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EBU Tech 3350, 3370 & 3380 conformance requirements

EyalLavi edited this page Jan 27, 2017 · 8 revisions

This list is based on version 0.9 of Tech 3370 and does not take into account changes made in version 1.0. Treat Part 3 requirements with caution.

This page lists conformance requirements relevant for conversion between EBU-TT versions 1.0 and 1.1, EBU-TT Live and EBU-TT-D. Note that this is not a complete list of all conformance requirements for all formats. The complete list of conformance requirements for EBU-TT part 3 is at

3350 v1.1 section

3770 section 3380 Section EBU-TT 1.0 (3350) statement EBU-TT 1.1 (3350) statement EBU-TT Live (3370) statement EBU-TT-D (3380) statement
E1 2.2 2.2 If an element has a tt:metadata as child element, tt:metadata shall appear before all other child elements that are defined for this element No change No change No change
E2 2.2 2.2 Extension elements within tt:metadata elements, their attributes and their XML content SHALL NOT be in a namespace defined by the TTML 1.0 specification or in a namespace defined in a valid (not deprecated) version of an EBU-TT specification. No change No change
E3 2.4 3.2.1 3.2 The attributes begin and end SHALL be specified on tt:p No change The attributes begin and end MAY be specified on tt:body, tt:div, tt:p or tt:span. The attributes begin and end SHALL be specified on tt:p or tt:span
E4 TTML 2.4 A document MAY contain overlapping regions that are active at the same time. No change

A document SHALL NOT contain overlapping regions that are active at the same time.

E5 2.6 3 xml:space attribute MAY be added to tt:tt, <code>tt:p</code> and tt:span. No change

xml:space attribute MAY be added to tt:tt only.

E6 3 3 ttp:timeBase SHALL be specified on tt:tt and have one of the values media or smpte. ttp:timeBase SHALL be specified on tt:tt and have one of the values media, smpte or <code>clock</code> ttp:timeBase SHALL be specified on tt:tt and have one of the values media, smpte or <code>clock</code> ttp:timeBase SHALL be specified on tt:tt and have the value media.
E7 3 3 If ttp:timeBase=&quot;smpte&quot; Then the time expression of begin and end attributes SHALL have the format hh:mm:ss:ff No change N/A (media timebase only allowed)
E8 3 3

If ttp:timeBase=&quot;media&quot; then the time expression of begin and end attributes SHALL have one of the following formats:

  • hh:mm:ss followed by an optional decimal fraction (full-clock value). The number of hours SHALL NOT be restricted.
  • non-negative number followed by an optional decimal fraction followed by one of the symbols h, m, s, ms (time-count value)

No change

Time expression of begin and end attributes SHALL have the format hh:mm:ss followed by an optional decimal fraction (full-clock value). The number of hours SHALL NOT be restricted

E9 3 3 N/A (clock timebase not allowed)

If ttp:timeBase=&quot;clock&quot; then the time expression of begin and end attributes SHALL have the format hh:mm:ss followed by an optional decimal fraction. The values SHALL be zero-padded and restricted:


The value 60 for seconds SHALL apply to leap seconds only.

N/A (media timebase only allowed)
E10 3 3

If timebase="smpte&quot; then the attributes ttp:markerMode, <code>ttp:frameRate</code> and ttp:dropMode SHALL be specified on the tt:element

No change ttp:markerMode, <code>ttp:frameRate</code> and ttp:dropMode SHALL NOT be specified
E11 3 3 If timebase="smpte&quot; then ttp:markerMode SHALL be specified and shall have the value discontinuous. No change ttp:markerMode SHALL NOT be specified
E12 3 If timebase="smpte&quot; and the calculation of the frame rate from the ttp:frameRate and ttp:frameRateMultiplier results in an integer, then ttp:dropMode SHALL be &quot;nonDrop&quot;. No change ttp:dropMode SHALL NOT be specified
E13 3 3 N/A If ttp:timeBase=&quot;clock&quot; then ttp:clockMode SHALL be specified N/A (media timebase only allowed)
E14 3 3 ttp:cellResolution SHALL have the default value 40 24 . ttp:cellResolution SHALL have the default value 32 15. ttp:cellResolution SHALL have the default value 32 15
E15 3 3 If the cell unit is used, ttp:cellResolution SHALL be specified. No change No change
E16 3 3 If the pixel unit is used, tts:extent SHALL be specified on tt:tt No change ttp:extent SHALL NOT be specified on tt:tt
E17 3 3 xml:lang SHALL be specified on tt:tt No change No change
E18 3.1.1 3.1.1 tt:head SHALL contain one tt:metadata element tt:head MAY contain one tt:metadata element tt:head MAY contain one tt:metadata element
E19 3.1.1 <span>tt:metadata</span> SHALL contain one ebuttm:documentMetadata tt:metadata MAY contain one ebuttm:documentMetadata tt:metadata MAY contain one ebuttm:documentMetadata
E20 ebuttm:conformsToStandard SHALL NOT be specified ebuttm:conformsToStandard MAY be specified within ebuttm:documentMetadata with the value urn:ebu:tt:exchange:2015-09 ebuttm:conformsToStandard MAY be specified within ebuttm:documentMetadata with the value urn:ebu:tt:distribution:2014-01
E21 N/A

