Releases: digitoimistodude/devpackages
Releases · digitoimistodude/devpackages
2.5.0: 2022-12-10
- Disable max-line-length and no-descending-specificity rules
2.4.9: 2022-11-28
- Upgrade packages: @babel/core, @babel/eslint-parser, @hint/hint-axe, @hint/hint-button-type, @hint/hint-compat-api, @ronilaukkarinen/gulp-stylelint, autoprefixer, babel-loader, caniuse-lite, cssnano, cssnano-preset-advanced, eslint, eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y, eslint-plugin-react, gulp-eslint-new, hint, npm-check-updates, postcss, postcss-merge-longhand, postcss-merge-rules, sass, stylelint, stylelint-config-recommended, stylelint-config-recommended-scss, stylelint-config-standard, stylelint-config-standard-scss, stylelint-declaration-strict-value, stylelint-scss, terser-webpack-plugin, webpack
2.4.8: 2022-08-22
- Add .nvmrc to keep up with Node.js versions
- Fix php files not updating in browserSync
2.4.7: 2022-06-30
- Upgrade packages to latest versions (most notably caniuse, cssnano, hint, stylelint and webpack)
- Update stylelintrc rules block-closing-brace-newline-after and at-rule-empty-line-before
- Remove gulp-rename that is not used anymore
2.4.6: 2022-04-21
- Remove leftover config value
- Fix config.styles.src that causes gutenberg styles not to compile
2.4.5: 2022-04-19
- Fix proxy url, add proxyUrl as variable
2.4.4: 2022-04-11
- Add cssnano and related postcss-plugins, deprecate gulp-clean-css that is in maintenance-mode
- Improve watch task to be more performant
- Add gulp-size and verbose information to console
- Add instructions on how to contribute
- Update stylelint-config-standard, stylelint-config-recommended-css, caniuse-lite and js related packages
2.4.3: 2022-03-31
- Update browser-sync to 2.27.9
- Add more watch locations for php files
2.4.2: 2022-03-08
- Upgrade stylelint to 14.5.3
- Update .stylelintrc rules as per the official recommendations
- Upgrade eslint to 8.10.0
- Upgrade eslint-config-airbnb to 19.0.4
- Remove deprecated babel-eslint and use @babel/eslint-parser instead
- Revove outdated and unmaintained gulp-eslint and use gulp-eslint-new instead
- Allow js/src/front-end.js to be linted, fix file for JS warnings
2.4.1: 2021-11-23
- Fix JS not reloading browser on save