209 typefaces listed here.
- 0xProto
A rather neat and fun monospace font with lots of features to differentiate the letters.
- Includes a feature called Texture Healing, where characters like "m" and "w" can grow if the characters next to them can shrink.
- 3270font Based on the archetypal IBM 3270 mainframe terminal. Goes great with cool-retro-term.
- A+ an APL font
- Aardvark Fixed a mix of Iosevka, Misc Fixed 6x13, and Office Code Pro
- Acevedo
- Agave
- Alto Mono
damieng's bitmap font, based on the Xerox Alto, an early GUI workstation from 1973
- Notes: not related to Thiemich's paid Alto Mono
- Amazon Ember Mono
a variant of Amazon's corporate typeface. To get Amazon Ember
Mono, download the font bundle. One of the files in the .zip file
; you will find Amazon Ember Mono there. - Anka/Coder
- Anomaly Mono a cute monospace font with a retro-futuristic segmented-LED vibe
- Anonymous Pro
- Another Man's Treasure the TRS-80 font family
- APL2741
- APL385 slight Comic Sans vibe - use APL386 instead
- APL386 slight Comic Sans vibe - based on APL385
- Arev derived from Deja Vu Sans Mono
- Astigmata Developer Jason Knight needed a custom font for his deteriorating vision before cataract surgery, and he created one.
- Atarist
- AudioLink Mono and AudioLink Console
- Aurulent Sans Mono
- Basically A Mono This is basically a geometric sans-serif monospace font.
- Binchotan
- Bizcat A thick bitmap coding font.
- Bmono A custom build of Iosevka with some simplified symbols.
- Borg Sans Mono Droid Sans Mono with ligatures and slashed zero
- BPmono
- BPtypewrite
- Brass Mono "A free retro monospaced font inspired by 20th century electrical and mechanical design"
- Brutalist Mono derived from Deja Vu Sans Mono
- Camingo Code
- Canton Typewriter Bitmap a coding-friendly Latin-1 font inspired by Caxton
- Cascadia Code A fun coding font with a cursive italic, From Microsoft, the default font in Windows Terminal and now Visual Studio Code.
- Chivo Mono you probably want the Nerd Font linked from therein.
- Classic Console Neue
- Notes: 8x16 bitmap IBM style font
- Code New Roman
- Comic Mono
if you like Comic Sans
- Notes: forked from comic shaans
- Commit Mono A coding font designed for familiarity and neutrality. Has a "Smart Kerning" feature, similar to 0xProto's "Texture Healing".
- Consola Mono
- Conta
- Corbi Mono S Libertinus Mono with a slashed zero by default
- Courier
- Variants:
- Courier Code based on Bitstream Courier 10 Pitch v2.0
- Courier Prime includes Courier Prime Code, a sans-serif with coding features
- OG Courier work in progress. Based on IBM's Type 1 version of Courier donated to X Consortium, with coding features.
- Variants:
- Cousine
- Cozette
- CP Mono
- Creep
- Creep2
- D2 Coding based on Nanum Barun Coding
- DaddyTimeMono
- Dave
- DEC Terminal Modern
- Deferral work in progress
- Deja Vu Sans Code derived from Deja Vu Sans Mono
- Deja Vu Sans Mono
- Notes: based on Bitstream Vera Fonts
- Departure Mono
- Dina Bitmap
- Dina Font TTF
- Drafting* Mono
- Droid Sans Mono
- DSE Typewriter an old-timey monospace typeface you might use for coding
- DSE Typewriter Bitmap an old-timey bitmap monospace typeface you might use for coding
- Edlo
- Envy Code B
- Envy Code R
- Everson Mono shareware
- Fairfax bitmap font, huge Unicode repertoire
- Fairfax HD scalable vector font, huge Unicode repertoire
- Fairfax Serif
- Fantasque Sans Mono
if you like Comic Sans and are not a hater
- Notes: f/k/a Cosmic Sans Neue Mono
- Fifteen see also Quinze
- Fira Code has ligatures
- Fira Cousine Cousine + Fira Code's punct marks and ligatures
- Fira Flott Operator Mono alternative based on FiraCode and FlottFlott
- Fira Mono from mozilla
- Fixedsys Excelsior
- Flexi IBM VGA scalable version of IBM VGA font
- fn0t
- Fragment Mono based on URW Nimbus Sans, a Helvetica clone
- FS Regulate
- Geist includes a mono variant
- Generic Mono II
- Gintronic
- Glass TTY This VT220 font also pairs quite well with cool-retro-term.
- GNU Unifont A bitmap font with quite extensive Unicode coverage.
- Go Mono
- Gohu
- Google Sans Mono a/k/a Product Sans Mono
- Grid15 work in progress
- Hack derived from Deja Vu Sans Mono
- Hasklig adds ligatures to Deja Vu derived typeface Hack
- Haskplex Hasklig + IBM Plex Mono
- Hera Mono mixture of glyphs from other monospace fonts
- Hermit
- IBM Fonts IBM system fonts in BDF format, derived from the PX Plus fonts
- IBM Plex
IBM's new corporate typeface. IBM Plex Mono is included.
- Variants:
- iA Writer Mono
- Perplexed - fork of IBM Plex Mono with Powerline glyphs
- Terminex [free] derived from IBM Plex Mono
- Variants:
- Illinois Mono based on an interesting project called Lexend
- Illusion [japanese]
- Inconsolata
Heavily inspired by Letter Gothic.
- Variants:
- Inconsolata Light
- Inconsolata-g, Inconsolata with some changes
- Inconsolata-dz, another altered Inconsolata
- Inconsolata Go, Inconsolata author's alteration with straight quotes
- Inconsolata LGC - adds Cyrillic alphabet
- Variants:
- Input Mono personal use free, public-facing use paid
- Intel One Mono Intel is no exception to the "every company needs a custom font now" rule. This one gives off a line printer vibe.
