This is the framework for di-Higgs combination. The latest workspaces to use are documented in HHcomb Twiki.
Current relevant folders are:
|-- scripts
|-- hh_combination_fw
|-- doc
|-- submodules
|-- RooFitExtensions
|-- quickstats
git clone --recursive ssh://
Make sure all folders in submodules are not empty.
### For non-resonant study
HHComb process_channels -i <input> -c <channel> -n nonres --file_expr '<mX[F]>_kl' -o <output> --config <config_file> --tasks modification,limit,significance,likelihood
HHComb combine_channels -i <output> -n nonres --file_expr '<mX[F]>_kl' -c <channel> --config <config_file> --tasks combination,limit,significance,likelihood
### For resonant study
HHComb process_channels -i <input> -c <channel> -n spin0 --file_expr '<mX[F]>' -o <output> --config <config_file> --tasks modification,limit,significance
HHComb combine_channels -i <output> -n spin0 --file_expr '<mX[F]>' -c <channel> --config <config_file> --tasks combination,limit,significance
You need to make sure the workspace with naming scheme defined via file_expr
can be found in <input>/<channel>/{nonres|spin0}
. The file_expr
for non-resonant study could be changed regarding to input format, it should be '<mX[F]>_kl_<klambda[P]>'
if the input file is 0_kl_1p0.root
Attach --unblind
in each command to analyze real data.
To consider correlation among channels, add -s <correlation_scheme>
in the line of HHComb combine_ws
The config file and correlation scheme can be found in ${hh_combination_fw_path}/configs/task_options
and ${hh_combination_fw_path}/configs/correlation_schemes
You can specify the task option in config file to do different kind of scan, for example, you can add following lines to get two extra CLs limits.
- scenario: nominal
- bbbb
- bbtautau
- bbyy
- combination
- scenario: mu_HH_ggF_limit
- bbyy
poi_name: mu_HH_ggF
- scenario: kl_scan
- bbyy
poi_name: mu_HH
param_expr: kl=-10_10_0.1
Usage: HHComb process_channels [OPTIONS]
-i, --input_dir TEXT Path to the input workspaces. [required]
-n, --analysis TEXT Name of analysis (e.g. resonant or non-
resonant). [required]
-c, --channels TEXT analysis channels (separated by commas)
[default: bbbb,bbtautau,bbyy]
-o, --outdir TEXT output directory [default: ./output]
--file_expr TEXT File name expression describing the external parameterisation.
Example: "<mX[F]>_kl_<klambda[P]>"
Refer to documentation for more information [default: <mX[F]>]
--param_expr TEXT Parameter name expression describing the internal parameterisation.
Example: "klambda=-10_10_0.2,k2v=(0, 1)"
Refer to documentation for more information
-f, --filter TEXT Filter parameter points by expression.
Example: "mX=(2*,350,400,450)"
Refer to documentation for more information
-e, --exclude TEXT Exclude parameter points by expression.
Example: "mX=(2*,350,400,450)"
Refer to documentation for more information
--blind / --unblind Perform blind or unblind analysis.
[default: blind]
--config TEXT configuration file for task options
--minimizer_options TEXT configuration file for minimizer options
-t, --tasks TEXT Tasks to perform (separated by commas). Available options:
modification : modify workspaces
limit : upper limit scans
likelihood : likelihood scans
significance : significance scans [default: modification]
--cache / --no-cache Cache existing results. [default: cache]
--parallel INTEGER Parallelize job across the N workers.
Case 0: Jobs are run sequentially (for debugging).
Case -1: Jobs are run across N_CPU workers. [default: -1]
-v, --verbosity [DEBUG|INFO|WARNING|ERROR]
Verbosity level. [default: INFO]
--help Show this message and exit.
Usage: HHComb combine_channels [OPTIONS]
-i, --input_dir TEXT Path to the processed workspaces.
-n, --analysis TEXT Name of analysis (e.g. resonant or non-
resonant). [required]
-c, --channels TEXT Channels to combine (separated by commas).
[default: bbbb,bbtautau,bbyy]
--file_expr TEXT File name expression describing the external parameterisation.
Example: "<mX[F]>_kl_<klambda[P]>"
Refer to documentation for more information [default: <mX[F]>]
--param_expr TEXT Parameter name expression describing the internal parameterisation.
Example: "klambda=-10_10_0.2,k2v=(0, 1)"
Refer to documentation for more information
-f, --filter TEXT Filter parameter points by expression.
Example: "mX=(2*,350,400,450)"
Refer to documentation for more information
-e, --exclude TEXT Exclude parameter points by expression.
Example: "mX=(2*,350,400,450)"
Refer to documentation for more information
-s, --scheme TEXT Configuration file for the correlation
-t, --tag TEXT Pattern for the output name tag.
--blind / --unblind Perform blind or unblind analysis.
[default: blind]
--config TEXT Configuration file (yaml) for task options.
--minimizer_options TEXT configuration file (json) for minimizer
-t, --tasks TEXT Tasks to perform (separated by commas). Available options:
combination : combine workspaces
limit : upper limit scans
likelihood : likelihood scans
significance : significance scans [default: combination]
--cache / --no-cache Cache existing results. [default: cache]
--parallel INTEGER Parallelize job across the N workers.
Case 0: Jobs are run sequentially (for debugging).
Case -1: Jobs are run across N_CPU workers. [default: -1]
-v, --verbosity [DEBUG|INFO|WARNING|ERROR]
Verbosity level. [default: INFO]
--help Show this message and exit.
