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Getting Started with DreamFactory

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Configuring Your Development Environment

The Following Instructions are based on an installation in an Ubuntu Virtual Machine, but this project can be run in any 64bit OS

Installing Hugo

We'll use a Vagrant Ubuntu 18.04 VM to run the book website locally:

$ vagrant init hashicorp/bionic64

Next, open Vagrantfile and open guest port 1313, pointing it to the host port of 8080 (or any other open port): "forwarded_port", guest: 1313, host: 8080

Now start the VM:

$ vagrant up

Next, install the extended version of Hugo. This is important. Go here and find the download that looks like hugo_extended_0.83.1_Linux-64bit.tar.gz. Of course the version number will be different, but the string extended should be in the file name, and you should download the Linux version.

$ vagrant ssh
$ sudo apt update

Next, download the latest extended version of Hugo from here. Save this to the virtual machine shared volume. Then ssh into your vm, create a hugo directory mkdir hugo, move the file there, and extract it using:

tar -xf hugo_extended_0.82.0_Linux-64bit.tar.gz

Then install Hugo to your /usr/bin directory:

sudo install hugo /usr/bin

You should see the +extended suffix when checking the version with:

hugo version
hugo v0.83.1-5AFE0A57+extended linux/amd64 BuildDate=2021-05-02T14:38:05Z VendorInfo=gohugoio

Regarding node and npm

You will need a Node version above 6 for the required npm packages. An easy way to update is using the n package:

npm cache clean -f
sudo npm install -g n
sudo n stable

Cloning and Booting up the Web Server

Return to your VM home directory and clone the book repository:

git clone

Enter the project directory and get local copies of the project using:

git submodule update --init --recursive

Finally, use npm to install the necessary packages:

sudo npm install -D autoprefixer
sudo npm install -D postcss-cli
sudo npm install -D postcss

Start the Hugo server using hugo server --bind and go to http://localhost:8080 on your host machine to see the site.

DreamFactory Styling:

The scss variables can be changed in assets/scss/_variables_project.scss.

  • Primary Color: $primary: #6666CC;
  • Tip Success Color: $success: #41BA83;
  • Tip Warning Color: $warning: #E7C000;
  • Tip Danger Color $danger: #CC0202;

The font is lato:

$google_font_name: "Lato";
$google_font_family: "Lato:300,300i,400,400i,700,700i";


  • Favicons are located in static/favicons


  • Changes can be made in the partials folder themes/docsy/layouts/partials/footer.html


  • The homepage is in _index.html, located in the root of the content/en directory. You can use the following layout to structure your page:
/// Hero Section (Full View Height)
{{< blocks/cover title="Main Title" height="full" color="<color></color>" >}}
html here
{{< /blocks/cover >}}

{{% blocks/lead color="primary" %}}
 // Information Blurb
{{% /blocks/lead %}}

{{< blocks/section color="dark" >}}
{{% blocks/feature title="<Title>" %}}
 // Left Third Content
{{% /blocks/feature %}}

{{% blocks/feature icon="<font awesome icon>" title="<title>" url="<url>" %}}
 // Center Third Content
{{% /blocks/feature %}}

{{% blocks/feature icon="<font awesome icon>" title="<title>" url="<url>" %}}
// Right Third Content
{{% /blocks/feature %}}

{{< /blocks/section >}}


  • Images should be stored in the static folder, and then can be called from the path after that. For example: <img src=“/images/02/lb-ha-diagram.png” width=“800”>

  • Note the homepage background image defaults to a darker gradient being applied to the image. This can be removed by deleting the td-overlay--dark class from cover.html

Internal Links

  • Use the automatically generated slugs when linking to other pages: [Chapter 1. Introducing REST and DreamFactory](./introducing-rest-and-dreamfactory/) Slugs are hyphonated lowercase versions of the folder names.

Linking to the gihub repository

  • Make changes in the config.toml file git github_repo (docs repo) and github_project_repo (dreamfactory itself)


  • Logos need to be in svg format and saved to themes/docsy/assets/icons. Note that you will most likely need to play around with the height, width, and viewbox in the <svg> tag in the inspector until you have something thats fits nicely.

Making Alerts

{{< alert >}}This is an alert.{{< /alert >}}
{{< alert title="Note" >}}This is an alert with a title.{{< /alert >}}
{{% alert title="Note" %}}This is an alert with a title and **Markdown**.{{% /alert %}}
{{< alert color="success" >}}This is a successful alert.{{< /alert >}}
{{< alert color="warning" >}}This is a warning.{{< /alert >}}
{{< alert color="warning" title="Warning" >}}This is a warning with a title.{{< /alert >}}

Navbar Changes

  • Navbar changes (internal links)can be made by going to the relevant root file (eg content/en/about) and adding a title and linkTitle.
title: Getting Started With DreamFactory
linkTitle: Home
    weight: 10

weight corresponds to the order of tabs from the left.

  • External hyperlinks can be added to the navbar by adding the following in the config.toml file
    name = "<title of link>"
    weight = 50 
    url = "https://<site>"
    pre = "<i class='fas fa-link'></i>"

pre will show on the left of the link, post will show on the right of the link

  • The default navbar setting on the homepage is to match the background color until you scroll down 1 viewport, this can be removed by deleting the td-navbar-cover class from navbar.html

Hosting on Netlify

  • On netlify, after choosing "New site from Git" and selecting your repo, you will need to apply the following deploy settings:
  1. The build command should specify cd themes/docsy && git submodule update -f --init && cd ../.. && hugo
  2. In advanced build settings you will need two new variables:
HUGO_ENV production
  • Make sure that your package.json has the following dependencies in it:
"devDependencies": {
    "autoprefixer": "^9.8.6",
    "postcss-cli": "^8.0.0",
    "postcss": "^8.0.0"

postcss and postcss-cli should be set to versions 8 or higher.


As you run the website locally, you may run into the following error:

➜ hugo server

INFO 2021/01/21 21:07:55 Using config file: 
Building sites … INFO 2021/01/21 21:07:55 syncing static files to /
Built in 288 ms
Error: Error building site: TOCSS: failed to transform "scss/main.scss" (text/x-scss): resource "scss/scss/main.scss_9fadf33d895a46083cdd64396b57ef68" not found in file cache

This error occurs if you have not installed the extended version of Hugo.