diff --git a/functions/assets/fonts/Code25I.ttf b/functions/assets/fonts/Code25I.ttf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f1f9bdb
Binary files /dev/null and b/functions/assets/fonts/Code25I.ttf differ
diff --git a/functions/assets/fonts/Times New Roman Bold Italic.ttf b/functions/assets/fonts/Times New Roman Bold Italic.ttf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..47e8580
Binary files /dev/null and b/functions/assets/fonts/Times New Roman Bold Italic.ttf differ
diff --git a/functions/assets/fonts/Times New Roman Bold.ttf b/functions/assets/fonts/Times New Roman Bold.ttf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..578542c
Binary files /dev/null and b/functions/assets/fonts/Times New Roman Bold.ttf differ
diff --git a/functions/assets/fonts/Times New Roman Italic.ttf b/functions/assets/fonts/Times New Roman Italic.ttf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eff3616
Binary files /dev/null and b/functions/assets/fonts/Times New Roman Italic.ttf differ
diff --git a/functions/assets/fonts/Times New Roman.ttf b/functions/assets/fonts/Times New Roman.ttf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d7969c3
Binary files /dev/null and b/functions/assets/fonts/Times New Roman.ttf differ
diff --git a/functions/assets/images/banrisul.png b/functions/assets/images/banrisul.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b9e299
Binary files /dev/null and b/functions/assets/images/banrisul.png differ
diff --git a/functions/ecom.config.js b/functions/ecom.config.js
index 6f2c232..03cda84 100644
--- a/functions/ecom.config.js
+++ b/functions/ecom.config.js
@@ -34,13 +34,13 @@ const app = {
* Triggered when listing payments, must return available payment methods.
* Start editing `routes/ecom/modules/list-payments.js`
- // list_payments: { enabled: true },
+ list_payments: { enabled: true },
* Triggered when order is being closed, must create payment transaction and return info.
* Start editing `routes/ecom/modules/create-transaction.js`
- // create_transaction: { enabled: true },
+ create_transaction: { enabled: true },
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ const app = {
// 'DELETE', // Delete customers
orders: [
- // 'GET', // List/read orders with public and private fields
+ 'GET', // List/read orders with public and private fields
// 'POST', // Create orders
// 'PATCH', // Edit orders
// 'PUT', // Overwrite orders
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ const app = {
'orders/payments_history': [
// 'GET', // List/read order payments history events
- // 'POST', // Create payments history entry with new status
+ 'POST', // Create payments history entry with new status
// 'DELETE', // Delete payments history entry
@@ -138,37 +138,174 @@ const app = {
admin_settings: {
- /**
- * JSON schema based fields to be configured by merchant and saved to app `data` / `hidden_data`, such as:
- webhook_uri: {
- schema: {
- type: 'string',
- maxLength: 255,
- format: 'uri',
- title: 'Notifications URI',
- description: 'Unique notifications URI available on your Custom App dashboard'
- },
- hide: true
- },
- token: {
- schema: {
- type: 'string',
- maxLength: 50,
- title: 'App token'
- },
- hide: true
- },
- opt_in: {
- schema: {
- type: 'boolean',
- default: false,
- title: 'Some config option'
- },
- hide: false
- },
- */
+ client_id: {
+ schema: {
+ type: 'string',
+ maxLength: 255,
+ title: 'Client Id',
+ // description: ''
+ },
+ hide: true
+ },
+ client_secret: {
+ schema: {
+ type: 'string',
+ maxLength: 255,
+ title: 'Client Secret',
+ // description: ''
+ },
+ hide: true
+ },
+ beneficiary_code: {
+ schema: {
+ type: 'string',
+ maxLength: 13,
+ title: 'Código beneficiário',
+ description: 'Seu código de beneficiário no Banrisul (13 dígitos)'
+ },
+ hide: true
+ },
+ is_homologation: {
+ schema: {
+ type: 'boolean',
+ title: 'Ambiente de Homologação',
+ description: 'Habilitar ambiente para Homologação',
+ default: false
+ },
+ hide: false
+ },
+ days_to_expiry: {
+ schema:{
+ type: 'integer',
+ minimum: 1,
+ maximum: 999,
+ default: 7,
+ title: 'Dias corridos até o vencimento',
+ description: 'Representa diferença de dias entre a data da requisição e a data de vencimento'
+ },
+ hide: false
+ },
+ fees: {
+ schema: {
+ type: 'object',
+ required: [
+ 'value'
+ ],
+ title: 'Juros',
+ description: 'Juros a ser aplicado nos boletos após vencimento',
+ additionalProperties: false,
+ properties: {
+ type: {
+ type: 'string',
+ enum: [
+ 'percentual',
+ 'fixo',
+ 'isento'
+ ],
+ default: 'isento',
+ title: 'Tipo de juros',
+ description: 'Se fixo valor diário, se percentual taxa mensal'
+ },
+ value: {
+ type: 'number',
+ minimum: 0,
+ maximum: 99999999,
+ title: 'Valor do juros',
+ description: 'Valor percentual ou fixo a ser acrescentado, dependendo to tipo configurado'
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ hide: false
+ },
+ tax: {
+ schema: {
+ type: 'object',
+ required: [
+ 'value'
+ ],
+ title: 'Multa',
+ description: 'Multa a ser aplicada nos boletos após vencimento',
+ additionalProperties: false,
+ properties: {
+ disable: {
+ type: 'boolean',
+ default: true,
+ title: 'Desabilitar multa'
+ },
+ type: {
+ type: 'string',
+ enum: [
+ 'percentual',
+ 'fixa'
+ ],
+ default: 'percentual',
+ title: 'Tipo de multa',
+ description: 'Multa com valor percentual ou fixo'
+ },
+ value: {
+ type: 'number',
+ minimum: 0,
+ maximum: 99999999,
+ title: 'Valor da multa',
