A new flutter plugin project.
This project is a starting point for a Flutter plug-in package, a specialized package that includes platform-specific implementation code for Android and/or iOS.
For help getting started with Flutter, view our online documentation, which offers tutorials, samples, guidance on mobile development, and a full API reference.
EZPlayer component for flutter apps
- iOS 9.0+
- Xcode 12.0+
- Swift 5.0+
- Flutter 1.22.2+
- 本地视频、网络视频播放(支持的格式请参考苹果AVPlayer文档)
- 全屏模式/嵌入模式/浮动模式随意切换(支持根据设备自动旋转)
- 全屏模式支持横屏全屏和竖屏全屏
- 浮动模式支持系统PIP和window浮层
- 定制手势:播放/暂停(全屏/嵌入模式双击,浮动模式单击),浮动和全屏切换(双击),音量/亮度调节(上下滑动),进度调节(左右滑动)
- 支持airPlay
- 支持UITableview自动管理嵌入和浮动模式切换
- 视频比例填充(videoGravity)切换
- 字幕/CC切换
- 音频切换
- 拖动进度显示预览图(m3u8不支持)
- 播放器控件皮肤自定义(自带一套浮动皮肤,嵌入和全屏用的一套皮肤)
- 支持广告功能
FlutterEZPlayerPlugin.h & FlutterEZPlayerPlugin.m : oc桥接
flutter_ezplayer.dart : EZPlayer封装的入口文件
player.dart: player widget
player_controller.dart: EZPlayer通知交互,播放器的基础动作
utils.dart: lib的辅助方法
key | description | value |
url | 视频数据源 | String |
autoPlay | 设置数据源后自动播放 | bool |
useDefaultUI | 使用EZPlayer自带皮肤 | bool |
videoGravity | 视频画面比例 | VideoGravity |
fullScreenMode | 全屏模式是竖屏还是横屏 | FullScreenMode |
floatMode | 浮动模式支持系统PIP和window浮层 | FloatMode |
onPlayerHeartbeat | 播放器声明周期心跳 | EZPlayerNotificationCallback |
onPlayerPlaybackTimeDidChange | addPeriodicTimeObserver方法的触发 | EZPlayerNotificationCallback |
onPlayerStatusDidChange | 播放器状态改变 | EZPlayerNotificationCallback |
onPlayerPlaybackDidFinish | 视频结束 | EZPlayerNotificationCallback |
onPlayerLoadingDidChange | loading状态改变 | EZPlayerNotificationCallback |
onPlayerControlsHiddenDidChange | 播放器控制条隐藏显示 | EZPlayerNotificationCallback |
onPlayerDisplayModeDidChange | 播放器显示模式改变了(全屏,嵌入屏,浮动) | PropTypes.object |
onPlayerDisplayModeChangedWillAppear | 播放器显示模式动画开始 | EZPlayerNotificationCallback |
onPlayerDisplayModeChangedDidAppear | 播放器显示模式动画结束 | EZPlayerNotificationCallback |
onPlayerTapGestureRecognizer | 点击播放器手势通知 | EZPlayerNotificationCallback |
onPlayerDidPersistContentKey | FairPlay DRM | EZPlayerNotificationCallback |
onPlayerPIPControllerWillStart | 即将开启画中画 | EZPlayerNotificationCallback |
onPlayerPIPControllerDidStart | 已经开启画中画 | EZPlayerNotificationCallback |
onPlayerPIPFailedToStart | 开启画中画失败 | EZPlayerNotificationCallback |
onPlayerPIPControllerWillEnd | 即将关闭画中画 | EZPlayerNotificationCallback |
onPlayerPIPControllerDidEnd | 已经关闭画中画 | EZPlayerNotificationCallback |
onPlayerPIPRestoreUserInterfaceForStop | 关闭画中画且恢复播放界面 | EZPlayerNotificationCallback |
function | description |
Future play(String url, [String title]) async | 播放 |
Future start() async | 播放 |
Future pause() async | 暂停 |
Future stop() async | 结束 |
Future seek(double time) async | 设置播放进度,单位秒 |
Future replaceToPlay(String url, [String title]) async | 替换播放源 |
Future rate(double rate) async | 设置播放速率 |
Future autoPlay(bool autoPlay) async | 设置自动播放,autoPlay是PropTypes.bool |
Future videoGravity(VideoGravity videoGravity) async | 设置视频画面比例,videoGravity:aspect,aspectFill,scaleFill |
Future toEmbedded([bool animated = true]) async | 进入嵌入屏模式 |
Future toFloat([bool animated = true]) async | 进入悬浮屏模式 |
Future toFull( |
[bool animated = true,
landscapeOrientation = LandscapeOrientation.left]) async | 进入全屏模式,orientation: landscapeLeft , landscapeRight |
| Future fullScreenMode(FullScreenMode fullScreenMode) async | 设置全屏的模式,fullScreenMode:portrait , landscape |
main.dart: 入口
home_page.dart : EZPlayer的基础功能演示
list_page.dart :EZPlayer 在列表中的演示