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Built with C++ GitHub release Platforms

Beer Game 🍻

Table of Contents

About the Project

The beer game is an online game intended for students to better understand how supply chain works in a real world situation, applying the theory learned in class and practicing decision making. Therefore it is a functional type of game. This project simulates the way beer is being ordered and delivered from production and factory, going to distributor, then wholesaler and then to retailer and consumer. Each of these stages can be played by the students who, order enough beer stock in the position they hold, taking into consideration shipment times, delays, backorders, inventory such that, every partner in this chain doesn’t suffer any losses.

Built with

Packages to check test coverage

Submitted by:

Drishti Maharjan -
Ivan Kabadzhov -

Getting started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. What things you need to install the software:


  • Qt5 SDK

  • GTest


Clone the repo

git clone

Run the app

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

Run the tests

cd build
cmake ..

You have to set your Qt location in CMakeLists if it doesn't work via set(CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH PATH_TO_QT)

and to see the generated docs after running make, check directory build/doc/html, and open index.html in web broswer.

Check Test Coverage

Current CMakeLists.Txt (in outermost directory) has test coverage enabled. So, after you compile and run the executable build/test/beergame-tests , type these commands in build directory:

lcov --capture --directory . --output-file
genhtml -o html
cd html

Then, you can see the generated test coverage report inside build/html. Open index.html in a browser to check the report.

Current UI Guide

To play the game, follow this guide step by step:

1. Login as Instructor:

  • Credentials For Instructor:

    User Email : test
    Password   : 1234
    Instructor : ✅ (True)

2. Set Game Settings:

  • Set your game parameters. If you want to use default values, click on 'Reset Defaults'. All your parameters should be valid according to game rule, or you will get warning messages.
  • Click on 'Create Game Server'
  • Set your local host address and any port you wish to listen to.
  • Click on 'Start Server'. Meanwhile, run another 4 executables (for Players) as instructed below.
  • If you click on 'Stop Server', all server connections will closed, and you have to restart the executable to connect to a server. So, don't click stop until you are finished with the game.

3. Player Login:

  • Credentials For Player:

    User Email : player
    Password   : 1234
    Player     : ✅ (True)

3. Player connect to server

  • In order to join the game created by the instructor, set up the same address and port as created by the instructor.
  • Click on 'Request Connection'
  • Click on any role you want to play. You can't start the game unless 4 players have joined the game server. So, do the same for other 3 players.
  • No duplicate role is allowed. After 4 unique role players have joined, all players will be directed to game screen.

4. Game-play

  • Enter orders (valid input: positive integer) of players in any order.
  • You can't send another order until all players have sent orders for the current round
  • After all rounds end, all players get the "Game Over" message and the server-clients are disconnected.
  • Make Sure you don't disconnect from the server and any of the player doesn't leave the game in between. This is a 4 player mode game, so if any of the players/ server disconnects, game connection is closed.

5. Multiple game sessions

  • 4 players can play the game at one server. For multiple games, follow the steps above (1-4) with a different server (host and port) as different executables.

Screenshot of running game mode

Game Screenshot


Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.

  1. Fork the Project
  2. Create your Feature Branch (git checkout -b feature/Feature_Name)
  3. Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'Add some Feature_Name)
  4. Push to the Branch (git push origin feature/Feature_Name)
  5. Open a Pull Request

Potential Areas to Contribute

While there could be many areas where you could contribute, some of the potential areas to improve the game functionality could be:

  • Adding computer players to run the game when there are not enough human players in the game
  • Connecting log-in/sign-up features with databases
  • More customization for the instructor, for e.g., with demand model