+ description: 'Valor percentual ou fixo a ser acrescentado, dependendo to tipo configurado'
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ hide: false
+ },
+ discount: {
+ schema: {
+ type: 'object',
+ required: [
+ 'value'
+ ],
+ title: 'Desconto',
+ additionalProperties: false,
+ properties: {
+ disable: {
+ type: 'boolean',
+ default: false,
+ title: 'Desabilitar desconto'
+ },
+ apply_at: {
+ type: 'string',
+ enum: [
+ 'total',
+ 'subtotal',
+ 'freight'
+ ],
+ default: 'subtotal',
+ title: 'Aplicar desconto em',
+ description: 'Em qual valor o desconto deverá ser aplicado no checkout'
+ },
+ min_amount: {
+ type: 'integer',
+ minimum: 1,
+ maximum: 999999999,
+ title: 'Pedido mínimo',
+ description: 'Montante mínimo para aplicar o desconto'
+ },
+ type: {
+ type: 'string',
+ enum: [
+ 'percentage',
+ 'fixed'
+ ],
+ default: 'percentage',
+ title: 'Tipo de desconto',
+ description: 'Desconto com valor percentual ou fixo'
+ },
+ value: {
+ type: 'number',
+ minimum: 0,
+ maximum: 99999999,
+ title: 'Valor do desconto',
+ description: 'Valor percentual ou fixo a ser descontado, dependendo to tipo configurado'
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ hide: false
+ }
diff --git a/functions/lib/banrisul/auth/create-access.js b/functions/lib/banrisul/auth/create-access.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd7cd98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/functions/lib/banrisul/auth/create-access.js
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+const createAxios = require('./create-axios')
+const getOAuth = require('./get-token')
+module.exports = function (clientId, clientSecret, storeId, firestoreColl = 'banrisul_auth') {
+ const self = this
+ let documentRef
+ // const hashLogin = Buffer.from(`${galaxpayId}:${galaxpayHash}`).toString('base64')
+ if (firestoreColl) {
+ documentRef = require('firebase-admin')
+ .firestore()
+ .doc(`${firestoreColl}/${storeId}`)
+ }
+ this.preparing = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ const authenticate = (accessToken, documentRef) => {
+ self.axios = createAxios(accessToken)
+ self.documentRef = documentRef
+ if (documentRef) {
+ documentRef
+ .set({ accessToken }, { merge: true })
+ .catch(console.error)
+ }
+ resolve(self)
+ }
+ const handleAuth = () => {
+ console.log('> Banrisul Auth02 ', storeId)
+ getOAuth(clientId, clientSecret)
+ .then((accessToken) => {
+ console.log(`>> s:${storeId} token => ${accessToken}`)
+ authenticate(accessToken, documentRef)
+ })
+ .catch(reject)
+ }
+ if (documentRef) {
+ documentRef.get()
+ .then((documentSnapshot) => {
+ if (documentSnapshot.exists &&
+ Date.now() - documentSnapshot.updateTime.toDate().getTime() <= 59 * 60 * 1000 // access token expires in 60 minutes
+ ) {
+ authenticate(documentSnapshot.get('accessToken'), documentRef)
+ } else {
+ handleAuth()
+ }
+ })
+ .catch(console.error)
+ } else {
+ handleAuth()
+ }
+ })
diff --git a/functions/lib/banrisul/auth/create-axios.js b/functions/lib/banrisul/auth/create-axios.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd5cce2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/functions/lib/banrisul/auth/create-axios.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+const axios = require('axios')
+module.exports = (accessToken, isGetToken) => {
+ const isSandbox = true
+ const headers = {
+ 'Content-Type': 'application/json'
+ }
+ if (accessToken) {
+ console.log('> token ', accessToken)
+ headers.Authorization = `Bearer ${accessToken}`
+ }
+ return axios.create({
+ baseURL: `https://api${isSandbox ? 'dev' : ''}.banrisul.com.br${isGetToken ? '' : '/cobranca/v1'}`,
+ headers
+ })
diff --git a/functions/lib/banrisul/auth/get-token.js b/functions/lib/banrisul/auth/get-token.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c9a2112
--- /dev/null
+++ b/functions/lib/banrisul/auth/get-token.js
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+const axios = require('./create-axios')
+const qs = require('qs')
+module.exports = (clientId, clientSecret) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ const banrisulAxios = axios(null, true)
+ const request = async (isRetry) => {
+ try {
+ const headers = {
+ 'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ Authorization: `Basic ${Buffer.from(`${clientId}:${clientSecret}`).toString('base64')}`
+ }
+ const body = {
+ grant_type: 'client_credentials',
+ scope: 'boletos'
+ }
+ const { data: { access_token: token } } = await banrisulAxios.post(
+ '/auth/oauth/v2/token',
+ qs.stringify(body),
+ { headers }
+ )
+ resolve(token)
+ } catch (err) {
+ if (!isRetry && err.response && err.response.status >= 429) {
+ setTimeout(() => request(true), 7000)
+ }
+ reject(err)
+ }
+ }
+ request()
diff --git a/functions/lib/banrisul/calculate-our-number.js b/functions/lib/banrisul/calculate-our-number.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9894b47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/functions/lib/banrisul/calculate-our-number.js
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+const mod10 = (number) => {
+ const stringNumber = (`${number}`.padStart(8, '0'))
+ .split('')
+ .map(sNumber => {
+ return parseInt(sNumber, 10)
+ })
+ let mod10 = 0
+ let isWeight1 = false
+ for (let i = stringNumber.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ let result = stringNumber[i] * (isWeight1 ? 1 : 2)
+ if (result > 9) {
+ result -= 9
+ }
+ mod10 += result
