diff --git a/LeedsPrototypeTests/samples/10315s-tweaked-METS/10315.METS.xml b/LeedsPrototypeTests/samples/10315s-tweaked-METS/10315.METS.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..049b002
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LeedsPrototypeTests/samples/10315s-tweaked-METS/10315.METS.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+ EPrints 3.3.15
+ [Example title]
+ The description of this object has been modified.
+ 10315
+ 372705
+ 20151118190008_372705
+ University of Leeds
+ local
+ 372705s_001.jpg
+ sha256
+ 4675c73e6fd66d2ea9a684ec79e4e6559bb4d44a35e8234794b0691472b0385d
+ 876464
+ JPEG File Interchange Format
+ fmt/43
+ local
+ 817982 372705s_002
+ sha256
+ a321d0fc85bd0a760ca767a883e742632ca7c560d09bdf55200571ab44c43850
+ 817982
+ JPEG File Interchange Format
+ fmt/43
+ local
+ 372705s_003.jpg
+ sha256
+ 0a753e84444d398436f09a3b8bda8232e4bb206aa016381a0e9cf5ef6af869c6
+ 754672
+ JPEG File Interchange Format
+ fmt/43
+ local
+ 372705s_004.jpg
+ sha256
+ 315bb3bd2eb2da5ce8b848bb7f09803d8a48e64021c4b6fe074aed9cc591c154
+ 743515
+ JPEG File Interchange Format
+ fmt/43
diff --git a/LeedsPrototypeTests/tests/new-version-without-exporting.spec.ts b/LeedsPrototypeTests/tests/new-version-without-exporting.spec.ts
index 4692f54..6ee5fcd 100644
--- a/LeedsPrototypeTests/tests/new-version-without-exporting.spec.ts
+++ b/LeedsPrototypeTests/tests/new-version-without-exporting.spec.ts
@@ -1,3 +1,130 @@
+import {expect, test} from '@playwright/test';
+import { createDigitalObject } from './quick-prep.spec'
+import {getS3Client, getShortTimestamp, listKeys, uploadFile} from "./common-utils";
+import {ListObjectsV2Command} from "@aws-sdk/client-s3";
+// Create a new deposit by exporting a version
+test.describe('Update a Digital Object without exporting anything first', () => {
+ test('editing-mets', async ({request, baseURL}) => {
+ // Set a very long timeout so you can debug on breakpoints or whatnot.
+ test.setTimeout(1000000);
+ // Background prep
+ console.log("Starting condition is a Preserved Digital Object in the repository - we'll make one for this test");
+ const digitalObjectUri = await createDigitalObject(request, baseURL);
+ console.log("Created " + digitalObjectUri);
+ console.log("Create a new Deposit - NOT an export:");
+ console.log("POST /deposits");
+ const newDepositResp = await request.post('/deposits', {
+ data: {
+ digitalObject: digitalObjectUri,
+ submissionText: "Creating a new deposit to demonstrate updates without exporting"
+ }
+ })
+ const newDeposit = await newDepositResp.json();
+ console.log("New Deposit created:");
+ console.log(newDeposit);
+ console.log("----");
+ console.log("Now upload the changed file - just the METS and not 5GB of tiffs!")
+ const s3Client = getS3Client();
+ await uploadFile(s3Client, newDeposit.files, 'samples/10315s-tweaked-METS/10315.METS.xml', '10315.METS.xml');
+ console.log("----");
+ console.log("Now build our own import job from scratch");
+ const importJobId = "https://digirati.com/importJobs/job-" + getShortTimestamp();
+ console.log("We can also mint whatever id we like for this job:")
+ console.log(`"@id": "${importJobId}"`);
+ console.log("This time we have to add the sha256 ourselves because we are not asking the server to build the import job")
+ const importJob = {
+ '@id': importJobId,
+ type: 'ImportJob',
+ deposit: newDeposit['@id'],
+ digitalObject: digitalObjectUri,
+ containersToAdd: [],
+ binariesToAdd: [],
+ containersToDelete: [],
+ binariesToDelete: [],
+ binariesToPatch: [
+ {
+ '@id': digitalObjectUri + '/10315.METS.xml',
+ name: '10315.METS.xml',
+ contentType: 'application/xml',
+ partOf: digitalObjectUri,
+ digest: 'c033d56b1c756f718233893ca735a2eb1add86fb4200a99f30c93deb5ffe6adf'
+ }
+ ]
+ };
+ console.log(importJob);
+ const executeJobUri = newDeposit['@id'] + '/importJobs';
+ console.log("Now execute the import job...");
+ console.log("POST " + executeJobUri);
+ const executeImportJobReq = await request.post(executeJobUri, {
+ data: importJob
+ });
+ let importJobResult = await executeImportJobReq.json();
+ console.log(importJobResult);
+ expect(importJobResult).toEqual(expect.objectContaining({
+ type: 'ImportJobResult',
+ status: 'waiting',
+ digitalObject: digitalObjectUri
+ }));
+ console.log("----");
+ console.log("... and poll it until it is either complete or completeWithErrors...");
+ await expect.poll(async () => {
+ // ### API INTERACTION ###
+ console.log("GET " + importJobResult['@id']);
+ const ijrReq = await request.get(importJobResult['@id']);
+ const ijr = await ijrReq.json();
+ console.log("status: " + ijr.status);
+ return ijr.status;
+ }, {
+ intervals: [2000], // every 2 seconds
+ timeout: 60000 // allow 1 minute to complete
+ }).toMatch(/completed.*/);
+ console.log("----");
+ // ### API INTERACTION ###
+ console.log("Now request the digital object URI we made earlier:");
+ console.log("GET " + digitalObjectUri);
+ const digitalObjectReq = await request.get(digitalObjectUri);
+ expect(digitalObjectReq.ok()).toBeTruthy();
+ const digitalObject = await digitalObjectReq.json();
+ console.log("We expect to see two versions available in this object")
+ console.log(digitalObject);
+ expect(digitalObject).toEqual(expect.objectContaining({
+ '@id': digitalObjectUri,
+ type: 'DigitalObject',
+ name: '[Example title]', // This will have been read from the METS file
+ version: expect.objectContaining({name: 'v2'}), // and we expect it to be at version 2
+ versions: expect.arrayContaining(
+ [
+ expect.objectContaining({name:'v1'}),
+ expect.objectContaining({name:'v2'})
+ ]
+ ),
+ binaries: expect.arrayContaining(
+ [
+ // and it has a METS file in the root
+ expect.objectContaining({'@id': expect.stringContaining('10315.METS.xml')})
+ ])
+ }));
+ })
// maybe you have these files handy already
// replace jpeg 2 with another binary, same name
// sha256 changes in METS but that's all