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File metadata and controls

127 lines (92 loc) · 6.35 KB

gRPC Interface Support

Extends Velocitas applications and services with the ability to describe a dependency to a gRPC service via its interface definition in a proto file.

The component provides CLI exec targets which can generate service client SDKs and service server SDKs for all dependent services which will be made available for the application to use via a simple factory interface.


Run the exposed generate-sdk program via Velocitas CLI to generate a service SDK for usage within either client or server applications. e.g.

velocitas exec grpc-interface-support generate-sdk

Depending on the interfaces defined in the AppManifest file, either classes and SDKs for client, server or both are generated.

parameters meaning client SDK server SDK local proto file (absolute path) local proto file (relative path) archive downloadable file (raw not blob)
src The source (absolute or relative) to the proto files (dir, zip, file, link) /home/user/proto_file.proto /home/user/proto_file.proto /home/user/proto_file.proto proto_file.proto (located under workspace of template repository)
required The functions that the client uses { client_function1(), client_function2(), ... } not defined see sdk examples see sdk examples see sdk examples see sdk examples
provided Set if the server code shall be generated to {} not defined {} see sdk examples see sdk examples see sdk examples see sdk examples
protoIncludeDir The path to some imports in the protot files (default parent folder) path_to_imports path_to_imports path_to_imports path_to_imports path_to_imports path_to_imports
pathInZip If you have multiple folders in a zip and just want one to be generated undefined undefined undefined undefined rel_path_archive undefined

Example json:

    "manifestVersion": "v3",
    "name": "App",
    "interfaces": [
            "type": "grpc-interface",
            "config": {
                "src": "home/user/proto_file.proto",
                "protoIncludeDir": "<path_to_imports>",
                "required": {},
                "provided": {},



To instantiate a client and call a method on the client instance, use the provided factory API to interface with the Velocitas core SDK:

#include "sdk/middleware/Middleware.h"
#include "services/seats/SeatsServiceClientFactory.h"
#include "services/seats/seats.grpc.pb.h"

using namespace velocitas;

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    auto seatService =

    ::grpc::ClientContext context;
    ::sdv::edge::comfort::seats::v1::MoveRequest request;
    ::sdv::edge::comfort::seats::v1::MoveReply response;
    auto status = seatService->Move(&context, request, &response);
    return status.ok() ? 0 : 1;


When generating a server SDK, in addition to the SDK package, one or more files (depending on the target language) are auto generated into your application's source directory. To instantiate a server with your custom implementation, use the provided factory API to interface with the Velocitas core SDK.


Generated files:

  • <Service-Name>ServiceImpl.h contains class definition and method declarations for implementing the server. This file is continuously auto-generated! To add custom methods place them within the // <user-defined> block.
  • <Service-Name>ServiceImpl.cpp contains method definitions for all server methods, defaulting to UNIMPLEMENTED. This file is only generated once if it does not exist.
#include "sdk/middleware/Middleware.h"
#include "services/seats/SeatsServiceServerFactory.h"
#include "SeatsServiceServer.h"

#include <memory>

using namespace velocitas;

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    auto seatsImpl = std::make_shared<SeatsService>();

    auto seatServer =
        SeatsServiceServerFactory::create(Middleware::getInstance(), seatsImpl);

    return 0;


Generated files:

  • <Service-Name> contains class definition and method declarations for implementing the server. This file is continuously auto-generated! To add custom methods place them inside the <Service-Name> class.
  • <Service-Name> contains method definitions for all server methods, defaulting to UNIMPLEMENTED. This file is only generated once if it does not exist.
from velocitas_sdk.config import middleware
from seats_service_sdk.seats_pb2_grpc import SeatsServicer
from seats_service_sdk.SeatsServiceServerFactory import SeatsServiceServerFactory
from SeatsServiceImpl import SeatsService

async def on_start(self):
    seatsService = SeatsService()
    server = SeatsServiceServerFactory.create(
        middleware, # Create your own middleware sub class


Why is one file continuously re-generated and the another file is not? - One file always contains up-to-date method declarations reflecting the proto state. If they change, the source code, which most likely has more LoC, needs to be adapted manually.