This page aims at referencing here resources and documentation about operating system development with Rust.
Here is a short list of some OS projects in Rust. Feel free to add your own:
- ryanra/RustOS
- LeoTestard/Quasar
- pcmattman/rustic
- pczarn/rustboot
- wbthomason/ironkernel, a fork of rustboot.
- thiagopnts/rustico, yet another tiny 32 bits kernel
- Arcterus/kRnel
- cmr/cmoss, a rather inactive OS project
- mahrz/rv6, a port of xv6 an educational unix clone by MIT (doesn't do much yet, currently inactive)
- eholk/Boot2Rust - A UEFI application written in Rust.
- [uutils/coreutils] ( - coreutils written in Rust.
- [vertexclique/trafo] ( - util-linux written in Rust.
- [hackndev/zinc] ( - bare metal stack for ARM, currently targeting LPC1768 K20, Tiva, and STM32F4.
- mvdnes/element76 - A small i686 kernel
- thepowersgang/rust_os - A very minimal (and incomplete) x86_64 kernel
- thepowersgang/rust-barebones-kernel - An x86_64/x86 barebones kernel, ready for extending (Public Domain)
- [ckkashyap/rustix] ( - Port of xv6 (64bit) to Rust
- nopaniers/Ming - Displays a splash screen on Android emulator, more to come.
Contents to come..