#Fail fast principle
- in code as well as in decision making
#Owin standards instead of returning null throw an exception or return server Error 500
#Why I choose VS code There are dozens .Node dev IDE but three of them are preferred by community:
Jetbrains WebStorm: from my experience - the best. Unfortunately it is not free
VS Code
- Full-featured developer IDE immidiatelly after installing.
- Unified accross team
- Strong support by MS
- Up to five members team it is for free
- Debbuging Node apps
- Refactoring
- It has NOTHING TO DO with MS visual studio 2010,2012,2013,2015.
- If we are strongly dissatisfied, we can switch *
- Sublime
- Widely used IDE, unfortunately you need adjust everything (install extensions for refactoring, colors, npm, adjust any shortcut etc.. ).
- I don't know whether it knows debugging.
- The danger lies at fact that any developer will have a significantly different configuration and use significantly different extensions.
- Under some circumstances you need purchase license