- Remove postcss plugins postcss-minify-font-values and postcss-discard-unused
- Update stylelintrc rules to match air-light 9.4.6-dev
- Remove declaration-property-unit-allowed-list
- Remove stylelint-file-max-lines
- Upgrade node to v20.17.0
- Exclude vendor dir in gulp-phpcs
- Add phpcs.xml to root as a part of devpackages
- Re-locate phpcs.xml to correct location
- Remove files that are no longer in use
- Add missing PROJECTNAME variable to phpcs.xml
- Add rule
"number-leading-zero": "never",
- Disallow using of percents
- Make default nesting depth 2
- Add ignoreAtRules to nesting rules
- Update root font size for rem-over-px
- Ignore -1px in rem-over-px
- Add missing postcss-scss
- Remove deprecated rules
- Update .editorconfig
- Update stylelint-config-standard-scss
- Unit tests for stylelint packages
- More consistent sass and stylelint config for gulp
- Add declaration-property-value-no-unknown
- Add stylelint-file-max-lines
- Add stylelint-rem-over-px
- Remove the obvious null rules from .stylelintrc
- Remove .travis.yml
- Update @ronilaukkarinen/gulp-stylelint to 14.1.1
- Update @ronilaukkarinen/stylelint-a11y to 1.2.7
- Update @babel/core to 7.20.12
- Update @ronilaukkarinen/gulp-stylelint to 14.1.0
- Update @ronilaukkarinen/stylelint-a11y to 1.2.6
- Update @ronilaukkarinen/stylelint-declaration-strict-value to 1.9.2
- Update @ronilaukkarinen/stylelint-value-no-unknown-custom-properties to 4.0.1
- Update babel-loader to 9.1.2
- Update browser-sync to 2.27.11
- Update caniuse-lite to 1.0.30001451
- Update eslint to 8.34.0
- Update eslint-plugin-import to 2.27.5
- Update eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y to 6.7.1
- Update eslint-plugin-react to 7.32.2
- Update gulp-eslint-new to 1.7.2
- Update npm-check-updates to 16.7.4
- Update postcss to 8.4.21
- Update sass to 1.58.0
- Update stylelint to 15.1.0
- Update stylelint-config-recommended to 10.0.1
- Update stylelint-config-recommended-scss to 9.0.0
- Update stylelint-config-standard to 30.0.1
- Update stylelint-config-standard-scss to 7.0.0
- Update stylelint-order to 6.0.2
- Update stylelint-scss to 4.4.0
- Disable max-line-length and no-descending-specificity rules
- Upgrade packages: @babel/core, @babel/eslint-parser, @hint/hint-axe, @hint/hint-button-type, @hint/hint-compat-api, @ronilaukkarinen/gulp-stylelint, autoprefixer, babel-loader, caniuse-lite, cssnano, cssnano-preset-advanced, eslint, eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y, eslint-plugin-react, gulp-eslint-new, hint, npm-check-updates, postcss, postcss-merge-longhand, postcss-merge-rules, sass, stylelint, stylelint-config-recommended, stylelint-config-recommended-scss, stylelint-config-standard, stylelint-config-standard-scss, stylelint-declaration-strict-value, stylelint-scss, terser-webpack-plugin, webpack
- Add .nvmrc to keep up with Node.js versions
- Fix php files not updating in browserSync
- Upgrade packages to latest versions (most notably caniuse, cssnano, hint, stylelint and webpack)
- Update stylelintrc rules block-closing-brace-newline-after and at-rule-empty-line-before
- Remove gulp-rename that is not used anymore
- Remove leftover config value
- Fix config.styles.src that causes gutenberg styles not to compile
- Fix proxy url, add proxyUrl as variable
- Add cssnano and related postcss-plugins, deprecate gulp-clean-css that is in maintenance-mode
- Improve watch task to be more performant
- Add gulp-size and verbose information to console
- Add instructions on how to contribute
- Update stylelint-config-standard, stylelint-config-recommended-css, caniuse-lite and js related packages
- Update browser-sync to 2.27.9
- Add more watch locations for php files
- Upgrade stylelint to 14.5.3
- Update .stylelintrc rules as per the official recommendations
- Upgrade eslint to 8.10.0
- Upgrade eslint-config-airbnb to 19.0.4
- Remove deprecated babel-eslint and use @babel/eslint-parser instead
- Revove outdated and unmaintained gulp-eslint and use gulp-eslint-new instead
- Allow js/src/front-end.js to be linted, fix file for JS warnings
- Fix JS not reloading browser on save
- Update CleanCSS optimization options for production styles
- Downgrade terser-webpack-plugin as it should always be at version 5.2.4 before other upgrades to not to cause a dependency conflict with new projects
- Update to stylelint-config-standard@24.0.0 and fix "unknown rule custom-property-no-missing-var-function" error in vscode-stylelint 1.2.0
- Change back from @ronilaukkarinen/stylelint-declaration-strict-value@1.7.13 to official stylelint-declaration-strict-value@1.8.0
- Fix rule for declaration-strict-value
- Upgade to webpack 5
- Update packages
- Update .browserslistrc, ignore samsung browser and older Edge
- Update .stylelintrc rules
- Revert mistakenly upgraded terser-webpack-plugin, webpack and webpack-stream. These will be upgraded later.
