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Manual steps to start the services

This process is intended for users who wish to start services manually, perhaps as part of a non-Docker deployment on a Linux host.


The setup process for the Child chain server and for the Watcher is similar. A high level flow of the setup for both is outlined below.

NOTE If you are more interested in just getting things running quickly or unfamiliar with Elixir and Mix, skip the outline and scroll down to the next sections for step-by-step instructions.

  1. Run an Ethereum node connected to the appropriate network and make sure it's ready to use
    • currently only connections via RPC over HTTP are supported, defaulting to http://localhost:8545. To customize that, configure ethereumex, with url: "http://host:port"
    • Byzantium is required to be in effect
  2. (Child chain server only) Prepare the authority address and deploy RootChain.sol, see Contracts section. Authority address belongs to the child chain operator, and is used to run the child chain (submit blocks to the root chain contract)
  3. Produce a configuration file for omg_eth with the contract address, authority address and hash of contract-deploying transaction. The configuration keys can be looked up at apps/omg_eth/config/config.exs. Such configuration must become part of the Mix configuration for the app you're going to be running.
  4. Initialize the child chain server's OMG.DB database.
  5. At this point the child chain server should be properly setup to run by starting the omg_child_chain Mix app
  6. (Watcher only) Configure PostgreSQL for WatcherDB database
  7. (Watcher only) Acquire the configuration file with root chain deployment data
  8. (Watcher only, optional) If running on the same machine as the child chain server, customize the location of OMG.DB database folder
  9. (Watcher only) Configure the child chain url (default is http://localhost:9656) by:
    • configuring :omg_watcher, :child_chain_url with "desired_childchain_url"
    • configuring with an environment variable CHILD_CHAIN_URL=desired_childchain_url
  10. (Watcher only) Initialize the Watcher's OMG.DB database
  11. (Watcher only) Create and migrate the PostgreSQL WatcherDB database
  12. (Watcher only) At this point the Watcher should be properly setup to run by starting the omg_watcher Mix app

Setting up a child chain server (a developer environment)

Start up developer instance of Ethereum

The easiest way to get started is if you have access to a developer instance of geth. If you don't already have access to a developer instance of geth, follow the installation instructions.

A developer instance of geth runs Ethereum locally and prefunds an account. However, when geth terminates, the state of the Ethereum network is lost.

geth --targetgaslimit "6200000" --dev --dev.period 1 --rpc --rpcapi personal,web3,eth,net  --rpcaddr
Persistent developer geth instance

Alternatively, a persistent developer instance that does not lose state can be started with the following command:

geth --targetgaslimit "6200000" --dev --dev.period 1 --rpc --rpcapi personal,web3,eth,net  --rpcaddr --datadir ~/.geth

Connecting to a non-dev chain

Another alternative might be running the whole setup on some official testnet, ex. rinkeby.

geth --rinkeby --rpc --rpcapi personal,web3,eth,net  --rpcaddr

NOTE Contrary to working with developer instance, operator's account must be manually funded with testnet Ether.

Using Parity

Parity can be used instead of Geth. Two environment variables must be set:

  • ETH_NODE=parity - to tell watcher and or child-chain to use parity.
  • SIGNER_PASSPHRASE=your-passphrase - for the child chain server, to unlock the account.

You will also need to enable specific JSON-RPC APIs using switch: --jsonrpc-apis personal,eth,web3,parity_accounts

Prepare and configure the root chain contract

The following step will:

  • create, fund and unlock the authority address
  • deploy the root chain contract
  • create the config file

Note that geth needs to already be running for this step to work!

From the root dir of elixir-omg:

mix compile
mix run --no-start -e \
   contents = OMG.Eth.DevHelpers.prepare_env!() |> OMG.Eth.DevHelpers.create_conf_file()
   "~/config.exs" |> Path.expand() |> File.write!(contents)

The result should look something like this (use cat ~/config.exs to check):

use Mix.Config
config :omg_eth,
  contract_addr: "0x005f49af1af9eee6da214e768683e1cc8ab222ac",
  txhash_contract: "0x3afd2c1b48eaa3100823de1924d42bd48ee25db1fd497998158f903b6a841e92",
  authority_addr: "0x5c1a5e5d94067c51ec51c6c00416da56aac6b9a3"

The above values are only demonstrative, do not copy and paste!

Note that you'll need to pass the configuration file each time you run mix with the following parameter --config ~/config.exs flag

NOTE If you're using persistent geth and geth is restarted after the above step, the authority account must be unlocked again:

geth attach
personal.unlockAccount(“<authority_addr from ~/config.exs>”, 'ThisIsATestnetPassphrase', 0)

The passphrase mentioned above originates from dev_helpers. It is what is used when deploying the contract in the dev environment using prepare_env!() as above.

Deployment on non-dev chain

The above configuration assumes that the contract is deployed on a dev instance of geth which has unlimited Eth supply. To deploy child chain on in an environment with limited Eth provide :faucet and :initial_funds options to prepare_env! function.

NOTE: the faucet account must first be unlocked and funded NOTE: the newly created authority address needs refunding from time to time (preferably done by geth attach)

Initialize the child chain database

Initialize the database with the following command. CAUTION This wipes the old data clean!:

rm -rf ~/.omg/data
mix run --no-start -e 'OMG.DB.init()'

The database files are put at the default location ~/.omg/data. You need to re-initialize the database, in case you want to start a new child chain from scratch!

Start it up!

The child chain server is listening on port 9656 by default. To customize, run the child chain server with environment variable PORT set to a different value.

  • Start up geth if not already started.
  • Start Up the child chain server:
mix xomg.child_chain.start --config ~/config.exs

Setting up a Watcher (a developer environment)

This assumes that you've got a developer environment Child chain server set up and running on the default localhost:9656, see above.

Configure the PostgreSQL server with:

sudo -u postgres createuser omisego_dev
sudo -u postgres psql
alter user omisego_dev with encrypted password 'omisego_dev';

Configure the Watcher

Copy the configuration file used by the Child chain server to ~/config_watcher.exs

cp ~/config.exs ~/config_watcher.exs

You need to use a different location of the OMG.DB for the Watcher, so in ~/config_watcher.exs append the following:

config :omg_db,
  leveldb_path: Path.join([System.get_env("HOME"), ".omg/data_watcher"])

Initialize the Watcher's databases

CAUTION This wipes the old data clean!

rm -rf ~/.omg/data_watcher
mix ecto.reset --no-start
mix run --no-start -e 'OMG.DB.init()' --config ~/config_watcher.exs

Start the Watcher

The watcher is listening on port 7434 by default. To customize, run with environment variable PORT set to a different value.

It is possible to run the watcher in two different modes: "security critical" and "security critical + convenience" The one that should be chosen currently is security critical + convenience mode, which provides all the expected functionality:

mix xomg.watcher.start --convenience --config ~/config_watcher.exs

"security critical" mode can be started by omitting the --convenience flag, but this not fully implemented yet

See docs/TODO for more details about watcher modes.