PDO Conversion progress Total todo: ~2700. Done: ~1825
Most queries have been semi-automatically converted, and should be fine. The
original queries are still in the code, prefixed by //DB
The big things to look for:
- is $DBH declared as global if the calls are inside a function?
- if the variable is a complex array reference, like $A[$B[1]], the autoconversion might not have worked.
- if a query is done in a loop, ideally it only will be "prepared" once
- variables should not have "addslashes" applied before insert - that's handled automatically.
- nor should stripslashes be necessary. The auto-escaping of request variables in config.php will be removed.
Here is a list of files that have been worked on. Files prefixed with "C" have been converted. Files prefixed with "0" did not contain any queries, and can be skipped over.
Once a file has been reviewed, please change the C to R.
TODO: Look for branched query declaration, like
$query = "SELECT id FROM table WHERE A=:A"
if ($cond==true) {
$query .= " AND B=:B"
$stm = $DBH->prepare($query);
$stm->execute(array(":A"=>$A, ":B"=>$B));
Apparently including more variables in the execute than are used in the query will cause an error. I'm pretty sure I did that a few times, and those will need to be fixed.
TODO: Error handling / exception catching
/ done
R actions 39
R bltilaunch 117
R calcqtimes 10
0 canvas 0
0 canvasnav 0
0 checkbrowser 0
config.dist recheck
R dbsetup 63 check against config and install when Done
R DEembedq 3
R directaccess 8
R embedq 1
R footer 1
R forms 12
R gethomemenu 2
R getpostlist 6
getxml no longer relevant- should be removed
google-postreader no longer relevant- should be removed
0 header 0
0 help 0
R index 12
0 infoheader.dist
R install 1
R installexamples 3
0 loginpage.dist
R ltihome 30
0 ltisessionsetup
0 multiembedq
R newinstructor.dist 4
R OEAembedq 3
C showlinkedtextpublic 5
C upgrade 237
R validate 26
/admin done
C actions 120
C admin 5
C approvepending 7
C ccexport 13
C diagonetime 6
C diagsetup 6
C export 7
C exportitems 17
C exportlib 7
C externaltools 5
C forms 19
C hidefromcourselist 1
C import 16
C importitems 24
C importlib 18
C importstu 4
C jsonexport 3
C ltioutcomeservice 6
C pushoutchg 7
C unhidefromcourselist 2
/assessment done
0 asidutil
C catscores 4
0 checkint
C displayq2 5
0 header
C interpret5 2
0 macros
0 mathphp2
C printtest 5
0 showsoln
C showtest 60
C testutil 4
0 watchvid
R catscores 4
/libs done
0 all
R addassessment 24
R addblock 5
R addcalendar 6
R adddrillassess 14
C addforum 19
R addgrades 26
R addinlinetext 17
R addlinkedtext 13
R addoutcomes 12
R addquestions 29
R addquestionssave 3
R addrubric 4
R addvideotimes 3
R addwiki 9
R assessendmsg 2
R categorize 8
R chgassessments 11
R chgblocks 3
C chgforums 7
R chgoffline 6
R claimbadge 3
R contentstats 3
C copyitems 41
C copyoneitem 6
C course 12
0 coursereports
C courseshowitems 27
C coursetolibrary 2
C definebadges 9
C deleteassessment 9
C deleteblock 5
C deletedrillassess 7
C deleteforum 11
C deleteinlinetext 9
C deletelinkedtext 9
C deletewiki 8
C delitembyid 24
C drillassess 8
C edittoolscores 11
0 embedhelper
C enrollfromothercourse 4
C exception 13
C gb-aidexport 5
C gb-aidexport 4
C gb-itemanalysis 7
C gb-itemanalysisdetail 4
C gb-itemresults 4
R gb-testing 1
C gb-viewasid 38
R gb-viewdrill 2
C gbcomments 5
C gbsettings 13
gbtable.php old and not used - remove
C gbtable2.php 17
C getblockitems 6
C getblockitemspublic 1
C gradeallq 9
C gradebook 17
C improveoerassess 3
C isolateassessbygroup 6
C isolateassessgrade 7
C latepasses 6
C libtree 1
C libtree2 1
C listusers 27
C lockstu 5
C logingrid 2
C managecalitems 4
C managelibs 35
C manageqset 60
C managestugrps 44
C managetutors 9
C masschgdates 15
C massexeption 16
C masssend 11
C mergeassess 16
C moddataset 36
C modquestion 8
C modquestiongrid 11
C modtutorialq 24
C outcomemap 8
C outcomereport 3
C outcometable 11
C printlayout 6
C printlayoutbare 4
C printlayoutword 4
0 printtest
C public 1
C quickdrill 2
C rectrack 3
C redeemlatepass 16
C redeemlatepassforum 13
C report-weeklylab 4
C reviewlibrary 22
C savebrokenqflag 4
C savelibassignflag 1
C savequickreorder 4
C savemsgmodal 5
C showcalendar 1
C showlicense 1
C showlinkedtext 3
C showlinkedtextpublic 3
C showstugroup 1
C testquestion 2
C timeshift 11
C treereader 11
C unenroll 9
C uploadgrades 3
C uploadmultgrades 8
C verifybadge 9
C viewactionlog 9
C viewemails 1
C viewforumgraph 8
C viewgrade 1
C viewloginlog 2
C viewsource 1
/diag done
C index 18
/filter done
0 filter
C post 3
0 blti_util
0 all
0 all
0 all
/forums done
R forums 7
R listlikes 2
R listviews 2
R newthreads 6
R posthandler 53
R posts 22
R postsbyname 11
R recordlikes 5
R savetagged 2
R thread 25
/includes done
C calendardisp 11
C copyiteminc 63 complex logic changes
0 DEutil
0 diff
C filehandler 4 several hand-santized weird queries
0 htmlawed
0 htmlutil
C ltiauthstore 5
C ltioutcomes 5
0 OAuth
0 parsedatetime
0 password
0 rubric
0 S3
C stugroups 18
0 tar.class
C unenroll 30 many hand-santized for simplicity
C updateassess 4
0 userpics
/mathchat should probably remove - obsolete
/msgs done need to check userid on a lot of mark unread/read/etc actions
C allstumsgslist 6
C msghistory 5
C msglist 32 lots of redundant code in here
C newmsglist 6
C savetagged 1
C sentlist 10
C viewmsg 10
/util done
C blocksearch 1
C getqcnt 7
C getstucnt 8 all using safe values
C getstucntdet 2
C itemsearch 1
C listdeprecated 1
C listextref 1
C listwronglibs 1
C makeconditional 4
C mergescores 6
C mergestus 4
C mergeteachers 18
C replacevids 6
C rescoreassess 4
C rescuecourse 4
C updatedeprecated 3
C updateextref 3
C updatewronglibs 1
C utils 9
/wikis done
C editwiki 8
C viewwiki 16
C viewwikipublic 4
C wikirev 2
main page.
