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dgrid tests

Note: installing dgrid via npm will not include the test folder; if you wish to run dgrid's unit tests, clone the dgrid repository or download the package directly

dgrid includes both manual test pages and automated test pages. All tests require a specific folder structure:


Supporting scripts

  • npm run serve: start an HTTP server (http-serve) rooted in the parent folder of dgrid on port 8080
    • npm run serve -- --port=80: run the HTTP server on port 80
  • npm run serve-rest: start a REST server on port 8040 useful in some tests (Rest.html, extensions/Pagination_Tree.html)

Manual tests

Manual test files are useful for testing individual features and understanding how to configure dgrid. Manual tests are in the HTML files within the test and test/extensions folders.

Automated tests

dgrid's test suite is written and configured to run with Intern. Unit tests can be run both directly in a web browser and using WebDriver. Functional tests will only run with WebDriver.

Running dgrid tests

Full test suite with WebDriver & BrowserStack


  • Node.js and npm installed
  • dgrid dependencies installed (npm install)
  • Active BrowserStack account and BROWSERSTACK_USERNAME and BROWSERSTACK_ACCESS_KEY environment variables set
> npx intern config=@browserstack

This will run Intern with the "browserstack" config from intern.json. Intern will run a local HTTP server to serve dgrid test files to BrowserStack via Intern's DigDug proxy tunnel. The code in functional test suites will run in the local Node.js environment. The remote control commands in the tests are sent to the remote browser via Intern's WebDriver library, Leadfoot.

Developing and debugging dgrid tests

Tip: Use grep to run specific tests

The easiest way to debug tests is by running them from a local HTTP server in a local web browser. Opening dgrid/test/intern/runTests.html will redirect you to Intern's test runner. By default this will run all of dgrid's unit tests. While tests are running the DOM will be manipulated by tests and real-time test status is output to the developer console. After the tests have completed Intern will replace the page DOM with the Intern Test Report.

You can click on any suite or test in the Intern Test Report to re-run specific tests. Doing so will add the grep parameter to the URL's query string. You can specify your own value for grep to run only tests whose suite name or test name match the value. Refer to the Intern documentation to see other Intern configuration values that can be set in the query string.

Functional tests

Intern's selenium tunnel will automatically download Selenium and necessary WebDriver servers and is the recommended approach. It is also possible to use Intern's null tunnel and manually run Selenium or browser-specific WebDriver servers.

dgrid's Intern configuration includes configs for several browsers that can be specified on the command-line:

> npx intern config=@chrome

Browser configs: chrome, firefox, safari, edge, ie

Leaving the test browser open

dgrid's Intern configuration will leave the test browser open only if one or more tests fail. You can change leaveRemoteOpen on the command line:

> npx intern config=@chrome leaveRemoteOpen=true

The pretty reporter may erase errors that are output to the console. You can use the runner reporter while debugging failures:

> npx intern config=@chrome reporters=runner

Loader errors

Loader errors, both from Dojo's AMD loader and from Node.js' require may produce confusing output that does not facilitate debugging. If you encounter a loader error carefully inspect all your imports and ensure that they are correct. Loader errors are typically caused by invalid module ids, invalid module files, or errors being thrown in a module being loaded.

Expand to see example console output resulting from a loader error
Listening on localhost:9000 (ws 9001)
Tunnel started
Error: timeout
    at makeError (D:\dev\src\dojo\dojo\dojo.js:129:15)
    at Timeout.<anonymous> (D:\dev\src\dojo\dojo\dojo.js:1687:20)
    at listOnTimeout (internal/timers.js:549:17)
    at processTimers (internal/timers.js:492:7) {
  src: 'dojoLoader',
  info: {
    'dgrid/test/intern/functional/Editor': 1,
    'D:/dev/src/dojo//dgrid/test/intern/functional/Editor.js': { main: 'main', name: 'dgrid', location: 'dgrid' }
src: dojoLoader
info: {
  'dgrid/test/intern/functional/Editor': 1,
  'D:/dev/src/dojo//dgrid/test/intern/functional/Editor.js': { main: 'main', name: 'dgrid', location: 'dgrid' }
Error: timeout
  at makeError @ ..\dojo\dojo.js:129:15
  at Timeout.<anonymous> @ ..\dojo\dojo.js:1687:20
  at listOnTimeout @ internal\timers.js:549:17
  at processTimers @ internal\timers.js:492:7
Error: Dojo loader error: timeout
  @ src\loaders\dojo.ts:37:17
  @ ..\dojo\dojo.js:392:14
  at forEach @ ..\dojo\dojo.js:116:6
  at req.signal @ ..\dojo\dojo.js:391:4
  at Timeout.<anonymous> @ ..\dojo\dojo.js:1687:6
  at listOnTimeout @ internal\timers.js:549:17
  at processTimers @ internal\timers.js:492:7
TOTAL: tested 0 platforms, 0 passed, 0 failed; fatal error occurred

Code coverage

Tip: Intern's browser runner (dgrid/test/intern/runTests.html) does not generate code coverage

When tests are run with npx intern then code coverage information will be generated, regardless of whether the tests are run with a local or remote (BrowserStack) WebDriver server. A summary of the coverage info is displayed in the console after the test run. Detailed coverage info is written to the dgrid/coverage folder and can be viewed in a web browser by loading dgrid/coverage/index.html.

Addendum: running Selenium and WebDriver servers


  • Java 8 or higher is required, and must be in your path (OpenJDK)
  • Download Selenium server (e.g. selenium-server-standalone-3.141.59.jar)
  • > java -jar selenium-server-standalone-3.141.59.jar

Individual WebDriver servers

ChromeDriver is the easiest and most reliable WebDriver server, some of the others do not allow you to modify the base URL (e.g. geckodriver) and so require updating tunnelOptions in the Intern configuration to specify the port and/or base URL.

dgrid's Intern configuration includes configs for several browsers that can be used either with Selenium or individual WebDriver servers. The config name should be passed to Intern's config parameter on the command line.

config name browser WebDriver server
chrome Google Chrome ChromeDriver
firefox Mozilla Firefox geckodriver
safari Safari Safari
edge Microsoft Edge Microsoft WebDriver
ie Internet Explorer InternetExplorerDriver (info)