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Common Build Issues

Hannes Wellmann edited this page Sep 21, 2024 · 4 revisions

Common build failures

Error message:

 [ERROR] Cannot resolve project dependencies:
 [ERROR]   Software being installed: org.eclipse.equinox.sdk.product 4.9.0.qualifier
 [ERROR]   Missing requirement: 3.15.0.v20180803-1236 requires 'org.eclipse.equinox.p2.iu;
 [1.5.0.v20180710-1609,1.5.0.v20180710-1609]' but it could not be found`
 [ERROR]   Cannot satisfy dependency: 3.15.0.v20180803-1236 depends on: org.eclipse.equinox.p2.iu;
 [ERROR]   Cannot satisfy dependency: org.eclipse.equinox.sdk.product 4.9.0.qualifier depends on: org.eclipse.equinox.p2.iu; 0.0.0

Problem Analysis and solution:

This happens when we have nested features, in this case we have the following features nested. org.eclipse.equinox.server.p2 org.eclipse.equinox.serverside.sdk org.eclipse.equinox.server.p2 org.eclipse.equinox.sdk In the above case org.eclipse.equinox.server.p2 got modified and other feature did not recognize that. This causes comparator to replace other three features with baseline and causing above problem. Can be rectified by updating forceQualifierUpdate.txt file present alongside those features. Also raised Bug 537718 against Tycho to address this

Error message:

 Installing 1.1.400.v20180727-1338.
 Installing 1.0.101.v20170602-0639.
 Installing 1.2.0.v201405010053.
 Cannot complete the install because of a conflicting dependency.
  Software being installed: API Tools 1.1.400.v20180727-1338 ( 1.1.400.v20180727-1338)
  Software currently installed: Eclipse Platform 4.8.0.I20180611-0500 (org.eclipse.platform.ide 4.8.0.I20180611-0500)
  Only one of the following can be installed at once:
   Debug Core 3.12.0.v20180509-0959 (org.eclipse.debug.core 3.12.0.v20180509-0959)
   Debug Core 3.13.0.v20180728-0102 (org.eclipse.debug.core 3.13.0.v20180728-0102)
  Cannot satisfy dependency:
   From: Java Development Tools Launching Support 3.11.0.v20180728-0103 (org.eclipse.jdt.launching 3.11.0.v20180728-0103)
   To: osgi.bundle; org.eclipse.debug.core [3.13.0,4.0.0)
  Cannot satisfy dependency:
   From: Java Development Tools Launching Support 3.11.0.v20180728-2102 (org.eclipse.jdt.launching 3.11.0.v20180728-2102)
   To: osgi.bundle; org.eclipse.debug.core [3.13.0,4.0.0)
  Cannot satisfy dependency:
   From: API Tools 1.1.400.v20180727-1338 ( 1.1.400.v20180727-1338)
   To: osgi.bundle; org.eclipse.jdt.launching [3.6.100,4.0.0)
  Cannot satisfy dependency:
   From: Eclipse Platform 4.8.0.v20180611-0656 ( 4.8.0.v20180611-0656)
   To: org.eclipse.equinox.p2.iu; org.eclipse.debug.core [3.12.0.v20180509-0959,3.12.0.v20180509-0959]
  Cannot satisfy dependency:
   From: Eclipse Platform 4.8.0.I20180611-0500 (org.eclipse.platform.ide 4.8.0.I20180611-0500)
   To: org.eclipse.equinox.p2.iu; [4.8.0.v20180611-0656,4.8.0.v20180611-0656]

Problem Analysis and solution:

We use an eclipse instance for generating different build reports. This instance is created by adding,, and to eclipse platform product. If you see the above error message it implies that one of the above feature requires higher version of eclipse platform product. This errors happens because the p2director cannot upgrade through commandline. This can be fixed by changing the base dir and base label here