+ isWeight1 = !isWeight1
+ }
+ return 10 - (mod10 % 10)
+const mod11 = (number, mod10) => {
+ const calcRest = (dv) => {
+ const stringNumber = (`${number}${dv}`.padStart(9, '0'))
+ .split('')
+ .map(sNumber => {
+ return parseInt(sNumber, 10)
+ })
+ let mod11 = 0
+ let weight = 2
+ for (let i = stringNumber.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ const result = stringNumber[i] * weight
+ mod11 += result
+ weight = weight === 7 ? 2 : weight + 1
+ }
+ return mod11 % 11
+ }
+ let rest = calcRest(mod10)
+ if (rest === 1) {
+ rest = calcRest(mod10 === 9 ? 0 : mod10 + 1)
+ }
+ return 11 - rest
+const ourNumber = (number) => {
+ const dvMod10 = mod10(number)
+ const dvMod11 = mod11(number, dvMod10)
+ return `${number}${dvMod10}${dvMod11}`.padStart(10, '0')
+module.exports = ourNumber
diff --git a/functions/lib/banrisul/check-billet.js b/functions/lib/banrisul/check-billet.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..65c5cc0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/functions/lib/banrisul/check-billet.js
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+const Banrisul = require('./auth/create-access')
+const getAppData = require('../store-api/get-app-data')
+const parseStatus = {
+ A: 'pending',
+ B: 'voided',
+ D: 'voided',
+ L: 'paid',
+ R: 'refunded',
+ T: 'pending',
+ P: 'pending'
+module.exports = async (admin, appSdk) => {
+ try {
+ /*
+ A = Ativo
+ B = Baixado por pagamento // Cancelado
+ D = Baixado por devolução // Cancelado
+ L = Liquidado // PAGO
+ R = Reembolsado
+ T = Transferido para CL
+ P = Protestado
+ */
+ const collectionBillet = admin.firestore().collection('billets')
+ admin.firestore().collection('ecomplus_app_auth').get()
+ .then(async (docsRef) => {
+ const storeIds = []
+ const apps = docsRef?.docs?.map((doc) => {
+ return {
+ ...doc.data(),
+ id: doc.id
+ }
+ })
+ for (let i = 0; i < apps.length; i++) {
+ const app = apps[i]
+ const storeId = app.store_id
+ console.log('>> StoreId: ', storeId)
+ const docsBillets = (await collectionBillet.where('storeId', '==', storeId).get())
+ ?.docs?.map((doc) => {
+ return {
+ ...doc.data(),
+ orderId: doc.id,
+ refDoc: doc.ref
+ }
+ })
+ if (!storeIds.includes(storeId)) {
+ storeIds.push(storeId)
+ const auth = await appSdk.getAuth(storeId)
+ const appData = await getAppData({ appSdk, storeId, auth })
+ const banrisul = new Banrisul(appData.client_id, appData.client_secret, storeId)
+ await banrisul.preparing
+ const barisulAxios = banrisul.axios
+ for (let j = 0; j < docsBillets.length; j++) {
+ try {
+ const { titulo, orderId, refDoc } = docsBillets[j]
+ const idBoleto = titulo.nosso_numero
+ console.log('>> orderId: ', orderId, ' nosso numero', idBoleto)
+ const { data: billet } = await barisulAxios.get(
+ `/boletos/${idBoleto}`,
+ {
+ headers: {
+ 'bergs-beneficiario': appData.beneficiary_code
+ }
+ }
+ )
+ console.log('> billet ', JSON.stringify(billet))
+ const status = parseStatus[billet?.titulo?.situacao_banrisul] || 'pending'
+ const parseDate = {
+ voided: billet?.titulo?.data_baixa,
+ paid: billet?.titulo?.data_pagamento,
+ refunded: billet?.titulo?.data_reembolso,
+ pending: Date.now()
+ }
+ console.log('> status ', status, ' date: ', parseDate[status])
+ if (orderId) {
+ const { response: { data: order } } = (await appSdk.apiRequest(storeId, `/orders/${orderId}.json`, 'GET', null, auth))
+ if (order && order.financial_status.current !== status) {
+ console.log('>> Update status ', status)
+ let transactionId
+ if (order.transactions && order.transactions[0]) {
+ transactionId = order.transactions[0]._id
+ }
+ const body = {
+ date_time: new Date(parseDate[status]).toISOString(),
+ status,
+ notification_code: `time:${new Date().toISOString()};`,
+ flags: ['Banrisul']
+ }
+ if (transactionId) {
+ body.transaction_id = transactionId
+ }
+ await appSdk.apiRequest(storeId, `orders/${order._id}/payments_history.json`, 'POST', body, auth)
+ }
+ if (status !== 'pending') {
+ console.log('Removing Billet')
+ await refDoc.delete()
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (error) {
+ console.error(error)
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ console.log(`Already executed in the store #${storeId}`)
+ }
+ }
+ })
+ } catch (error) {
+ console.error(error)
+ }
diff --git a/functions/lib/banrisul/payload-to-billet.js b/functions/lib/banrisul/payload-to-billet.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..432fd2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/functions/lib/banrisul/payload-to-billet.js
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+const parseAddress = to => ({
+ city: to.city,
+ state: to.province,
+ stateCode: to.province_code,
+ country: to.country_code ? to.country_code.toUpperCaseCase() : 'BR',
+ zipCode: to.zip,
+ number: `${String(to.number) || 's/n'}`,
+ street: `${to.street}`,
+ borough: `${to.borough}`,
+ complement: to.complement || ''
+const createBodyToBillet = (appData, params, ourNumber) => {
+ const { amount, buyer, to } = params
+ const {
+ fees, // Juros
+ tax // Multa
+ } = appData
+ const isHomologation = appData.is_homologation
+ const daysToExpiry = appData.days_to_expiry
+ const createdAt = new Date()
+ const dayExpiry = new Date(createdAt.getTime() + daysToExpiry * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)
+ /*
+ especie
+ 02 = Duplicata Mercantil
+ 04 = Duplicata de Serviço
+ 31 = Cartão de Crédito
+ 32 = Boleto de Proposta
+ 99 = Outros