ebuttm:documentEbuttVersion SHALL be specified within ebuttm:documentMetadata with the value v1.0

ebuttm:documentEbuttVersion MAY be specified within ebuttm:documentMetadata with the value v1.0 ebuttm:documentEbuttVersion SHALL NOT be specified
E22 N/A ebuttm:documentIdentifier MAY be specified within ebuttm:documentMetadata No change ebuttm:documentIdentifier SHALL NOT be specified within ebuttm:documentMetadata
E23 N/A ebuttm:documentOriginatingSystem MAY be specified within ebuttm:documentMetadata No change ebuttm:documentOriginatingSystem SHALL NOT be specified within ebuttm:documentMetadata
E24 3.1.1 ebuttm:documentCopyright MAY be specified within ebuttm:documentMetadata No change (deprecated) ebuttm:documentCopyright SHALL NOT be specified
E25 3.1.2 N/A ttm:copyright MAY be specified within tt:head ttm:copyright MAY be specified within tt:head
E26 N/A If ebuttm:documentTargetActiveFormatDescriptor is specified then ebuttm:documentTargetAspectRatio SHALL be specified with one of the values 4:3 or 16:9 No change N/A
E27 ebuttm:documentTargetActiveFormatDescriptor MAY be specified ebuttm:documentTargetActiveFormatDescriptor SHALL NOT be specified
E28 If specified, ebuttm:documentTargetActiveFormatDescriptor SHALL have one of the AFD codes specified in SMPTE ST 2016-1:2009 No change ebuttm:documentTargetActiveFormatDescriptor SHALL NOT be specified
E29 If specified, ebuttm:documentIntendedTargetBarData SHALL be specified in accordance with SMPTE ST2016-1:2009 Table 3 No change ebuttm:documentIntendedTargetBarData SHALL NOT be specified
E30 If specified, ebuttm:documentIntendedTargetBarData SHALL have the attribute position specified. ebuttm:documentIntendedTargetBarData SHALL NOT be specified

If the position attribute has the value topBottom then the ebuttm:documentIntendedTargetBarData element SHALL also contain the lineNumberEndOfTopBar and lineNumberStartOfBottomBar attributes.

No change ebuttm:documentIntendedTargetBarData SHALL NOT be specified
E32 If the position attribute has the value leftRight then the ebuttm:documentIntendedTargetBarData element SHALL also contain the pixelNumberEndOfLeftBar and pixelNumberStartOfRightBar attributes. No change ebuttm:documentIntendedTargetBarData SHALL NOT be specified
E33 3.1.3 3.2.1 3.1.2 tt:head SHALL contain one tt:styling element tt:head MAY contain one tt:styling element tt:head MAY contain one tt:styling element tt:head MAY contain one tt:styling element
E34 tt:styling SHALL contain one or more tt:style elements No change No change
E35 A style attribute that is defined for tt:region SHALL NOT appear in tt:style and vice versa. The only exception from this rule is the tts:padding attribute. tts:padding may appear in both tt:style and tt:region. No change No change

The style attributes of the tt:style element as well as the style attributes of the tt:region element shall only appear inside the parent element they are defined for. This means that a style attribute that is defined for the tt:style element shall not appear in a tt:region element and vice versa (EL: no exception for tts:padding?)

E36 tt:div, tt:p and tt:span elements SHALL only use references to style definitions No change No change
E37 (TTML) The default value of tts:fontSize SHALL be 1c 2c The default value of tts:fontSize SHALL be 1c The default value of tts:fontSize SHALL be 100%
E38 (TTML) The default value of tts:textAlign SHALL be center The default value of tts:textAlign SHALL be start The default value of tts:textAlign SHALL be start
E39 tts:wrapOption SHALL NOT be specified tts:wrapOption MAY be specified tts:wrapOPtion MAY be specified
E40 tts:linePadding SHALL NOT be specified tts:linePadding MAY be specified tts:linePadding MAY be specified
E41 3.1.4 3.2.1 3.1.3 tt:head SHALL contain one tt:layout element tt:head SHALL contain one tt:layout element tt:head MAY contain one tt:layout element tt:head SHALL contain one tt:layout element
E42 tt:layout SHALL contain one or more tt:region elements No change No change
E43 The attributes tt:origin and tt:extent SHALL be specified on tt:layout No change The attributes tt:origin and tt:extent SHALL be specified on tt:layout and SHALL use percent values only.
E44 If the region exceeds the the boundary of the active video, the display of the region SHALL be clipped. No change

The region SHALL NOT extend outside the root container region.

