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Code Organization

Paul Maréchal edited this page Sep 16, 2021 · 8 revisions

The code is fully implemented in TypeScript. Within the top level folders, that indicate what the contained code is about, we separate between the following platforms:

  • common/*: Source code that only requires basic JavaScript APIs and run in all the other target environments.
  • browser/*: Source code that requires the browser APIs like access to the DOM.
    • May use code from: common.
  • node/*: Source code that requires nodejs APIs.
    • May use code from: common.
  • electron-node/*: Electron specific source code that requires nodejs APIs.
    • May use code from: common.
  • electron-browser/*: Source code that requires the Electron renderer-process APIs.
    • May use code from: common, browser, node.
  • electron-main/*: Source code that requires the Electron main-process APIs.
    • May use code from: electron-node, common, node.