ASP.NET 5 RC1 Release Notes
We are pleased to announce the release of ASP.NET 5 RC1!
Please refer to our documentation for instructions on installing ASP.NET 5 beta8 for Windows, Mac, and Linux
You can find details on the new features and bug fixes in rc1 for the following components on their corresponding release pages:
- Antiforgery
- Caching
- Configuration
- DataProtection
- DependencyInjection
- Diagnostics
- dnvm
- dnx
- dnx-watch
- EntityFramework
- EventNotification
- FileSystem
- Hosting
- HttpAbstractions
- Identity
- IISIntegration
- JsonPatch
- KestrelHttpServer
- Localization
- Logging
- Microsoft.Data.Sqlite
- Mvc
- Options
- Razor
- Routing
- Scaffolding
- Security
- Session
- StaticFiles
- Templates
- Testing
- UserSecrets
- WebSockets
To find out what's new in .NET Core in this release please refer to the .NET Core RC release notes.
Breaking Changes
- For a list of the breaking changes for this release please refer to the issues in the Announcements repo.
Known Issues
- Tooling known issues Please see the Known Issues list in the Tooling repo
- No .NET Core on CentOS This release does not support running on .NET Core on CentOS or derivatives. The issues with running on CentOS will be addressed in a future release.
- Unable to build for full .NET Framework using the .NET Core based DNX on OS X and Linux You cannot build DNX projects that target the full .NET Framework (ex dnx451, dnx46) using the .NET Core based DNX on OS X and Linux. To work around this issue remove the corresponding targets from the frameworks section in project.json.
- Applications hosted behind IIS uses in memory keys for data protection When hosted a website behind IIS the Data Protection stack does not find a suitable place to store the keyring, and uses in memory keys. This means that when your application restarts all forms authentication tokens will be invalid and users will have to login again. In addition any data you protected will no longer be able to be unprotected. Please see aspnet/Announcements#110 for options for dealing with this issue.
- On OS X and Linux keys are stored unencrypted under the user profile path You should ensure permissions for the
directory are limited to the user account your application runs as. See aspnet/Announcements#111 for more details.