A huge thank-you to the great teams/devs behind these projects, being used by Machinaris:
- Chia™: the distributed cryptocurrency project.
- Plotman: a parallel plotting manager.
- Chiadog: a log monitor with alerting.
- Flask: Web UI application server.
- Bootstrap: Web UI look and feel.
- Bootstrap Icons: Open source icons.
- Other Icons: Free icons for web apps.
- Boostrap Sidebars: Used for sidebar menu layout.
- Unraid: Creating an application template for Unraid.
A big thanks to all that contributed with dev and test including:
- Hukuma1
- ChrisM
- gabiroli
- Geezus
- LordKDG
- seythis
- gleech
- LordCactus
- superboki
- TechNotWiz
- belchi0r
- yass15
- sparklyballs
- Praghaels
- judy
- Allram
- Fumo696
- hereisderek
- ServantDad
CHIA NETWORK INC, CHIA™, the CHIA BLOCKCHAIN™, the CHIA PROTOCOL™, CHIALISP™ and the “leaf Logo” (including the leaf logo alone when it refers to or indicates Chia), are trademarks or registered trademarks of Chia Network, Inc., a Delaware corporation. There is no affliation between this Machinaris project and the main Chia Network project.