Archived in favor of gojq.
Yet another portable wrapper to jq. Written in Go and aims to be used exactly like jq, just that the input and output document is YAML. There are a several other options, but haven't found one which is a simple binary and is just like jq.
Forwards stdin (after translating to JSON) and arguments (where applicable) directly to jq. Forwards jq output (after translating to YAML) directly to stdout. jq errors are directly written to stderr.
So, just use it as you would use jq, no gimmicks. You need to have jq installed and available within your $PATH
All YAML features what offers are supported. Can also be used as library!
# go get
Just like jq. If you try to get the help, you get directly the output of jq:
# yq --help
jq - commandline JSON processor [version 1.5-1-a5b5cbe]
Usage: jq [options] <jq filter> [file...]
Same with the exit code, it's just forwarded. Except if an error happens during yq processing, then the exit code 128 is returned.
As pretty print
# echo -e "foo: |\n bar\n baz\nlist:\n- lang: go\n- lang: c\n- lang: python" | yq '.'
foo: |
- lang: go
- lang: c
- lang: python
Use whatever jq offers in the filter
# echo -e "foo: |\n bar\n baz\nlist:\n- lang: go\n- lang: c\n- lang: python" | yq '.list'
- lang: go
- lang: c
- lang: python
# echo -e "foo: |\n bar\n baz\nlist:\n- lang: go\n- lang: c\n- lang: python" | yq '.list[] | select(.lang == "go")'
lang: go
You can also use the -r
# echo -e 'hello: "world:"' | yq '.hello' # without -r
# echo -e 'hello: "world:"' | yq -r '.hello' # with -r
# echo -e "foo: |\n bar\n baz\nlist:\n- lang: go\n- lang: c\n- lang: python" | yq '.foo' # without -r
# echo -e "foo: |\n bar\n baz\nlist:\n- lang: go\n- lang: c\n- lang: python" | yq -r '.foo' # with -r
- One document in, one document out. Doesn't support multiple documents (yet - Unsure how to detect that).
- Some options of jq may modify input parsing or output formatting, you might not be able to use them practically.
- Project is pretty young, expect missing (special) handling of some jq parameters.
Set or export YQ_DEBUG=1
to get additional output on stderr for looking at how the JSON document for stdin or stdout of jq looks like. Current output can be improved.