+ */
+ const titulo = {
+ data_emissao: createdAt.toISOString().split('T')[0],
+ data_vencimento: dayExpiry.toISOString().split('T')[0],
+ especie: '99',
+ instrucoes: {},
+ pag_parcial: {
+ autoriza: 1,
+ codigo: 3
+ },
+ valor_nominal: (amount.total).toFixed(2),
+ // nosso_numero: ourNumber,
+ seu_numero: Date.now().toString()
+ }
+ /*
+ Códigos Juros
+ 1 = Valor por dia
+ 2 = Taxa mensal
+ 3 = Isento
+ */
+ let codeFees = 3
+ if (fees.type && fees.type !== 'isento') {
+ codeFees = fees.type === 'percentual' ? 2 : 1
+ }
+ Object.assign(titulo.instrucoes, {
+ juros: {
+ codigo: codeFees
+ }
+ })
+ switch (fees.type) {
+ case 'percentual':
+ titulo.instrucoes.juros.taxa = (fees.value || 0)
+ break
+ case 'fixo':
+ titulo.instrucoes.juros.valor = (fees.value || 0)
+ break
+ default:
+ break
+ }
+ /*
+ Códigos Multa
+ 1 = Valor Fixo
+ 2 = Percentual
+ */
+ if (tax && !tax.disable && tax.value) {
+ Object.assign(titulo.instrucoes, {
+ multa: {
+ codigo: tax.type === 'fixa' ? 1 : 2
+ }
+ })
+ switch (tax.type) {
+ case 'percentual':
+ titulo.instrucoes.multa.taxa = (tax.value || 0)
+ break
+ case 'fixa':
+ titulo.instrucoes.multa.valor = (tax.value || 0)
+ break
+ default:
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ const address = to && to.street ? parseAddress(to) : parseAddress(params.billing_address)
+ const pagador = {
+ aceite: 'A',
+ cep: address.zipCode,
+ cidade: (address.city).toUpperCase(),
+ cpf_cnpj: buyer.doc_number,
+ endereco: `${address.street}, ${address.number} Complemento: ${address.complement}`.toUpperCase(),
+ nome: (buyer.fullname).toUpperCase(),
+ tipo_pessoa: buyer.registry_type.toUpperCase() === 'P' ? 'F' : 'J',
+ uf: (address.stateCode).toUpperCase()
+ }
+ Object.assign(titulo, { pagador })
+ return { ambiente: isHomologation ? 'T' : 'P', titulo }
+module.exports = createBodyToBillet
diff --git a/functions/lib/billet/billet-test.js b/functions/lib/billet/billet-test.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef6ede6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/functions/lib/billet/billet-test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+const billet = {
+ retorno: '49',
+ titulo: {
+ beneficiario: {
+ codigo: '5731168866247',
+ cpf_cnpj: '76209196126',
+ nome: 'uÍiÀI',
+ nome_fantasia: 'ÀÃ%ÔGÀkÁzmyau`OPYoáT?v9_ÉÚÍ3;fÂUyÀ=h7~XSzÓyqF4Q.#vN',
+ tipo_pessoa: 'J'
+ },
+ codigo_barras: '55283391686229690574349498672515103287485996',
+ data_emissao: '5655-12-02',
+ data_vencimento: '4348-09-31',
+ especie: '02',
+ instrucoes: {
+ juros: {
+ codigo: 2,
+ data: '6324-10-31',
+ taxa: '-271.8',
+ valor: '-578496171676.03'
+ },
+ abatimento: {
+ valor: '1111268606.51'
+ },
+ baixa: {
+ codigo: 1,
+ prazo: 36
+ },
+ desconto: {
+ codigo: 5,
+ data: '7772-11-07',
+ taxa: '-7.08',
+ valor: '-682677.95'
+ },
+ multa: {
+ codigo: 2,
+ data: '1689-03-06',
+ taxa: '0753.4',
+ valor: '679.05'
+ },
+ protesto: {
+ codigo: 1,
+ prazo: 2
+ }
+ },
+ linha_digitavel: '77269815406457311243003537544386312277562531949',
+ nosso_numero: '8513805687',
+ pag_parcial: {
+ autoriza: 1,
+ codigo: 1,
+ percentual_max: '-2.82',
+ percentual_min: '-898.0',
+ quantidade: 90,
+ tipo: 1,
+ valor_max: '819279703429.29',
+ valor_min: '150673382.60'
+ },
+ pagador: {
+ aceite: 'N',
+ cep: '65514150',
+ cidade: '`hzvú`NY',
+ cpf_cnpj: '85417382064',
+ endereco: 'ú_1vánÁ:_ôLÂgoÇu#+;d\\êUãÚÃcáocçwyd#',
+ nome: '0vâç9À# G \\k81hXO#êàÍ2p',
+ tipo_pessoa: 'F',
+ uf: 'HU'
+ },
+ seu_numero: '.T5$s-ZyCj',
+ valor_nominal: '-49231204.08',
+ carteira: 5,
+ hibrido: {
+ autoriza: 'S',
+ copia_cola: "pSx@k`{MccaQkm$i2`0*xNY[*1=K4|RfL'm_LBx4~IN,obW$2l0Q%SFY|IC2b*;n7R'}?SAH~ .Kx/[:%A#qOjTe7U!cdu,hsoBf077gxC=x2L5LW\\}XSEhu1k D?J8@)mq5'LP~4;@S1#EBW5/VGtE:BafwCESU#L~9tu",
+ location: "_;D.zb$A_RX'P_i+a5F9Rx!Nd9jfme_X+{G5},3VDLUtG2U?1]0)Z(i'qSR",
+ situacao: 'N',
+ txid: '930072925297634867722746857370174'
+ },
+ id_titulo_empresa: 'Jm1QdffG4ATmT9vc6MdnFED',
+ mensagens: [
+ {
+ linha: 1,
+ texto: 'ÜlA?}?ÁLX=aõfVoaálBUÜK3Q_'
+ }
+ ],
+ operacoes: {
+ custas_cartorio: '-593529996407.27',
+ data_baixa: '6031-06-01',
+ data_credito: '5076-12-08',
+ data_pagamento: '4015-02-26',
+ data_reembolso: '7973-08-31',
+ ressarcimento_cartorio: '-06858.22',
+ tarifa_aponte_cartorio: '-5772142.19',
+ tarifa_baixa_liquidacao: '-631558390.13',
+ tarifa_interbancaria: '2786404686.91',
+ tarifa_manutencao_mensal: '5784.51',
+ tarifa_registro: '976691950.11',
+ tarifa_sustacao: '-984300.69',
+ tarifas_diversas: '-968.81',
+ valor_abatimento_utilizado: '2.07',
+ valor_cobrado: '9047821.85',
+ valor_creditado_debitado: '7722975.40',
+ valor_desconto_utilizado: '1660661.71',
+ valor_iof: '-5800.18',
+ valor_juros_pago: '65918831.20',
+ valor_juros_recebido: '-06161021419.64',
+ valor_multa_recebido: '2.49',
+ valor_pagamento: '-8974290.59',
+ valor_reembolso: '3980.25'
+ },
+ rateio: {
+ beneficiarios: [
+ {
+ codigo: '0341947597124',
+ cpf_cnpj: '96722574999',
+ nome: "IÔ0b;W:JBÜÀç#POzú\\mrf5'Õ=SÚ+EJ=wÁiqLTSDrws|zOXU'Í+ÂêwbÊ$çX!h",
+ nome_fantasia: 's7útÉ]é#17Â+Ua',
+ parcela: 5,
+ percentual: '190.037',
+ tipo_pessoa: 'J',
+ valor: '-3.67'
+ }
+ ],
+ codigo: 2,
+ tipo_valor: 2
+ },
+ situacao_banrisul: 'T',
+ situacao_cip: 'A',
+ situacao_pagamento: 4,
+ valor_iof: '-38.70'
+ }
+const testGerate = () => {
+ console.log('>> Gerate')
+ const gerate = require('./gerate-billet')
+ gerate(billet.titulo)
+// */
+module.exports = billet