- Use @ronilaukkarinen/stylelint-a11y@1.2.4 with working peerDependencies
- Use @ronilaukkarinen/stylelint-declaration-strict-value@1.7.13 with working peerDependencies
- Use @ronilaukkarinen/stylelint-value-no-unknown-custom-properties@1.7.13 with working peerDependencies
- Downgrade to eslint@7.2.0, to be updated later with its peerDependencies
- Add @babel/core to devDependencies, sometimes required by project
- Switch gulp-stylelint to @ronilaukkarinen/stylelint with stylelint@14.0.1
- Fix watch task performance issues
- Improve config options for watch
- Remove fibers as the maintainer recommends to avoid it and no clear performance benefit detected
- Change gulp-stylelint to gulp-exec and stylelint command line version - because gulp-stylelint is currently outdated and uses old bundled stylelint version
- Update sass to 1.43.4
- Sass speed improvements with dart-sass, Fiber and sass.sync()
- Upgrade stylelint to v14
- Drop nodejs 12 support
- Drop node-sass and fibers support
- Add new stylelint rules
- Improve watch task, speed it up, inject CSS first in dev environment
- Update .browserslistrc
- Upgrade to gulp 4.0.2
- Remove outdated printer-for-errors-of-gulp-plugins, trade-off with performance and watch task crash on SCSS errors
- Stylelint/order: Add order rule for @import
- Stylelint/order: @extend at-rule should be always first
- Set
mergeMedia: false
because true causes problems in production
- Speed up styles tasks by adding a separate watch for prodstyles
- Confirmed fix for rule-empty-line-before from Air-light 7.7.3
- Ignore no-invalid-position-at-import-rule
- Update stylelint and eslint packages
- Update .stylelintrc
- Add order rules for @-rules: include, media
- Add rules for rule-empty-line-before and at-rule-empty-line-before
- Fix cleanCSS settings that mistakenly strip fonts from productions
- Update cleanCSS settings
- Remove ie11 support
- Fix devstyles task hanging after error
- Add @ronilaukkarinen/printer-for-errors-of-gulp-plugins
- Remove outdated @wulechuan/printer-for-errors-of-gulp-plugins
- Remove deprecated gulp-util package
- Add custom error handler
- Fix: Add missing autoprefixer for dev styles gulp task.
- Support for SCSS source maps.
- Fix error reporting on watch. Awaiting Pull Request.
- Fix: SCSS in sub directories not triggering via watch task
- Change: PHPCS option from src to watch because we only use it for watching
- Performance update
- Separate tasks: devstyles and prodstyles to increase performance
- Rename scsslint task to lintstyles to be more consistent with other style related tasks
- Change development compiler to dart-sass, retain node-sass in production in favor of dart-sass performing as fast as possible
- Increase BrowserSync CSS injection to mere milliseconds by optimization, remove unnecessary stream (inject is inherited automatically from injectChanges: true)
- Fix: Specify PHP watch directories separately in config.js as node_modules exclusion doesn't work and causes CPU to hog
- Add missing stylelint-config-recommended-scss package
- Add .hintrc for webhint
- Update .browserslistrc, deprecate Internet Explorer and Opera mobile browsers
- Remove deprecated package stylelint-config-wordpress
- Fix stylelint task not showing report
- Remove unused browsersync watch
- Fix gulp watch task causing CPU hogging
- Remove mqpacker that is causing problems with media queries
- Update packages (webpack has to be locked to 4.2.6 and terser-webpack-plugin to 4.2.3)
- Move trailing slash to themeDir variable #6 (related Air-light PR)
- Fix js task signal async completion (air-light 6.8.6)
- Fix CSS path for air-light 6.8.4
- Fix default browsersync certificate
- Get new dev/prod build process from air-light #5
- Start versioning from 2.0.0
- Open changelog to be more consistent with the releases