A2larm features more than a dozen well-produced podcasts. Since they are hosted on Soundcloud, all podcasts are unfortunately only available through one monolithic feed. This parser disentangles this feed with the help of rss-parser, then creates a JSON-file for each parsed podcast and finally converts the JSON to an RSS-feed with the help of jsonfeed-to-rss.
ℹ️ Since Heroku is eliminating free plans, a static JSON will be available as a Gist for the sake of presentation for the time being. ℹ️
Check out the generated output files at https://a2larm-podcast-parser.herokuapp.com/!
Currently, the parser only parses podcasts that follow the following episode naming scheme: Podcast name #10: Podcast title
. This unfortunately excludes a few podcasts/series that would require a more custom filter such as "Volby 2021", "Gig economy" or "Bydlení je nad zlato".
- Refactor spaghetti code
- Automate scripts
This project is prepared to be deployed on Heroku: A Procfile and build scripts are included, just follow the recommended deployment steps in the Heroku docs.