Welcome to our Senior Frontend Developer Test
This test consists of a series of tasks which may take between 2–4 hours to complete, depending on your experience level. The primary purpose of this test is to infer your “logical thinking” and “problem-solving” skills.
To recreate the design and functionality of a generic office-listings page. Please navigate through the interactive prototype to better understand the scope and requirements.
- Download the source code for this repository and add the code base to a private repository of your own
- Recreate the design using Vue.js and TailwindCSS
- Populate the office listings from a datasource (JSON or hard-coded array)
- Recreate the following interactivity
- Toggle open/close office cards
- “Add new location” (add new office to list)
- “Edit office” (edit and save office data)
- While adding or editing an office, the “Save” button should be disabled until all fields have been validated
- “Delete office” (remove office from list)
NODE Version: 16
Install Dependencies: npm install
Run in dev mode: npm run dev
- Keep it simple
- Data persistence is not required
- Please ensure your readme file contains valid and simple instructions
- Please use placeholder data only (i.e. do not use real or identifiable information)
- Feel free to validate fields according to your own validation logic
- Verify the full functionality of your application prior to submission
You´ll have up to 7 consecutive days to work on the test. Please submit your test as a Github repository URL, along with a readme file containing instructions on how to set up and run your application. If you'd like to submit a private repository, please add Fez, Pam, and Bill with view access to the private repository.