- use mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/aspnet:6.0 as docker runtime image instead of alpine version
- downgrade some node modules used in the yeoman generator scripts to still allow use of require-statement for now instead of ESM dynamic import
- Update to .NET 6.0
- Fix: Same site cookie
- Update Angular 10
- Removed @acpaas-ui/ngx-components
- Added new @acpaas-ui components
- Refactored build commands in package.json to be more consistent
- Bugfix: Fixed rename cli command on Windows
- Bugfix: Fixed integration & unit tests
- Bugfix: remove ignored files
- Update .NET Core 2.2
- Update Angular 9.0.0
- Update Auth toolbox to v3.2.0 (.NET Standard 2.0 compatible)
- Working with environment variables instead of .dist files
- Updates for Docker deployment
- update to .Net Core 2.0 dependencies
- update version xunit packages and dotnet-xunit CLI tool added to integration test project.
- update package versions.
- conversion to csproj project files and MSBuild.
- update of the Digipolis.Serilog packages.
- ElasticSearch auth headers added.
- prevent compilation of .NET source files in node_modules directory.
- IApplicationLogger.
- disabled global error handling.
- fixed wrong AppSettings configuration.
- docker elasticsearch tooling added.
- elasticsearch bufferByteSizeLimit removed from config.
- extra serilog elasticsearch settings in config file.
- conflicting package removed.
- double usings removed.
- fixed typo in namespace.
- startup options for updated Digipolis.Web package added.
- registration of API extensions added in Startup.
- Logging provider elastic search extensions added.
- removed Tink and replaced it with Bootstrap.
- index.cshtml include in project.json.
- BUILDNUMBER placeholder in project.json.
- added appsgroup property to chef config.
- changes needed for hosting the app.
- update version web toolbox.
- kestrel port.
- added _config to include on publish in project.json.
- correction startup method : AddVersionEndpoint.
- Digipolis.Web toolbox v2.0.1.
- .NET Core RTM.
- application name in index view.
- added correlation framework.
- added runtimeinfopage in DEV environment.
- added API-related startup logic.
- added exception handling middleware in Startup.
- added version file.
- update notifier added.
- casing in filenames.
- rename npmignore to gitignore.
- Initial version.