diff --git a/pandapipes/plotting/plotly/__init__.py b/pandapipes/plotting/plotly/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e69de29b
diff --git a/pandapipes/plotting/plotly/simple_plotly.py b/pandapipes/plotting/plotly/simple_plotly.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..370b0e8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandapipes/plotting/plotly/simple_plotly.py
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2022 by Fraunhofer Institute for Energy Economics
+# and Energy System Technology (IEE), Kassel, and University of Kassel. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+import pandas as pd
+from pandapipes.plotting.plotly.traces import create_junction_trace, create_pipe_trace, \
+ create_valve_trace, create_compressor_trace, create_press_control_trace
+from pandapower.plotting.plotly.simple_plotly import _simple_plotly_generic, draw_traces
+ from pandaplan.core import pplog as logging
+except ImportError:
+ import logging
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+def get_hoverinfo(net, element, precision=3, sub_index=None):
+ hover_index = net[element].index
+ if element == "junction":
+ sink_str, source_str = [], []
+ if hasattr(net, "sink"):
+ for ln in [net.sink.loc[net.sink.junction == b, "mdot_kg_per_s"].sum() for b in
+ net.junction.index]:
+ sink_str.append("Sink: {:.3f} kg/s
".format(ln) if ln != 0. else "")
+ if hasattr(net, "source"):
+ for s in [net.source.loc[net.source.junction == b, "mdot_kg_per_s"].sum() for b in
+ net.junction.index]:
+ source_str.append("Source: {:.3f} kg/s
".format(s) if s != 0. else "")
+ hoverinfo = (
+ "Index: " + net.junction.index.astype(str) + "
+ + "Name: " + net.junction['name'].astype(str) + "
+ + "Height: " + net.junction['height_m'].astype(str) + " m
+ + "Pressure: " + net.junction['pn_bar'].round(precision).astype(str) + " bar
+ + "Temp.: " + net.junction['tfluid_k'].round(precision).astype(str) + " K
+ # + sink_str + source_str # TODO: fix this (correct indexing)
+ ).tolist()
+ elif element == "pipe":
+ hoverinfo = (
+ "Index: " + net.pipe.index.astype(str) + "
+ + "Name: " + net.pipe['name'].astype(str) + "
+ + "Length: " + net.pipe['length_km'].round(precision).astype(str) + " km
+ + "Diameter: " + ((net.pipe['diameter_m']).round(precision)*1e3).astype(str) + " mm"
+ + "
+ + "k: " + (net.pipe['k_mm']).round(precision).astype(str) + " mm
+ ).tolist()
+ elif element == "pump":
+ hoverinfo = (
+ "Index: " + net.pump.index.astype(str) + "
+ + "Name: " + net.pump['name'].astype(str) + "
+ + "Std. Type: " + net.pump['std_type'] + "
+ ).tolist()
+ elif element == "compressor":
+ hoverinfo = (
+ "Index: " + net.compressor.index.astype(str) + "
+ + "Name: " + net.compressor['name'].astype(str) + "
+ + "Pressure ratio: " + net.compressor['pressure_ratio'] + "
+ ).tolist()
+ elif element == "pressure_control":
+ hoverinfo = (
+ "Index: " + net.pressure_control.index.astype(str) + "
+ + "Name: " + net.pressure_control['name'].astype(str) + "
+ + "controlled junction:" + net.pressure_control['controlled_junction'] + "
+ + "controlled pressure:" + net.pressure_control['controlled_p_bar'] + " bar
+ ).tolist()
+ elif element == "ext_grid":
+ hoverinfo = (
+ "Index: " + net.ext_grid.index.astype(str) + "
+ + "Name: " + net.ext_grid['name'].astype(str) + "
+ + "Pressure: " + net.ext_grid['p_bar'].round(precision).astype(str) + " bar
+ + "Temp.: " + net.ext_grid['t_k'].round(precision).astype(str) + " K
+ ).tolist()
+ hover_index = net.ext_grid.junction.tolist()
+ elif element == "valve":
+ hoverinfo = (
+ "Index: " + net.valve.index.astype(str) + "
+ + "Name: " + net.valve['name'].astype(str) + "
+ + "Open: " + net.valve['opened'].astype(str) + "
+ + "Diameter: " + ((net.valve['diameter_m']).round(precision)*1e3).astype(str)
+ + " mm
+ ).tolist()
+ else:
+ return None
+ hoverinfo = pd.Series(index=hover_index, data=hoverinfo)
