2022-05-09)
- action (b72124f)
- action: fix build error (1811f81)
- action: fix dgiot-dashboard/settings#git-gc (10c32cb)
- axios: repair request parameter return logic (6183d9e)
- build: fix build dependencies typescript versions (040b851)
- clear console (05876ed)
- del dist.rar (279c2f3)
- devdependencies: babel-plugin-dynamic-import-node (34f78fe)
- device table (a2c51c6)
- device: device info (bb6b438)
- device: fix the problem of confusion when modifying equipment parameters (4c1b7a7)
- dlink: protocol (b285cae)
- doc router (3576180)
- handleRoute(setInterval) (c3994d2)
- home json (44c9d4e)
- icon: fix the problem that some icons cannot be displayed because of the wrong name (a7a1fab)
- map: fix the problem that Baidu map on the home page is not displayed (371d4b2)
- parse_objectid (6e8eaad)
- pnpm-version: pnpm-version (a53d94f)
- product: fix incorrect device registration field (c1672ae)
- productid (8babbfa)
- query: optimize query requests (9c21da3)
- rename (7597b5a)
- request: optimize query requests (f682c5d)
- router: fix sub device route jump error (9c62fc3)
- router: fix the problem that the home device list cannot jump (1c16b44)
- router: route jump repair (e64daaf)
- sync: sync gitee (468d997)
- unit (8b7a045)
- (message) Lightweight Tips (4d0c608)
- add plant modal (3425782)
- alarm: query list (52100ea)
- api: replace API interface (04593e7)
- channel: adaptive acquisition channel single selection (81469c0)
- create factory (811ebc9)
- dashboard json (5476603)
- dashboardid: jump to dashboard with fixed ID (65d09b4)
- default: default dlink (9ee9cde)
- devdependencies: action (cbbe08f)
- device(task) (153b249)
- device: 修正不正确的字段(所属厂家修为所属部门) (a793bce)
- device: rewrite device list interface (0fdb3c8)
- device: rewrite device management interface (85ad1b0)
- devicesDetailLite.vue (78109fa)
- device: task hidden (a47151a)
- disable key (fe3ebd6)
- el-tabs (a533430)
- factory details display page (8d7cbc9)
- ftechnology: complete the process path details page (b00af1c)
- ftechnology: ftechnology amis (b02abb3)
- ftechnology: operation and attribute table (8b787c7)
- i18n: product card field translation (d39f60b)
- ignore: lock-yml (4d964c4)
- iotapi(devicecard) (351ecec)
- konva: button (f7ef915)
- list (6181d08)
- location (85d6fe4)
- login: optimize query requests at login (1b11ef6)
- login: remove unnecessary logic (82e401f)
- lowcode: access Amis low code (d550def)
- map (0c13f4f)
- message: global information prompt, add pop-up window and close time (7643f51)
- mtqq: topic (8622115)
- nothing: parse_notificationid (963c365)
- notification: notification_ (db5f2b8)
- npmrc: registry (1d54924)
- product: [core] (6267261)
- product: enable default dynamic registration when adding products (3b98e40)
- product: modify product interface mode (27a2805)
- product: numbe (90554b7)
- product: prodcutID (d73fb26)
- query (486d204)
- roles: roles amis (48e7a62)
- rule: optimize SQL and support the selection of all devices (62a18d4)
- shamefully-hoist (5dac908)
- sql: rulesql (e7adc44)
- src\views\cloudoc\modeling\index.vue: add factory modeling (b0cf77a)
- statistics: statistics (9732329)
- style: master data management style adjustment (fbb44ea)
- sync (5a65626)
- views: empty (81cfe07)
- 🔖: dgiot-dashboard v4.5.3 (d5e39d1)
- cloudoc: complete process path static page (1963665)
- dependencies: delete vite schema (946ad83)
- proxy: replace remote proxy with local server (aff0922)
- query: optimize login logic and store data that is only requested once globally (f3b2b95)
4.5.2 (2022-04-13)
- (build) vue-qr dependencies (f5abd2b)
- amis: fix amis view lowcode (6827c5e)
- js (45a4710)
- message (5ea21bc)
- MetaData loading (3297edb)
- permission control: improve authority control (2229a3e)
- qecode (79dfe8e)
- analytics (dc71779)
- dependencies: delete datav (7ea5bfe)
- device: location (3c971c8)
- dgiot oc: dgiot oc (7b8f634)
- map (35cc047)
- masterdata: masterData table (10e42ee)
- MetaData (10c7ddb)
- monaco (22e2180)
- private deployment: baidu map key (191fd11)
- proxy: dgiot_file (3902b11)
- qrcode (b11b330)
- query (4776a80)
- toppic (c9eafbf)
- xinmahe (9b4f106)
4.5.1 (2022-03-25)
- dgiot player (a63ecb2)
- properties (1b9ddc0)
- query children (22ffd8d)
- showName (7bdc1b8)
- user: check parssword (953e09d)
- api: api (7b2e883)
- baidu map Key (fb57820)
- change diasble (4d6e334)
- channel log topic (eb440ab)
- debug: clear console (b2ba0b4)
- dg/dashboard (d4d7fbd)
- dgiot thing: dgiot thing function expansion (715a714)
- easy and fast development: added quick development page (a371593)
- json (1298390)
- json2string (a88e978)
- mqtt(dlint) (e9462df)
- page: thing (1a8bee5)
- Platform associated large screen id (ab8d665)
- setSqlvalue (4148b36)
- sql: sql where (c1bb23d)
- src/views/feature/linkedge.vue: sql (03843d7)
- topic: custom topic list (c4f529a)
- trace topic (24ae952)
- update dlink topic (6167b36)
4.5.0 (2022-03-03)
- cdn: react (b21aede)
- createModal (081b780)
- delete ESBuild (04ce51e)
- Dict (36cbad8)
- Fixed the problem that the company name could not be set to take effect (3411c08)
- mqttpublish: workOrderCompletion (18c0070)
- rules (438c50e)
- src/views/devicecloud/manage/component/profile/profiledescriptions.vue: monacoEditor getCode (9b40bde)
- theme (9876ee6)
- topo: select default value (e428aff)
- .ignore (fe7b8f4)
- asian.vue: asian (5f38008)
- asian: theme (2234d5d)
- baseconfirm: event && serve (86c96bc)
- build: eSBuildMinifyPlugin (4632cf7)
- lowcode: types add datav (bf8b026)
- pnpm (db37de3)
- product: 1. product info (016bf0d)
- src/views/devicecloud/manage/component/profile/profiledescriptions.vue: dgiotCodes (0707f8b)
- topo: bind amis lowcode (488c484)
- topo: topo draggable (553ea2a)