DeePMD-kit provides pre-compiled C library package (libdeepmd_c.tar.gz
) in each release. It can be used to build the LAMMPS plugin and GROMACS patch, as well as many third-party software packages, without building TensorFlow and DeePMD-kit on one's own.
The library is built in Linux (GLIBC 2.17) with CUDA 11.8. It's noted that this package does not contain CUDA Toolkit and cuDNN, so one needs to download them from the NVIDIA website.
When one installs DeePMD-kit's C++ interface, one can use the CMake argument DEEPMD_C_ROOT
to the path libdeepmd_c
cd $deepmd_source_dir/source
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DDEEPMD_C_ROOT=/path/to/libdeepmd_c -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$deepmd_root ..
make -j8
make install
Then one can follow the manual Install LAMMPS and/or Install GROMACS.