+ if sub_index is not None:
+ hoverinfo = hoverinfo.loc[list(sub_index)]
+ return hoverinfo
+def simple_plotly(net, use_pipe_geodata=None, on_map=False,
+ projection=None, map_style='basic', figsize=1, aspectratio='auto', pipe_width=1,
+ junction_size=10, ext_grid_size=20.0, valve_size=3.0, compressor_size=3,
+ junction_color="blue", pipe_color='grey', pressure_reg_color='green',
+ ext_grid_color="yellow", valve_color="black", compressor_color="cyan",
+ filename='temp-plot.html',
+ auto_open=True, showlegend=True, additional_traces=None):
+ respect_valves = False # TODO, not implemented yet
+ node_element = "junction"
+ branch_element = "pipe"
+ trans_element = "pump"
+ separator_element = "valve"
+ traces, settings = _simple_plotly_generic(net=net,
+ respect_separators=respect_valves,
+ use_branch_geodata=use_pipe_geodata,
+ on_map=on_map,
+ projection=projection,
+ map_style=map_style,
+ figsize=figsize,
+ aspectratio=aspectratio,
+ branch_width=pipe_width,
+ node_size=junction_size,
+ ext_grid_size=ext_grid_size,
+ node_color=junction_color,
+ branch_color=pipe_color,
+ trafo_color=pressure_reg_color,
+ trafo3w_color=pressure_reg_color,
+ ext_grid_color=ext_grid_color,
+ node_element=node_element,
+ branch_element=branch_element,
+ trans_element=trans_element,
+ trans3w_element=None,
+ separator_element=separator_element,
+ branch_trace_func=create_pipe_trace,
+ node_trace_func=create_junction_trace,
+ hoverinfo_func=get_hoverinfo,
+ filename=filename,
+ auto_open=auto_open,
+ showlegend=showlegend)
+ if "valve" in net.keys() and len(net.valve) > 0:
+ if "source_name" in net.valve.columns:
+ info = net.valve.apply(lambda x: f"{x['name']}
{x['source_name']}", axis=1)
+ else:
+ info = None
+ traces.extend(create_valve_trace(net, valves=net.valve.loc[net.valve.opened].index,
+ size=valve_size, color=valve_color,
+ infofunc=info,
+ trace_name="open valves"))
+ traces.extend(create_valve_trace(net, valves=net.valve.loc[~net.valve.opened].index,
+ size=valve_size, color=valve_color, dash="dot",
+ infofunc=info,
+ trace_name="closed valves"))
+ if "compressor" in net.keys() and len(net.compressor) > 0:
+ traces.extend(create_compressor_trace(net, size=compressor_size, color=compressor_color))
+ if "press_control" in net.keys() and len(net.press_control) > 0:
+ traces.extend(
+ create_press_control_trace(net, size=compressor_size, color="cyan",
+ trace_name='compressors SPO',
+ legendgroup='compressors SPO'))
+ traces.extend(create_junction_trace(net, net.press_control.controlled_junction.values,
+ color="red", size=10,
+ trace_name="controlled junction",
+ legendgroup='compressors SPO'))
+ if additional_traces:
+ if isinstance(additional_traces, dict):
+ traces.append(additional_traces)
+ else:
+ traces.extend(additional_traces)
+ return draw_traces(traces, **settings)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ from pandapipes.networks import gas_versatility
+ net = gas_versatility()
+ simple_plotly(net)
diff --git a/pandapipes/plotting/plotly/traces.py b/pandapipes/plotting/plotly/traces.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8e487114
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandapipes/plotting/plotly/traces.py
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2022 by Fraunhofer Institute for Energy Economics
+# and Energy System Technology (IEE), Kassel, and University of Kassel. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+from pandapower.plotting.plotly.traces import _create_node_trace, _create_branch_trace, \
+ draw_traces
+def create_junction_trace(net, junctions=None, size=5, patch_type="circle", color="blue",
+ infofunc=None, trace_name='junctions', legendgroup=None, cmap=None,
+ cmap_vals=None, cbar_title=None, cmin=None, cmax=None, cpos=1.0,
+ colormap_column="p_bar"):
+ node_element = "junction"
+ branch_element = "pipe"
