- This project is a modification of this project: https://randomnerdtutorials.com/esp-now-two-way-communication-esp32/
- This project is a example of making a TWO-WAY COMMUNICATION using the ESP-NOW protocol, using TWO ESP32 boards.
- NodeMCU ESP32 boards - x2
- ZS-042 RTC module (with the DS3231 RTC) - x1
- BMP280 sensor module (temperature and air pressure) - x1
: Sketch uploaded to the first ESP32 module.- Receives the data of temperature and pressure from Module 2.
- Sends to module 2 the data os date, time and temperature (read on the RTC module).
: Sketch uploaded to the second ESP32 module.- Receives the data of date, time and temperature from module 1.
- Sends to module 1 the data of temperature and air pressure (read on the BMP280 module).