diff --git a/functions/lib/billet/gerate-billet.js b/functions/lib/billet/gerate-billet.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c4c4da6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/functions/lib/billet/gerate-billet.js
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+const Pdf = require('pdfkit')
+const layoutPDF = require('./utils/layout-pdf')
+const descriptionsPDF = require('./utils/descriptions-pdf')
+const { join } = require('path')
+ REF.:
+ https://github.com/Romulosanttos/gerar-boletos
+const generateBilletBanking = (billet, isSandbox) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ try {
+ const dirAssets = join(process.cwd(), '/assets')
+ const dirFonts = join(dirAssets, '/fonts')
+ const pdf = new Pdf({
+ size: [595.44, 881.68]
+ })
+ const timesNewRoman = join(dirFonts, 'Times New Roman.ttf')
+ const timesNewRomanBold = join(dirFonts, 'Times New Roman Bold.ttf')
+ const code25I = join(dirFonts, 'Code25I.ttf')
+ const chunks = []
+ pdf.on('data', (buffer) => {
+ chunks.push(buffer)
+ })
+ pdf.on('end', () => {
+ resolve(Buffer.concat(chunks))
+ })
+ pdf.registerFont('normal', timesNewRoman)
+ pdf.registerFont('bold', timesNewRomanBold)
+ pdf.registerFont('barCode', code25I)
+ /*
+ const fs = require('fs')
+ const dirFile = join(dirAssets, '/tmp/billet.pdf')
+ pdf.pipe(fs.createWriteStream(dirFile))
+ // */
+ layoutPDF(pdf)
+ descriptionsPDF(pdf, billet, isSandbox)
+ pdf.end()
+ } catch (err) {
+ reject(err)
+ }
+module.exports = generateBilletBanking
diff --git a/functions/lib/billet/utils/descriptions-pdf.js b/functions/lib/billet/utils/descriptions-pdf.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..728d474
--- /dev/null
+++ b/functions/lib/billet/utils/descriptions-pdf.js
@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
+const {
+ spaceCol,
+ colStart,
+ line
+} = require('./dimensions')
+const parseEspecie = {
+ '02': 'DM',
+ '04': 'DS',
+ 31: 'CC',
+ 32: 'BDP',
+ 99: 'DV'
+const addText = (
+ pdf,
+ fontType,
+ fontSize,
+ text,
+ posX,
+ posY,
+ width,
+ align = 'left'
+) => {
+ pdf
+ .font(fontType || 'normal')
+ .fontSize(fontSize)
+ .text(text, posX, posY,
+ {
+ lineBreak: false,
+ width,
+ align
+ }
+ )
+const titles = {
+ instrucoes: 'Instruções de responsabilidade do BENEFICIÁRIO',
+ dataDocumento: 'Data Documento',
+ nomeDoPagador: 'Nome do Cliente',
+ agenciaECodigoDoBeneficiario: 'Agência / Código do Beneficiário',
+ nossoNumero: 'Nosso Número',
+ especie: 'Espécie',
+ especieDoDocumento: 'Espécie Doc.',
+ quantidade: 'Quantidade',
+ numeroDoDocumento: 'Nº do Documento',
+ dataDeProcessamento: 'Data Processamento',
+ valorDoDocumento: '(=) Valor do Documento',
+ valor: 'Valor',
+ carteira: 'Carteira',
+ moraMulta: '(+) Mora / Multa',
+ localDoPagamento: 'Local do Pagamento'
+const handleDate = (date) => {
+ const newDate = date.split('-')
+ return `${newDate[2]}/${newDate[1]}/${newDate[0]}`
+const handleInstructions = (instructions, dayExpiry, pdf, posCol, lastLine, withCol) => {
+ const {
+ juros,
+ desconto,
+ multa,
+ protesto
+ } = instructions
+ let hasInterest = false
+ let text = ''
+ if (juros && (juros.codigo !== 3)) {
+ text = `APLICAR JUROS DE ${juros.codigo === 2 ? `${(juros.taxa).replace('.', ',')}% AO MÊS` : `R$${(juros.valor).replace('.', ',')} AO DIA`} `
+ hasInterest = true
+ }
+ if (multa) {
+ text += `${hasInterest ? 'E' : 'APLICAR'} MULTA DE ${multa.codigo === 2 ? `${(multa.taxa).replace('.', ',')}%` : `R$${(multa.valor).replace('.', ',')}`} AO DIA`
+ }
+ text = text.length ? `${text} após o vencimento` : ''
+ addText(pdf, 'normal', 8, text?.toUpperCase(), posCol, line(lastLine + 6, -2, 'write'), withCol * 5)
+ if (desconto) {
+ let textDiscount = ''
+ textDiscount = `APLICAR DESCONTO DE ${desconto.codigo === 2 ? `${(desconto.taxa).replace('.', ',')}%` : `R$${(desconto.valor).replace('.', ',')}`} até`
+ textDiscount = dayExpiry === desconto.data ? `${textDiscount} o vencimento` : `${textDiscount} dia ${handleDate(dayExpiry)}`
+ addText(pdf, 'normal', 8, textDiscount?.toUpperCase(), posCol, line(lastLine + 7, 10, 'write'), withCol * 5)
+ }
+ if (protesto && protesto.codigo !== 3) {
+ const textProtest = `protestar em ${protesto.prazo} dias após o vencimento`
+ addText(pdf, 'normal', 8, textProtest?.toUpperCase(), posCol, line(lastLine + 7, -2, 'write'), withCol * 5)
+ }
+const handleDigitableLine = (digitableLine) => {
+ const arrayDigitableLine = digitableLine.split('')
+ return arrayDigitableLine.reduce((accumulator, digit, index) => {
+ let rule = ''
+ if (index === 5 || index === 15 || index === 26) {
+ rule = '.'
+ } else if (index === 10 || index === 21 || index === 32 || index === 33) {
+ rule = ' '
+ }
+ return accumulator + rule + digit
+ }, '')
+const handlePayer = (payer, pdf, posCol, lastLine, withCol) => {
+ addText(pdf, 'bold', 5, 'PAGADOR', posCol, line(lastLine + 11, 8, 'write'), withCol / 2)
+ let textLine1 = payer.nome
+ const arrayDocNumber = payer.cpf_cnpj?.split('')
+ if (payer.tipo_pessoa === 'J') {
+ textLine1 += ' CNPJ: '
+ textLine1 += arrayDocNumber.reduce((accumulator, digit, index) => {
+ let rule = ''
+ if (index === 2 || index === 5) {
+ rule = '.'
+ } else if (index === 8) {
+ rule = '/'
+ } else if (index === 12) {
+ rule = '-'
+ }
+ return accumulator + rule + digit
+ }, '')
+ } else {
+ textLine1 += ' CPF: '
+ textLine1 += arrayDocNumber.reduce((accumulator, digit, index) => {
+ let rule = ''
+ if (index === 3 || index === 6) {
+ rule = '.'