+ return _create_node_trace(net=net, nodes=junctions, size=size , patch_type=patch_type,
+ color=color, infofunc=infofunc, trace_name=trace_name,
+ legendgroup=legendgroup, cmap=cmap, cmap_vals=cmap_vals,
+ cbar_title=cbar_title, cmin=cmin, cmax=cmax, cpos=cpos,
+ colormap_column=colormap_column,
+ node_element=node_element, branch_element=branch_element)
+def create_pipe_trace(net, pipes=None, use_pipe_geodata=True, respect_valves=False, width=1.0,
+ color='grey', infofunc=None, trace_name='pipes', legendgroup='pipes',
+ cmap=None, cbar_title=None, show_colorbar=True, cmap_vals=None, cmin=None,
+ cmax=None, cpos=1.1):
+ branch_element = "pipe"
+ node_element = "junction"
+ separator_element = "valve"
+ return _create_branch_trace(net=net, branches=pipes, use_branch_geodata=use_pipe_geodata,
+ respect_separators=respect_valves, width=width, color=color,
+ infofunc=infofunc, trace_name=trace_name, legendgroup=legendgroup,
+ cmap=cmap, cbar_title=cbar_title, show_colorbar=show_colorbar,
+ cmap_vals=cmap_vals, cmin=cmin, cmax=cmax, cpos=cpos,
+ branch_element=branch_element, separator_element=separator_element,
+ node_element=node_element, cmap_vals_category="vmean_m_s")
+def create_valve_trace(net, valves=None, use_valve_geodata=False, size=1.0,
+ color='black', infofunc=None, trace_name='valves', legendgroup='valves',
+ dash="solid"):
+ branch_element = "valve"
+ node_element = "junction"
+ separator_element = "valve"
+ respect_valves = False
+ cmap = None
+ cbar_title = None
+ show_colorbar = True
+ cmap_vals = None
+ cmin = None
+ cmax = None
+ cpos = 1.1
+ return _create_branch_trace(net=net, branches=valves, use_branch_geodata=use_valve_geodata,
+ respect_separators=respect_valves, width=size, color=color,
+ infofunc=infofunc, trace_name=trace_name, legendgroup=legendgroup,
+ cmap=cmap, cbar_title=cbar_title, show_colorbar=show_colorbar,
+ cmap_vals=cmap_vals, cmin=cmin, cmax=cmax, cpos=cpos,
+ branch_element=branch_element, separator_element=separator_element,
+ node_element=node_element, cmap_vals_category="vmean_m_s",
+ dash=dash)
+def create_compressor_trace(net, compressors=None, use_pipe_geodata=False, size=3.0,
+ color='cyan', infofunc=None, trace_name='compressors',
+ legendgroup='compressors'):
+ branch_element = "compressor"
+ node_element = "junction"
+ separator_element = "valve"
+ respect_valves = False
+ cmap = None
+ cbar_title = None
+ show_colorbar = True
+ cmap_vals = None
+ cmin = None
+ cmax = None
+ cpos = 1.1
+ return _create_branch_trace(net=net, branches=compressors, use_branch_geodata=use_pipe_geodata,
+ respect_separators=respect_valves, width=size, color=color,
+ infofunc=infofunc, trace_name=trace_name, legendgroup=legendgroup,
+ cmap=cmap, cbar_title=cbar_title, show_colorbar=show_colorbar,
+ cmap_vals=cmap_vals, cmin=cmin, cmax=cmax, cpos=cpos,
+ branch_element=branch_element, separator_element=separator_element,
+ node_element=node_element, cmap_vals_category="compr_power_mw")
+def create_press_control_trace(net, compressors=None, size=3.0,
+ color='cyan', infofunc=None, trace_name='pressure controller',
+ legendgroup='pressure controller'):
+ branch_element = "press_control"
+ node_element = "junction"
+ separator_element = "valve"
+ respect_valves = False
+ cmap = None
+ cbar_title = None
+ show_colorbar = True
+ cmap_vals = None
+ cmin = None
+ cmax = None
+ cpos = 1.1
+ use_pipe_geodata = False
+ return _create_branch_trace(net=net, branches=compressors, use_branch_geodata=use_pipe_geodata,
+ respect_separators=respect_valves, width=size, color=color,
+ infofunc=infofunc, trace_name=trace_name, legendgroup=legendgroup,
+ cmap=cmap, cbar_title=cbar_title, show_colorbar=show_colorbar,
+ cmap_vals=cmap_vals, cmin=cmin, cmax=cmax, cpos=cpos,
+ branch_element=branch_element, separator_element=separator_element,
+ node_element=node_element, cmap_vals_category="controlled_p_bar")