Original script:
### For non-resonant study
python plotting/xsection/ nonres --logx --dat_list $input_dir/limits/root-files/nonres/*/*[0-9].json $input_dir/limits/root-files/nonres/combined/A-bbtautau_bbyy-fullcorr/0.json --stat $input_dir_stat/limits/root-files/nonres/*/*[0-9].json $input_dir_stat/limits/root-files/nonres/combined/A-bb*/0.json --unblind
### For resonant study
python plotting/xsection/ spin0 --logx --dat_list $input_dir/limits/root-files/spin0/*/cache/*[0-9].json --com_list $input_dir/limits/root-files/spin0/combined/A-*-nocorr/cache/*[0-9].json --unblind
python plotting/pvalue/ -i $input_dir/pvalues/ -a spin0 -o $input_dir/figures/
However, writing your own code in Jupyter Notebook is recommended because you can freely adjust the style according to the needs of different analyses. You can find some examples in tutorials/HHH2022/GenPlots_new.ipynb and tutorials/LegacyHHResonant/tutorial.ipynb.
The whole workflow is running on gitlab CI.
Go to CI/CD > Pipelines
and click on any of the recent passed
task, then you will see the following display:
To check the final result, click on the Plotting
jobs and click on the Browser
button on the right.
You can download the whole output from the Download
quickstats inspect_ws -i <input_root_file>
Refer to NP_rename/ for details.
quickstats likelihood_fit -i <input_root_file> --poi xsec_br --print_level 1 --strategy 1 --snapshot nominalNuis
quickstats cls_limit -i <input_root_file> --poi xsec_br --print_level 1 --strategy 1 --snapshot nominalNuis
# 1D scan
quickstats likelihood_scan -i <input_root_file> --outdir <output_path> --param_expr "klambda=-15_20_0.2" --snapshot muhatSnapshot_kl --uncond_snapshot muhatSnapshot_kl
# 2D scan
quickstats likelihood_scan -i <input_root_file> --outdir <output_path> --param_expr "klambda=-15_20_0.2,kt=0.6_1.6_0.1" --snapshot muhatSnapshot_kl_kt --uncond_snapshot muhatSnapshot_kl_kt
quickstats generate_standard_asimov -i <input_root_file> -o <output_path> --asimov_types 1,2,-2 --asimov_snapshots asimovtype_1_mu1_mu1,asimovtype_2_muprof_mu1,asimovtype_n2_prefit_mu1 --asimov_names combData_asimovtype_1_mu1_mu1,combData_asimovtype_2_muprof_mu1,combData_asimovtype_n2_prefit_mu1 -p xsec_br
You are able to generate Asimov dataset on the fly if there is a gen_asimov
action in your config
bbll: 2,-2
bbbb: 2,-2
bbyy: 2,-2
bbtautau: 2,-2
combination: 2,-2
important note
If running on rescaled nonres workspace, require a caution on what the POI was scaled to during the rescaling step (check regularization.yaml
, eg for Run2 CONF note, -n=0.032776 and for projection and spin0, -n=1)
quickstats significance_scan -i <workspace_file> -p xsec_br --mu_exp 1
quickstats likelihood_fit -i <workspace_file> -d combData --save_log --export_as_np_pulls
quickstats plot_pulls -i pulls/ --sigma_bands --hide_prefit --hide_postfit --theta_max 3 --padding 4 --hide_sigma --no_sigma_lines --no_ranking_label --version 1
quickstats np_correlation -i <workspace_filename> --save_json --save_plot
Perform ranking with:
quickstats run_pulls --batch_mode --poi xsec_br -i <workspace_file> --parallel -1 --exclude gamma_*,nbkg_* -o <output_directory>
Then plot ranking plot with
shipped with LCG release is not compatible with what we need. To get a newer versioin, doexport PATH=/afs/$PATH
quickstats plot_pulls --poi xsec_br -i pulls/ --outdir rank_plot -o channel
To setup the environment, you need to include the CMS dedicated macros in quickstats:
quickstats add_macro -i ${hh_combination_fw_path}/macros/CMSSWCore_HHComb
quickstats compile -m CMSSWCore_HHComb
These will add a bunch of files in ${hh_combination_fw_path}/submodules/quickstats/quickstats/macros/CMSSWCore_HHComb/ Note that the above code has been integrated into, so you don't need to do anything additionally.
In case of errors, try recompiling the framework:
source ${hh_combination_fw_path}/
## Description
A python and C++ based software framework developed for the di-Higgs combination effort.
- Regularisation of
(workspaces), i.e. standardising the workspace, modelconfig, datanames. - Rescaling of workspaces
- specifying custom scaling factors for each production mode, channel and mass point
- Combination of workspaces
- combine multiple workspaces at once
- specifying custom correlations schemes
- Calculating limits
- expected and/or observed
- nominal and/or profiled NPs
- Parallel processing with the
module. - Scans in models with varying branching fractions (e.g. hMSSM)
Studies on the combined results (model intrepretation, sanity checks, etc.) is maintained in a separate repository at:
For any questions please contact:
The framework also have the following packages as git
These packages should be automatically checked out if you are cloning with the --recursive
(see below for setup instructions).
Please see detailed setup instructions in ./doc/
Reference test scripts can be found in the ./tests/
Documentation of the tests: ./doc/
Live scripts use for the combination can be found in the ./scripts
Please do not edit these scripts, but use these as a template for your own ones.
: Handles the regularisation and rescaling of the workspaces. Please see the associated documentation here../scripts/combination/auto/
: Combines the workspaces. Please see the associated documentation here../scripts/hMSSM_scan/
, model scan example scripts. Please see the associated documentation here.
Such as quickLimit
, wscontent
, runNPranking
More info within RootStatTools command documentation
The framework uses some conventions for the naming of the input workspaces, to identify the production mode, channels, mass points, which you can find here: ./doc/
Please find the details of the combination here.
Please see the associated documentation here.
Associated scripts:
Done in jupyter notebooks (to be uploaded later on).
You can find more documentation on the package ./doc