Fite2dmt.jl is a Julia package for FITE2DMT.
julia> using Pkg
julia> Pkg.add(url="")
julia> using Fite2dmt
julia> Fite2dmt.InversionRhoaPhaseTipper("Model01_data_RhoaPhaseTipper.txt","Model01_m0.txt","Model01_topo.txt","Model01_setting_RhoaPhaseTipper.txt")
The user guide is available here
Diba D, Nurhasan, Uyeshima M, Usui Y (2024) Two-dimensional magnetotelluric inversion using unstructured triangular mesh implemented in Julia. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2734 012008.
Please cite the original documentation of FITE2DMT when publishing any work that uses this program. Proper citation acknowledges the authors' contributions and helps support further development.