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38 lines (36 loc) · 2.58 KB

File metadata and controls

38 lines (36 loc) · 2.58 KB


Version Changes
24.0.0 spect/vvalue-ref, spect/h → []
23.1.0 internalized deps
23.0.0 v reduced to ref: universal observable value reference (vue3-ref like).
22.0.0 v reduced to simple observable. Removed i, a.
21.4.0 HTM-based h with static caching.
21.3.0 HTM-based h - dropping metaprogramming due to complexity and poor result (~40% faster than HTM-based, but way less reliable).
21.2.0 Metaprogramming-based h algorightm, presumably faster hyperscript algo.
21.0.0 Faster h algorithm, i and a entries.
20.0.0 Stage 3: $ live collections, h caching & templates, v errors & template literals.
19.1.0 Sealed deps on v. Observed dep props.
19.0.0 Reduced API: $, h, v.
18.0.0 Reduced API: $, h, v, o, e.
17.0.0 Removed list. $ now creates live collection. Complete set of v2.0/v8.0-like effects.
16.1.0 Expose get, set, subscribe, next. Make effects return channel or value.
16.0.0 observ/observable-compatible implementation.
15.1.0 ref + channel merged into bus - accessor/channel primitive. symbol.bus and symbol.observable introduced.
15.0.0 Reactive html effect, input, better more optimized core.
14.0.0 $ is considered a selector observer special effect, added the generic effect fx and observables state, calc, ref, store etc.
13.0.0 Repository reset (orphan branch). Minimal selector-observer implementation, single $ entry.
12.0.0 Internalized hooks via augmentor, dropped unihooks dep. Equivalent of hooked-elements.
11.0.0 Aspects single entry with enabled hooks via unihooks.
10.0.0 Web-streams, ReadableStream polyfill.
9.0.0 Effects as asynchronous iterables.
8.0.0 Atomize: split core $ to multiple effects.
7.0.0 Deatomize. Single core approach. Ref-based approach - with $(target).fx().
6.0.0 DOM-less core. Pluggable atomic effects.
5.0.0 Wrapper as aspect argument, along with props for react-compatible API (tape-like). Effect queues. $(sel, ({element, fx, state}) => {})
4.0.0 Functional effects (not methods) API design.
3.0.0 Wrapped elements jquery-like proxy-based API design let $el = $(selector); $el.fx();.
2.0.0 Hooks-like global effects (fx, state etc) API design.
1.0.0 HTM compiler remake with support for anonymous attributes, html-comments and unclosed tags, later xhtm.
0.0.1 jsxify R&D.
0.0.0 Mod framework (Modifiers for DOM).