To get an instance of the main class of BlockSniper, the Loader class, add this code on enable.
public $blockSniperPlugin;
public function onEnable() {
$this->blockSniperPlugin = $this->getServer()->getPluginManager()->getPlugin("BlockSniper");
From here on inside functions in the plugin can be called.
Hooking into BlockSniper events is very easy, and follows the same usage as a normal PocketMine event would. Hooking in the events would require registering events, implementing Listener and adding a function. Some events are cancellable, some are not.
namespace Me\MyPlugin;
use pocketmine\plugin\PluginBase;
use pocketmine\event\Listener;
use BlockHorizons\BlockSniper\events\BrushUseEvent;
class MyClass extends PluginBase implements Listener {
public function onEnable() {
$this->getServer()->getPluginManager()->registerEvents($this, $this);
public function onBrushUse(BrushUseEvent $event) {
if(strtolower($event->getPlayer()->getName()) === "steve") {
Event | Cancellable |
BrushRecoverEvent | True |
BrushUseEvent | True |
ChangeBrushPropertiesEvent | False |
PresetCreationEvent | True |
BlockSniper adds very easy to use API for adding new Shapes and Types. A new Shape or Type class requires at LEAST the following:
namespace MyPlugin\MyShapes;
use BlockHorizons\BlockSniper\brush\BaseShape;
use pocketmine\Player;
use pocketmine\level\Level;
use pocketmine\level\Position;
class MyShape extends BaseShape {
* ID is a unique ID for this shape. Unless it is intended to replace an existing shape,
* you should check for existing shapes to find which IDs are free to use.
const ID = 5;
* getBlocksInside should return a generator containing the blocks collected in the shape.
* If $vectorOnly is true, the generator should yield only Vector3s.
public function getBlocksInside(bool $vectorOnly = false): \Generator {
return [];
* getName should return the name of the shape as seen in the brush UI.
public function getName(): string {
return "";
public function getApproximateProcessedBlocks(): int {
return 0;
public function getTouchedChunks(): array {
return [];
In order to make this new shape able to be used, the following code should be executed anywhere in your plugin:
\BlockHorizons\BlockSniper\brush\registration\ShapeRegistration::registerShape(MyShape::class, MyShape::ID);
Registering new types is very similar to the registering of types. Only a couple small things are different. No further explanation should be needed, see the example below.
namespace MyPlugin\MyTypes;
use BlockHorizons\BlockSniper\brush\BaseType;
use pocketmine\level\ChunkManager;
use pocketmine\Player;
class MyType extends BaseType {
public function __construct(Player $player, ChunkManager $level, \Generator $blocks) {
parent::__construct($player, $level, $blocks);
* fillSynchronously should return an generator yielding the undo blocks.
public function fillSynchronously(): \Generator {
foreach($this->blocks as $block){
// Yield the block before it is changed.
yield $block;
// Set the block to dirt.
$this->putBlock($block, 3, 0);
return [];
* fillAsynchronously is optional, and could be left if the function below is added.
* $this->blocks will have a list of Vector3s, and $this->level is a BlockSniperChunkManager
* instead of a level.
public function fillAsynchronously(): void {
* canBeExecutedAsynchronously specifies whether this type can be executed asynchronously or not.
public function canBeExecutedAsynchronously(): bool {
return false;
* getName returns the name to show up in the brush UI. Can have spaces or other
* otherwise weird characters.
public function getName(): string {
return "";
To register a new type, use:
\BlockHorizons\BlockSniper\brush\registration\TypeRegistration::registerType(MyType::class, MyType::ID);
Getting the brush of a player is very easy. A brush object of a player can be obtained by using:
/** var pocketmine\Player $player */
if(($session = \BlockHorizons\BlockSniper\sessions\SessionManager::getPlayerSession($player)) === null) {
return false;
$brush = $session->getBrush();
$brush->size = 10;
$brush->hollow = true;
Hopefully this API introduction was helpful. If there's anything you think should be added, make sure to say so in the issues or contact us on our Gitter chat