To report a bug or make a suggestion about MARTY
please open a new issue if no existing issue addresses the same topic.
If you want to correct or add a new feature yourself, feel free to contribute directly!
First open a new issue here describing what you want to do to engage discussions.
Then create a new branch locally and start working on it
git checkout -b my-cool-new-feature
You can work on this branch, commit, and push on the remote host. The first time you push your work, set the remote branch accordingly:
git push --set-upstream origin my-cool-new-feature
You can then open a new Pull Request as a draft. In this PR, explain in details the changes you made to the code. Once you consider your work is finished and good enough to be integrated in MARTY
, mark the PR 'ready for review'.
A maintainer will review your work and eventually merge your code in MARTY
, congratulations!
Make sure that all these steps are done before releasing a new version:
- Update the for possible changes in build / dependencies
- Update the website accordingly (release news)
- Update the manual for new / modified features
- Update the version strings in file documentation
- Update the MARTY_VERSION_STR definition in
The two last items could probably be automated in a CI/CD job.
The release in itself should be done on github, using a tag and defining the associated release.