- Iosevka
- Variants:
- Jetbrains Mono
- Jozsika a customized version of Iosevka
- Julia Mono
- jxyahei
- Karen
- Kode Mono
- Lab Mono
- Lavender
- League Mono
- Lekton Code
- Letter Gothic Code
- Liberation Mono
- Lilex
- Linux Console Fonts for Windows in .TTF and .FON
- Linux Libertine includes a mono variant
- LispM
- Lotion
- Luculent
- Luxi Mono (download link on that page)
- LVC Mono a variant of IBM Plex Mono
- M+ Fonts
- Maple Font
- Menlo
- Mensch [pay what you want]
- Meslo Menlo (derived from Deja Vu) with some tweaks
- Metrickal
- Meyrin CERN
- Miracode
- Notes:
- vectorized version of Monocraft, the Minecraft font
- github
- Notes:
- mnicmp based on the 7-pin DECwriter II printer
- Monaspace superfamily
- Monego monaco with bold and italic variants
- Monocraft do you like Minecraft?
- Monoid
- Mononoki
- MonoOne
- MonteCarlo (programmer font)
- Nanum Gothic Coding
- Native paid typeface with a freely available regular weight
- Natural Mono based on Noto Mono, with modified versions of the lower case I and L.
- Necto Mono
- Neomatrix Code
- New Heterodox Mono
- NK57 Monospace
- Noto Fonts includes Noto Sans Mono
- Nova Mono
- Ocodo Mono early work in progress
- OCR A Extended
- Office Code Pro
derived from Source Code Pro
- Variants:
- Relaxed Typing Mono JP
- derived from Source Code Pro and Noto Sans JP.
- No significant changes other than mixing.
- Relaxed Typing Mono JP
- Variants:
- Old School PC Fonts
- Notes: from which is derived IBM Fonts
- OpenGenera fonts
- Notes:
look in the
- url_2
- Notes:
look in the
- Openstep Mono
- Overpass
- Oxygen Mono
- Pet Me the Commodore VIC-20, C64, and C128 font family
- Perfect DOS VGA fonts includes Less Perfect, More Perfect, and Perfect
- Pixel Carnage
- Pointfree if you like Comic Sans and are not a hater
- Print Char 21 and PR Number 3 the Apple II fonts
- Profont
- Proggy Fonts
includes the following:
- Proggy Crossed
- Proggy Dotted
- Proggy Original
- Proggy Vector
- contributed:
- CG Mono
- Coding Font Tobi
- Crisp
- Dina
- Opti
- Pixel Carnage
- Proggy Opti
- Progsole
- Speedy
- PT Mono
- Quinze see also Fifteen
- Recursive
- Variants:
- Recursive Mono Affine is a different build of Recursive
- Variants:
- Reddit Mono
- Red Hat Mono
- retro fonts [free] - teletext and Atari ST fonts
- Roboto Mono
- romfont collection of PC ROM fonts
- Sarasa Gothic Mono derived from Source Han Sans and Iosevka
- SAX2 APL font
- Selectric
- Serious Shaans if you like Comic Sans
- Server Mono
- SF Mono [free]
- SGI Screen
if this is a Unix system and you know this
- Variants:
- Share Tech Mono
- Sometype Mono
- Sono
- Source Code Pro from adobe
- Space Mono
- Spleen
- Spline Sans Mono
- String Literal 437
- Sudo
- Sun Gallant Demi
- Tamsyn bitmap-only
- Tamzen tamsyn in ttf, other formats
- Terminus
- Termsyn based on Terminus and Tamsyn/Tamzen
- ti92plus
TI92PLUSPC.TTF with encoding fixes
- Notes: based on Ti92Pluspc
- Triskweline
- TT2020
- Ubuntu Monospace
- Unix-originated terminal fonts for Windows Includes some of the X fonts and some VGA fonts. Also apparently includes VT330?
- Unix PC 3B1
- VCR OSD Mono
- Verily Serif Mono
- Victor Mono
- VT323
- WenQuanYi Black [chinese]
- Whois Mono
- Writer
- Wumpus Mono
- X11 Fonts
among which are some good bitmap coding fonts:
- Adobe Courier
- B&H Lucida Typewriter
- Bitstream Terminal
- DEC Terminal
- Misc Fixed
- Sony Fixed
- Type 1 of Bitstream Courier
- Zed Mono based on Iosevka
- Zevv Peep
53 typefaces listed here.
- 1403 Vintage Mono line printer inspired
- 64-SRC
- Adapter Mono
- Adelle Mono
- Arnold
- Array Mono
- Autocode
- Autoscape
- Azo Mono
- Ballinger Mono
- Berkeley Mono OCR-B inspired
- Best Choice
- Calling Code
- Cartograph CF
- Code Saver
- Codelia
- Codename Coder 4F
- Comic Code
- Covik Sans Mono
- Cubiculum
- Dank Mono
- Debugger
- Degular Mono
- Dico
- Eco Coding
- Ellograph
- Fakt Mono
- GT Maru Mono
- Graebenbach
- Karl Mono
- Lab Grotesque Mono
- Logic Monospace
- Lucida Console [but shipped with windows]
- MD System Mono
- Matter Mono
- Monolisa
- Montris Mono
- NT Bau Mono
- Native [regular weight is free]
- Operator Mono
- Panel Mono
- Pentameter
- Pragmata Pro
- Resolution
- Senpai Coder
- Simplon Mono
- System85
- TheSansMono used in some O'Reilly & Associates books
- Triplicate includes a coding variant
- Vivala Code
- Xanti Mono
- Zeitung Mono