chg userinfo
admin listing. show group. show instructor's courses.
add course (no copy).
add course (template: gbcats and outcomes come through)
add/remove teacher
edit groups
LTI provider creds
edit diagnostic
generate one-time passwords
Add new admin
delete course: safe and true.
add assessment.
Add questions: select from libraries, other assessments.
remove question.
rearrange question.
change question settings
add set
clear assess atempts
categorize q's
end msg
video cues
oriignal printtest
add inlinetext
add linkedtext (file, page of text)
view linkedtext item
delete linked text with file
add wiki
view. edit. edit again. view revision history. clear history. current version snapshot
add drill.
Add question to drill
Open drill
add forum. modify
add a block
show block content: expand, folder, treereader
delete block
single item copy (assessment)
course page pulldown reorder
quick view, rearrange, edit, save
show calendar
manage events:add, delete
show Roster
login log
activity log
login grid
assign section/code
manage tutors
enroll from another course
enroll known. create new stu.
import stu from file
lock (link and button)
copy emails
manage latepasses - assign latepasses
show Gradebook
single stu gradebook
view assessment, change score. clearq. clear scores. clear attempt. Change score for group.
individual assess exception
Edit offline in place
edit one offline grade
send message (modal)
add offline grade
edit grade one stu
manage offline: change and delete
gb settings. view and categories
mass exception:
set, clear. require redo q
set, clear forum exception
Unenroll all
set GB comment
print report
isolate assess. isolate by group
item analysis page item breakdown grade one q for all: view, score. One-at-a-time. summary of assessment results assessment results export content stats page weeklylab report Groups: create groupset. rename. copy. delete. Add stu to group. remove from group Add stu to group: assessment copies pre-create groups. Student starts, copies made for all members. change grade for all. For one. remove one stu from group - future actions unlinked
create outcomes
outcome map
view outcome report. Export to CSV
Manage Questions
search by term all libs
search id=
search mine only
mark wrong libs. mark broken
transfer one, group
Library Assignment
Change rights
delete one, group
change license
list library
Manage Libraries
Add library. modify.
change parent
change rights
delete ** test question handling on delete
CC export
imathas export
export OEA JSON
Mass chg assessment
basic change with a couple items
Mass chg forums
Mass change Blocks
Mass Chg dates
time shift
Main message inbox
Add new message
View message
View conversation
Flag. Limit to flagged.
mark unread.
mark read.
filter by course. by recipient
Use question in message
Sent messages. filter by course. by recipient
New messages
Display assessment
Print Version
Edit question. Add new question
test question
Add image, template question with image. delete question w image
Tutorial style editor, Add and edit
copy course items
copy block of items (all types)
copy whole course
copy offline. copy outcomes
copy calendar items
import items (basic)
Take assessment as student (no group)
view category summary at end
embedded display
message instructor about question
post question to forum
Take assessment as student (group)
Add self to group
Add another stu to group (copies assessment, inc if already has attempt (ins and upd actions))
Manage groups:
Add student to existing group, copies assessment
Take drill as student
view drill scores
Hide/unhide course from course list
Review library
Tree reader
lookup. approvepending. stucnt, detstucnt. replace youtube vids.
emulate user. list/update extref. list wronglibs
Edit rubrics
use rubric
External tools:
Add, edit, delete.
Launch external tool
Export libraries
Import libraries
Listing page
enter diag, take diag, view score
Redeem latepass. Un-use latepass
embedq, OEAembedq
Quickdrill generator. Run quickdrill
Direct access:
existing student
existing account
create new account and enroll
Launch (ltiorgname didn't display - possible $SESSION issue? But OK in DB)
Instructor: require login
Student: create account
New instructor, trigger course copy
LTI home:
No place_aid launch: Make placement, change placement
place_aid launch to assessment
grade returns
global key launch
Remove mathchat and all references
Fresh install, dbsetup.
Don't throw exception on redo query
Actual upgrade path rewrites untested
main forum list view
search by thread, by post
new threads list
mark all read
forum thread list
search, search all forums
flag post
limit to flagged
move to different forum
move to be a reply
remove thread
mark all read
list thread views
filter by group
filter by category
View post
mark unread
assign score, change score
Mark unread
like post
view likes
List posts by name
change scores
mark all read
Add thread
modify post
post reply
group thread
thread with file, delete
post with category
guest login
autoenroll in guest access courses
enroll in self-study course
TO TEST: external tool consumer outcome service (need live)
convert specialty MOM/WAMAP pages, like flashcards