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executable file
270 lines (205 loc) · 6.97 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
270 lines (205 loc) · 6.97 KB

Vim Commands

This document aims to highlight useful standard vim commands.

Useful link:

Text Manipulation and Navigation

The main usage of vim is EDITING files. This section details ways to navigate around text objects windows and documents and basic manipulation.


Words, Lines, and Characters

  • b - Previous Word
  • w - Next Word
  • ge - End of Previous Word
  • e - End of Next Word
  • 0 - Start of Line
  • ^ - Start of Line (after whitespace)
  • $ - End of Line
  • fx- Go forward to Character x
  • Fx - Go previous to Character x

Window and Document

  • gg - First Line
  • G - Last Line
  • :4 - Go to Line 4
  • zz - Centre the Window at this line
  • zt - Move this Window with this line at the top
  • zb - Move this Window with this line at the bottom
  • H - Move to top opf screen
  • M - Move to middle of screen
  • L - Move to bottom of screen
  • <C-b> - Move back one full screen
  • <C-f> - Move forward one full screen
  • <C-d> - Move forward 1/2 screen
  • <C-u> - Move back (up) 1/2 screen


  • % - Nearest/matching {[()]}
  • [(, [{, [< - Previous bracket
  • ]), ]}, ]> - Next bracket
  • [m - Previous method start
  • [M - Next method start


Jumps and Movements

  • <C-O> - Go to previous jump
  • <C-I> Go to next jump
  • gf - Go to file in cursor
  • ; - repeat movement forward
  • ,- repeqte movement backwards

Markers / Bookmarks

Reference: Using Marks

  • mx - Set mark, where *x * can be any character
  • \x` - Go to mark, where *x * can be any character
  • \]'` - jump to next line with a lowercase mark
  • [' - jump to previous line with a lowercase mark
  • `]`` - jump to next lowercase mark
  • `[`` - jump to previous lowercase mark
  • :delmarks x - Delete Mark

Text Objects

Objects can be modified by 3 keys – the first being the operator (such as c for change), the second being the method (such as i for inner), and the last being the text object (such as w for word). So caw would be change around word.


  • c - Change
  • d - Delete
  • v - Visual
  • y - Yank


  • a - Around; include whitespace/newline
  • i - Inner; inside object only

Text Objects

  • p - Paragraph
  • w- Word
  • s - Sentence [, (, {, <A - [], (), or {} block
  • ', " - A quoted string
  • tA - XML tag block

Inserting and Editing


  • a - Append
  • A - Append from end of line
  • i - Insert
  • o - Insert above line
  • O - Insert below line
  • s - Delete char and insert
  • S - Delete line and insert
  • C Delete until end of line and insert
  • r - Replace one character
  • R - Enter Replace mode
  • u - Undo Changes
  • <C-R - Redo changes

Visual Block

  • Use Ctrl+V to enter visual block mode
  • Move Up/Downto select the columns of text in the lines you want to comment.
  • Then either:
    • <S-i> - Insert
    • c - Change
  • Then hit Esc, wait 1 second and the inserted text will appear on every line.

Searching and Replacing


  • /{REGEX}
    • ctrl-g - go to next found
    • ctrl-t - go to previous
    • ctrl-p - previous search (history-1)
    • ctrl-n - next search (history+1)

Code Folding

  • zo - Open fold /zO Open fold recursively
  • zc - Close fold /zC Close fold recursively
  • za - Toggle fold
  • zM - Close all folds
  • zR - Open all folds

Files and Buffers

On top of editing singular files we can use Vim to organise files in tabs. We can create new files (via buffers) and


File navigation is done with netrw: :Explore, :Sexplore,:Vexplore, Texplore.

And within netrw, we'll want to manipulate the files:

  • <C-r> - Open directory/file
  • <del> - Delete file
  • <C-l> - Refresh directory
  • d - CREATE a directory
  • % - CREATE a new file
  • D - DELETE a file/firectory
  • p - PREVIEW a file
  • R - RENAME a file or directory
  • o - OPEN file/directory in HORIZONTAL split
  • v - OPEN file/direxctory in VERTICAL split
  • x - OPEN file in system file editor (useful for binary files, for example)
  • gn - CHANGE root directory
  • - - CHANGE directory to parent

See for an exhaustive list

Copying Files

  1. mt - mark destination directory
  2. mf - mark file
  3. mc - perform copy


  • <C-o> - Go to previous buffer (jump)
  • <C-i> - Go to next buffer (jump) if set
  • :tabnew - New buffer in tab
  • :new - New buffer in horizontal split
  • :Vnew - New buffer in vertical split


Mode-specific usage



  • :%s/A/B/g - sub whole file
  • :s/A/B/g - sub
  • :& - Repeats last substitution but resets the flags. Also works with just :s.
  • :&& - Repeat last substitution with the same flags.
  • :%& - Repeat last substitution on entire file, reset flags.
  • :%&& - Repeat last substitution on entire file, keep flags.


  • gv - Go to previous visual block (via normal mode)
  • <C-<> - Indent Left
  • <C->> - Indent Right
  • <C-=> - Auto Indent

Windows, Splits and Tabs



  • <C-w>= - equal size
  • <C-w>> - increase v size
  • <C-w>< - decrease v size
  • <C-w>+ - increase h size
  • <C-w>- - decrease h size
  • <C-w>K or <C-w> J - move splits left/right
  • <C-w><Bar> - enlarge current pane


  • gt - Go to next tab
  • gT - Go to previous tab
  • 3gt - Go the third tab


  • <S-k> - Jump to help for vim symbol


Diff two files with vim

  • ]c : - next difference
  • [c : - previous difference
  • do - diff obtain
  • dp - diff put
  • zo - open folded text
  • zc - close folded text
  • :diffupdate - re-scan the files for differences