A low code platform run with github actions, powered by daas and Knowlege Spec Markup Language(KSML), running on Github Actions infrastructure
- Learn more about daas and KSML https://github.com/doublechaintech/daas-start-kit
- Learn more about custom backend java code: https://kdocs.cn/l/sUdwkkyZD?f=130
- Learn more with github actions https://github.com/features/actions
- Go to MODELSAMPLES.md to try more samples.
This is a full stack app running on Github Actions, includes
- Redis
- App Server(Caucho Resin)
- React/Ant Design Frontend
Please reference Github Actions definition for details.
Preview an long running instance: http://lab.doublechaintech.com/philipgreat/index.html
- Browse to http://lab.doublechaintech.com/[your-github-login]/index.html
- Input 13900000001/admin123 to play
Please replace [your-github-login] to your github login
- Star me if you believe it is fantastic!
- Please visit https://github.com/doublechaintech/daas-start-kit and save model.xml to a model name like product.xml to generate source code and deploy your project locally.