ASP.NET 5 Beta7 Release Notes
We are pleased to announce the release of ASP.NET 5 beta7! ASP.NET 5 beta7 ships publicly as NuGet packages on and includes a tooling update for Visual Studio 2015 RTM.
To use ASP.NET 5 beta7 with Visual Studio 2015, you will need to download and install the beta7 version (14.0.60831.0) of ASP.NET and Web Tools 2015.
You can also try out ASP.NET 5 with Visual Studio Code on Windows, Mac and Linux!
You can find documentation and samples for ASP.NET 5 at
You can find details on the new features and bug fixes in beta7 for the following components on their corresponding release pages:
- Antiforgery
- Caching
- Configuration
- DataProtection
- DependencyInjection
- Diagnostics
- dnvm
- dnx
- EntityFramework
- EventNotification
- FileSystem
- Hosting
- HttpAbstractions
- Identity
- KestrelHttpServer
- Localization
- Logging
- Microsoft.Data.Sqlite
- Mvc
- Options
- Razor
- Routing
- Security
- Session
- Testing
- UserSecrets
- WebSockets
Breaking Changes
- For a list of the breaking changes for this release please refer to the issues in the Announcements repo.
Known Issues
- Tooling known issues Please see the Known Issues list in the Tooling repo
- Limitations of .NET Core on OS X and Linux Support for .NET Core on OS X and Linux is still in early preview. Known limitations include:
- Cryptography: Some of the System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates library is not yet implemented.
- Networking: Most of the networking libraries are not yet available. System.Net.Primitives and System.Net.NameResolution are only partially functional and System.Net.Http works only for common success scenarios.
- I/O: Paths up to the system-supported max path length are allowed, except for a few situations related to loading applications, assemblies, and resources.
- Globalization: Culture is assumed to be invariant and string operations related to sorting and searching assume ASCII.
- Data: SqlClient is not currently functional.
- Unable to build for full .NET Framework using the .NET Core based DNX on OS X and Linux You cannot build DNX projects that target the full .NET Framework (ex dnx451, dnx46) using the .NET Core based DNX on OS X and Linux. To work around this issue remove the corresponding targets from the frameworks section in project.json.
- "Unable to load DLL 'api-ms-win-core-libraryloader-l1-1-0'" error when using the EF7 provider for SQLite on .NET Core on OS X and Linux This is a known issue that will be addressed in a future release.