+ } else if (index === 9) {
+ rule = '-'
+ }
+ return accumulator + rule + digit
+ }, '')
+ }
+ addText(pdf, 'normal', 9, textLine1, posCol + (withCol / 2), line(lastLine + 11, 8, 'write'), withCol * 4)
+ addText(pdf, 'normal', 9, payer.endereco || '', posCol, line(lastLine + 11, -2, 'write'), withCol * 5)
+ const textLine2 = `${payer.cidade || ''} - ${payer.uf || ''} CEP: ${payer.cep || ''}`
+ addText(pdf, 'normal', 9, textLine2, posCol, line(lastLine + 11, -14, 'write'), withCol * 5)
+const handleCodeBar = (text) => {
+ // REF:
+ // https://github.com/Romulosanttos/gerar-boletos/blob/master/lib/boleto/gerador-de-boleto.js#L624
+ if (text.length % 2 !== 0) {
+ throw new Error('Text must have an even number of characters')
+ }
+ const start = String.fromCharCode(201)
+ const stop = String.fromCharCode(202)
+ return text.match(/.{2}/g)
+ .reduce((accumulator, part) => {
+ const value = parseInt(part, 10)
+ let ascii
+ if (value >= 0 && value <= 93) {
+ ascii = value + 33
+ }
+ if (value >= 94 && value <= 99) {
+ ascii = value + 101
+ }
+ return accumulator + String.fromCharCode(ascii)
+ }, start) + stop
+const renderPdf = (pdf, lastLine, billet, isReceipt, isSandbox) => {
+ const posX = colStart + 90
+ const withCol = spaceCol - 20
+ const posCol = colStart + 5
+ const beneficiario = billet?.beneficiario
+ const pagador = billet?.pagador
+ addText(pdf, 'bold', 18, '041-8', posX + 10, line(lastLine + 1, 7, 'write'), withCol, 'center')
+ if (isReceipt) {
+ addText(pdf, 'normal', 8, 'SAC BANRISUL: 0800-646-1515 OUVIDORIA BANRISUL: 0800-644-2200', posX + withCol * 1.5, line(lastLine + 1, 7, 'write'), withCol * 1.5)
+ addText(pdf, 'bold', 10, 'RECIBO PAGADOR', posX + (3.5 * withCol), line(lastLine + 1, 7, 'write'), withCol)
+ } else {
+ addText(pdf, 'bold', 12, handleDigitableLine(billet.linha_digitavel), posX + withCol, line(lastLine + 1, 2, 'write'), withCol * 3.5, 'right')
+ }
+ // row 1
+ addText(pdf, 'bold', 5, titles.localDoPagamento.toLocaleUpperCase(), colStart + 5, line(lastLine + 2, 8, 'write'), withCol + 30)
+ addText(pdf, null, 9, 'PAGÁVEL PREFERENCIALMENTE NA REDE INTEGRADA BANRISUL', colStart + 5, line(lastLine + 2, -2, 'write'), withCol * 3, 'center')
+ addText(pdf, 'bold', 5, 'VENCIMENTO', posX + (withCol * 3.5), line(lastLine + 2, 8, 'write'), withCol)
+ addText(pdf, 'normal', 9, billet.data_vencimento && handleDate(billet.data_vencimento), posX + (withCol * 3.5), line(lastLine + 2, -2, 'write'), withCol, 'right')
+ // row 2
+ addText(pdf, 'bold', 5, 'BENEFICIÁRIO', posCol, line(lastLine + 3, 8, 'write'), withCol * 3)
+ // Beneficiário nome
+ addText(pdf, null, 9, (beneficiario?.nome_fantasia || beneficiario?.nome), colStart + 5, line(lastLine + 3, -2, 'write'), withCol * 4)
+ addText(pdf, 'bold', 5, titles.agenciaECodigoDoBeneficiario?.toUpperCase(), posX + (withCol * 3.5), line(lastLine + 3, 8, 'write'), withCol)
+ // Código
+ addText(pdf, 'normal', 9, beneficiario?.codigo, posX + (withCol * 3.5), line(lastLine + 3, -2, 'write'), withCol, 'right')
+ //
+ // row 3
+ addText(pdf, 'bold', 5, titles.dataDocumento?.toUpperCase(), posCol, line(lastLine + 4, 8, 'write'), withCol + 30)
+ // data emissao
+ addText(pdf, 'normal', 9, billet.data_emissao && handleDate(billet.data_emissao), posCol, line(lastLine + 4, -2, 'write'), withCol + 30)
+ // seu numero
+ addText(pdf, 'bold', 5, titles.numeroDoDocumento?.toUpperCase(), posCol + withCol, line(lastLine + 4, 8, 'write'), withCol)
+ addText(pdf, 'normal', 9, billet.seu_numero, posCol + withCol, line(lastLine + 4, -2, 'write'), withCol)
+ addText(pdf, 'bold', 5, titles.especieDoDocumento?.toUpperCase(), posCol + (2 * withCol), line(lastLine + 4, 8, 'write'), withCol)
+ addText(pdf, 'normal', 9, parseEspecie[billet.especie || 99], posCol + (2 * withCol), line(lastLine + 4, -2, 'write'), withCol, 'center')
+ //
+ addText(pdf, 'bold', 5, 'ACEITE', posCol + (3 * withCol), line(lastLine + 4, 8, 'write'), withCol / 4, 'center')
+ addText(pdf, 'normal', 9, pagador.aceite === 'A' ? 'S' : 'N', posCol + (3 * withCol), line(lastLine + 4, -2, 'write'), withCol / 4, 'center')
+ //
+ addText(pdf, 'bold', 5, titles.dataDeProcessamento?.toUpperCase(), posCol + (3 * withCol) + 40, line(lastLine + 4, 8, 'write'), withCol)
+ //
+ addText(pdf, 'bold', 5, titles.nossoNumero?.toUpperCase(), posX + (withCol * 3.5), line(lastLine + 4, 8, 'write'), withCol)
+ addText(pdf, 'normal', 9, billet.nosso_numero, posX + (withCol * 3.5), line(lastLine + 4, -2, 'write'), withCol, 'right')
+ //
+ // row 4
+ addText(pdf, 'bold', 5, 'USO DO BANCO', posCol, line(lastLine + 5, 8, 'write'), withCol)
+ //
+ addText(pdf, 'bold', 5, titles.especie?.toUpperCase(), posX + (withCol * 0.5), line(lastLine + 5, 8, 'write'), withCol)
+ addText(pdf, 'normal', 9, 'R$', posX + (withCol * 0.5), line(lastLine + 5, -2, 'write'), withCol, 'center')
+ //
+ addText(pdf, 'bold', 5, titles.quantidade?.toUpperCase(), posX + (withCol * 1.55), line(lastLine + 5, 8, 'write'), withCol)
+ //
+ addText(pdf, 'bold', 5, titles.valor?.toUpperCase(), posX + (withCol * 2.75), line(lastLine + 5, 8, 'write'), withCol)