E45 The initial value of tts:displayAlign SHALL be after The initial value of tts:displayAlign SHALL be before The initial value of tts:displayAlign SHALL be before
E46 3.2 3.2.1 3.2 tt:tt SHALL contain one tt:body element tt:tt MAY contain one tt:body element tt:tt MAY contain one tt:body element tt:tt MAY contain one tt:body element
E47 3.2.2 3.2.1 tt:body SHALL contain one or more tt:div elements. tt:body SHALL contain one or more tt:div elements. tt:body MAY contain one or more tt:div elements. tt:body SHALL contain one or more tt:div elements.
E48 3.2.1 t:div MAY contain child tt:div elements. No change tt:div SHALL NOT contain child tt:div elements.
E49 tt:div SHALL contain one or more tt:p elements tt:div MAY contain one or more tt:p elements tt:div MAY contain one or more tt:p elements tt:div SHALL contain one or more tt:p elements
E50 3.2.1 The attributes begin and end SHALL be specified on tt:p The attributes begin and end SHALL be specified on tt:p The attributes begin and end MAY be specified on tt:p The attributes begin and end MAY be specified on tt:p
E51 tt:p MAY contain one tt:br element tt:p MAY contain one or more tt:br elements tt:p MAY contain one or more tt:br elements
E52 begin and end attributes MAY be added to tt:p and its descendent tt:span elements. No change

begin and end attributes SHALL NOT be specified for both tt:p and any of its descendent tt:span element.

E53 tt:span MAY contain one or more tt:span elements No change tt:span SHALL NOT contain tt:span elements
E54 4.2 4.2 Colour values SHALL be constrained to a named colour string, a RGB colour triple, RGBA colour tuple, a hex notated RGB colour triple or a hex notated RGBA colour tuple. No change Colour values SHALL be constrained to a hex notated RGB colour triple or a hex notated RGBA colour tuple.
E55 4.3 4.3 extent values SHALL be constrained to non-negative numbers appended by percentage “%”, c” (for cells) or “px” (for pixels). No change extent values SHALL be constrained to non-negative numbers appended by the percentage sign “%”. The metrics “c” (for cells) and “px” (for pixels) SHALL NOT be used.
E56 4.5 4.5 tts:fontSize values SHALL be constrained to non-negative numbers appended by “%”, c” or “px”. tts:fontSize values SHALL be constrained to non-negative numbers appended by "c" or “px”. tts:fontSize values SHALL be constrained to non-negative numbers appended by "c" or “px”. fontSize values SHALL be constrained to non-negative numbers appended by “%”. The metrics “c” (for cells) and “px” (for pixels) SHALL NOT be used.
E57 4.6 4.6 ttp:frameRateMultiplier values SHALL be constrained to two positive integers delimited by space No change No change
E58 4.8 4.11 tts:linePadding SHALL NOT be specified. tts:linePadding values SHALL be constrained to one non-negative decimal appended by "c" (cell) tts:linePadding values SHALL be constrained to one non-negative decimal appended by "c" (cell)
E59 4.9 4.8 tts:lineHeight values SHALL be constrained to the string normal or a non-negative number appended by percentage “%”, c” (for cells) or “px” (for pixels). No change tts:lineHeight values SHALL be constrained to the string normal or a non-negative number appended by percentage “%”.
E60 4.10 4.9 origin values SHALL be constrained to two non-negative numbers appended by percentage “%”, c” (for cells) or “px” (for pixels) delimited by a space. No change origin values SHALL be constrained to two non-negative numbers appended by percentage “%”, delimited by a space.
E61 4.11 4.10 tts:padding values SHALL be constrained to one or four non-negative numbers appended by percentage “%”, c” (for cells) or “px” (for pixels), delimited by a space. tts:padding values SHALL be constrained to one, two, three or four non-negative numbers appended by percentage “%”, c” (for cells) or “px” (for pixels), delimited by a space. tts:padding values SHALL be constrained to one, two, three or four non-negative numbers appended by percentage “%”, delimited by a space.
E62 TTML 3.2.1 tt:div and any of its descendent tt:p MAY both reference a region. No change No change tt:div and tt:p SHALL NOT both reference a region if tt:p is a child of that tt:div.
E63 ebuttp:sequenceIdentifier SHALL be specified on tt:tt
E64 ebuttp:sequenceNumber SHALL be specified on tt:tt

If used, these elements SHALL be the first children of the ebuttm:documentMetadata element in the order below, after any metadata elements defined by EBU-TT Part 1 Tech 3350:

  1. ebuttm:originalSourceServiceIdentifier
  2. ebuttm:intendedDestinationServiceIdentifier
  3. ebuttm:documentFacet
  4. ebuttm:trace
E68 2.2 If no begin or end attributes are set in the Document, subtitles will be active as soon as they are received, until the next Document is active or the dur has been reached, if set.
E69 2.2 If no document is active, or if a document with no content is active, no content shall be displayed.
E70 dur SHALL NOT be specified dur SHALL NOT be specified dur MAY be specified on tt:body dur SHALL NOT be specified