This plugin compiles latex files asynchronously while edditing.
The PDF output gives a live preview of your document as you type.
You have the option to highlight changes from the previous save using latexdiff.
Install using the plugin manager you like.
For example vim-plug:
Plug 'donRaphaco/neotex', { 'for': 'tex' }
For live previewing your latex file open the created PDF using a PDF viewer which supports auto reloading (I recommend zathura or evince). The PDF is created in the same folder where your latex file is stored.
Option | Default | Description |
g:neotex_enabled |
1 | 0 = always disabled, 1 = default off, 2 = default on |
g:neotex_delay |
1000 | Update intervall in milliseconds |
g:neotex_latexdiff |
0 | enable latexdiff |
g:neotex_latexdiff_options |
- | additional options for latexdiff |
g:neotex_pdflatex_add_options |
- | additional options for pdflatex (-jobname=<filname> and -interaction=nonstopmode is always set) |
g:neotex_pdflatex_alternative |
- | alternative for pdflatex (e.g. xelatex or lualatex ) |
g:neotex_subfile |
0 | experimental support for subfiles (#8) (latexdiff won't work if enabled!) |
I also recommend setting let g:tex_flavor = 'latex'
, which can prevent some issues. (see :h g:tex_flavor
for information)
Command | Description |
:NeoTex |
Compile current buffer (asynchronously and without writing the file) |
:NeoTexOn |
Turn live compilation on (for current buffer) |
:NeoTexOff |
Turn live compilation off (for current bufffer) |
For better performance use a precompiled preamble.