+ //
+ addText(pdf, 'bold', 5, titles.valorDoDocumento?.toUpperCase(), posX + (withCol * 3.5), line(lastLine + 5, 8, 'write'), withCol)
+ addText(pdf, 'bold', 9, (billet.valor_nominal).replace('.', ','), posX + (withCol * 3.5), line(lastLine + 5, -2, 'write'), withCol, 'right')
+ //
+ // row 5
+ addText(pdf, 'bold', 5, titles.instrucoes?.toUpperCase(), posCol, line(lastLine + 6, 8, 'write'), withCol * 5)
+ handleInstructions(billet.instrucoes, billet.data_vencimento, pdf, posCol, lastLine, withCol)
+ // 605 caracteres with 11 rows
+ addText(pdf, 'normal', 10, '', posCol, line(lastLine + 6, 0, 'write'), withCol * 4)
+ // row 6
+ addText(pdf, 'bold', 5, '(-) DESCONTO/ABATIMENTO', posX + (withCol * 3.5), line(lastLine + 6, 8, 'write'), withCol * 5)
+ // row 7
+ addText(pdf, 'bold', 5, '(-) OUTRAS DEDUÇÕES', posX + (withCol * 3.5), line(lastLine + 7, 8, 'write'), withCol * 5)
+ // row 8
+ addText(pdf, 'bold', 5, titles.moraMulta?.toUpperCase(), posX + (withCol * 3.5), line(lastLine + 8, 8, 'write'), withCol * 5)
+ // row 9
+ addText(pdf, 'bold', 5, '(+) OUTROS ACRÉSCIMOS', posX + (withCol * 3.5), line(lastLine + 9, 8, 'write'), withCol * 5)
+ // row 10
+ addText(pdf, 'bold', 5, '(=) VALOR COBRADO', posX + (withCol * 3.5), line(lastLine + 10, 8, 'write'), withCol * 5)
+ // row 11
+ handlePayer(pagador, pdf, posCol, lastLine, withCol)
+ // row 13
+ addText(pdf, 'bold', 5, 'SACADOR/AVALISTA', posCol, line(lastLine + 13, 8, 'write'), withCol * 5)
+ // row 14
+ addText(pdf, 'bold', 5, `AUTENTICAÇÃO MECÂNICA ${isReceipt ? '' : '-FICHA DE COMPENSAÇÃO'}`, posCol + withCol * 3.5, line(lastLine + 15, 0, 'write'), withCol * 5)
+ if (!isReceipt) {
+ addText(pdf, 'barCode', 32, handleCodeBar(billet.codigo_barras), posCol - 10, line(lastLine + 14, -14, 'write'), withCol * 4)
+ }
+ //
+ if (isSandbox) {
+ addText(pdf, 'bold', 32, 'BOLETO DE TESTE', posCol, line(lastLine + 9, 8, 'write'), withCol * 5)
+ }
+module.exports = function (pdf, billet, isSandbox) {
+ renderPdf(pdf, 0, billet, true, isSandbox)
+ renderPdf(pdf, 17, billet, false, isSandbox)
diff --git a/functions/lib/billet/utils/dimensions.js b/functions/lib/billet/utils/dimensions.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..75a75c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/functions/lib/billet/utils/dimensions.js
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+const spaceCol = 120
+const spaceLine = 23
+const colStart = 27
+const colEnd = 572
+const line = (number, diff = 0, type = 'stroke') => {
+ let line = type === 'stroke' ? 100 : 10
+ for (let i = 0; i < number; i++) {
+ line += 23
+ }
+ return line - diff
+module.exports = {
+ spaceCol,
+ spaceLine,
+ colStart,
+ colEnd,
+ line
diff --git a/functions/lib/billet/utils/layout-pdf.js b/functions/lib/billet/utils/layout-pdf.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..717b341
--- /dev/null
+++ b/functions/lib/billet/utils/layout-pdf.js
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+const { join } = require('path')
+const {
+ spaceCol,
+ colStart,
+ colEnd,
+ line
+} = require('./dimensions')
+const dirAssets = join(process.cwd(), '/assets')
+const addStroke = (
+ pdf,
+ lineStartX,
+ lineStartY,
+ lineEndX,
+ lineEndY,
+ type = false
+) => {
+ const startY = -100
+ const startX = 0
+ const colorStroke = 'black'
+ if (type === 'logo') {
+ return pdf
+ .image(dirAssets + '/images/banrisul.png',
+ startX + lineStartX,
+ startY + lineStartY,
+ {
+ fit: [100, 30]
+ }
+ )
+ } if (type === 'dash') {
+ return pdf
+ .moveTo(startX + lineStartX, startY + lineStartY)
+ .lineTo(startX + lineEndX, startY + lineEndY)
+ .dash(3, { space: 5 })
+ .stroke(colorStroke)
+ } else {
+ return pdf
+ .moveTo(startX + lineStartX, startY + lineStartY)
+ .lineTo(startX + lineEndX, startY + lineEndY).stroke(colorStroke)
+ }
+const renderPdf = (pdf, lastLine, isReceipt) => {
+ // Main Lines
+ addStroke(pdf, colStart, line(lastLine + 1), colEnd, line(lastLine + 1))
+ addStroke(pdf, colStart, line(lastLine + 2), colEnd, line(lastLine + 2))
+ addStroke(pdf, colStart, line(lastLine + 3), colEnd, line(lastLine + 3))
+ addStroke(pdf, colStart, line(lastLine + 4), colEnd, line(lastLine + 4))
+ addStroke(pdf, colStart, line(lastLine + 5), colEnd, line(lastLine + 5))
+ //
+ addStroke(pdf, colEnd - spaceCol + 10, line(lastLine + 6), colEnd, line(lastLine + 6))
+ addStroke(pdf, colEnd - spaceCol + 10, line(lastLine + 7), colEnd, line(lastLine + 7))
+ addStroke(pdf, colEnd - spaceCol + 10, line(lastLine + 8), colEnd, line(lastLine + 8))
+ addStroke(pdf, colEnd - spaceCol + 10, line(lastLine + 9), colEnd, line(lastLine + 9))
+ // addStroke(pdf, colEnd - spaceCol + 10, line(lastLine + 10), colEnd, line(lastLine + 10))
+ //
+ addStroke(pdf, colStart, line(lastLine + 10), colEnd, line(lastLine + 10))
+ addStroke(pdf, colStart, line(lastLine + 14), colEnd, line(lastLine + 14))
+ // colluns top
+ addStroke(pdf, colStart + spaceCol, line(lastLine + 1, 20), colStart + spaceCol, line(lastLine + 1))
+ addStroke(pdf, colStart + spaceCol, line(lastLine + 1, 20), colStart + spaceCol, line(lastLine + 1))
