Java Packet Sniffer using pcap4j
This is a simple Java packet sniffer that uses the pcap4j library to promiscuously sniff packets. There is a simple GUI and is also able to export .pcap files.
- libpcap 1.1.1
- WinPcap 4.1.2
- jna 4.5.1
- slf4j-api 1.7.25
- pcap4j 1.7.3
Should be compatible with multiple platforms but has only been tested on Windows 10
Pcap4J needs administrator/root privileges.
Or, if on Linux, you can run Pcap4J with a non-root user by granting capabilities CAP_NET_RAW
to your java command by the following command: setcap cap_net_raw,cap_net_admin=eip /path/to/java
Make sure to include pcap4j-packetfactory-static-1.7.3.jar in the classpath when executing the program. Failure to do so will result in the packets having an unknown type.
WireScope is distributed under the MIT license.