+ addStroke(pdf, colStart + 1.5 * spaceCol, line(lastLine + 1, 20), colStart + 1.5 * spaceCol, line(lastLine + 1))
+ addStroke(pdf, colStart + 1.5 * spaceCol, line(lastLine + 1, 20), colStart + 1.5 * spaceCol, line(lastLine + 1))
+ // main colluns
+ addStroke(pdf, colStart, line(lastLine + 1), colStart, line(lastLine + 14))
+ addStroke(pdf, colEnd, line(lastLine + 1), colEnd, line(lastLine + 14))
+ addStroke(pdf, colEnd - spaceCol + 10, line(lastLine + 1), colEnd - spaceCol + 10, line(lastLine + 10))
+ // colluns line 3
+ addStroke(pdf, colStart + spaceCol - 20, line(lastLine + 3), colStart + spaceCol - 20, line(lastLine + 4))
+ addStroke(pdf, colStart + spaceCol + 80, line(lastLine + 3), colStart + spaceCol + 80, line(lastLine + 4))
+ addStroke(pdf, colStart + (2.5 * spaceCol), line(lastLine + 3), colStart + (2.5 * spaceCol), line(lastLine + 4))
+ addStroke(pdf, colStart + (2.5 * spaceCol) + 40, line(lastLine + 3), colStart + (2.5 * spaceCol) + 40, line(lastLine + 4))
+ // colluns line 4
+ addStroke(pdf, colStart + spaceCol + 10, line(lastLine + 4), colStart + spaceCol + 10, line(lastLine + 5))
+ addStroke(pdf, colStart + spaceCol * 2, line(lastLine + 4), colStart + spaceCol * 2, line(lastLine + 5))
+ addStroke(pdf, colStart + (2.95 * spaceCol), line(lastLine + 4), colStart + (2.95 * spaceCol), line(lastLine + 5))
+ //
+ if (isReceipt) {
+ // footer
+ addStroke(pdf, colEnd / 2, line(lastLine + 14, -5), colEnd, line(lastLine + 14, -5))
+ addStroke(pdf, colEnd / 2, line(lastLine + 14, -5), colEnd / 2, line(lastLine + 14, -33))
+ addStroke(pdf, colEnd, line(lastLine + 14, -5), colEnd, line(lastLine + 14, -33))
+ }
+module.exports = function (pdf) {
+ renderPdf(pdf, 1, true)
+ renderPdf(pdf, 18)
+ addStroke(pdf, colStart + 3, line(1), 0, 0, 'logo')
+ addStroke(pdf, colStart + 3, line(18), 0, 0, 'logo')
+ addStroke(pdf, colStart, line(17, 3), colEnd, line(17, 3), 'dash')
diff --git a/functions/package-lock.json b/functions/package-lock.json
index c2e4906..b79dc55 100644
--- a/functions/package-lock.json
+++ b/functions/package-lock.json
@@ -10,7 +10,8 @@
"@google-cloud/firestore": "^6.7.0",
"express": "^4.18.2",
"firebase-admin": "^11.10.1",
- "firebase-functions": "^4.4.1"
+ "firebase-functions": "^4.4.1",
+ "pdfkit": "^0.13.0"
"engines": {
"node": "16"
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--- a/functions/package.json
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@@ -16,7 +16,8 @@
"@google-cloud/firestore": "^6.7.0",
"express": "^4.18.2",
"firebase-admin": "^11.10.1",
- "firebase-functions": "^4.4.1"
+ "firebase-functions": "^4.4.1",
+ "pdfkit": "^0.13.0"
"private": true
diff --git a/functions/routes/billet.js b/functions/routes/billet.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c997f91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/functions/routes/billet.js
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+const geratePdf = require('../lib/billet/gerate-billet')
+exports.get = async ({ appSdk, admin }, req, res) => {
+ const collectionBillet = admin.firestore().collection('billets')
+ try {
+ const { orderId } = req.query
+ const doc = await collectionBillet.doc(orderId).get()
+ let billet
+ if (doc) {
+ billet = doc.data()
+ }
+ if (billet) {
+ const { titulo } = billet
+ const bufferFile = await geratePdf(titulo, billet.isSandbox)
+ res.setHeader('Content-Length', Buffer.byteLength(bufferFile))
+ res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/pdf')
+ res.setHeader('Cache-Control', 'public, max-age=60')
+ res.setHeader('Content-Disposition', `attachment; filename=${orderId || 'Boleto-Banrisul'}.pdf`)
+ res.send(bufferFile)
+ } else {
+ res.status(404)
+ .send({
+ error: 'Not Found',
+ message: `Document #${orderId} not found`
+ })
+ }
+ } catch (err) {
+ console.error(err)
+ res.status(500)
+ const { message } = err
+ res.send({
+ error: 'BILLET_API_ERROR',
+ message
+ })
+ }
diff --git a/functions/routes/ecom/modules/apply-discount.js b/functions/routes/ecom/modules/apply-discount.js
deleted file mode 100644
index e7a3ed4..0000000
--- a/functions/routes/ecom/modules/apply-discount.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-exports.post = ({ appSdk, admin }, req, res) => {
- /**
- * Requests coming from Modules API have two object properties on body: `params` and `application`.
- * `application` is a copy of your app installed by the merchant,
- * including the properties `data` and `hidden_data` with admin settings configured values.
- * JSON Schema reference for the Apply Discount module objects:
- * `params`: https://apx-mods.e-com.plus/api/v1/apply_discount/schema.json?store_id=100
- * `response`: https://apx-mods.e-com.plus/api/v1/apply_discount/response_schema.json?store_id=100
- *
- * Complete (advanced) example in our default discouts app:
- * https://github.com/ecomplus/discounts/blob/master/routes/ecom/modules/apply-discount.js
- */
- const { params, application } = req.body
- const { storeId } = req
- const response = {}
- // merge all app options configured by merchant
- const appData = Object.assign({}, application.data, application.hidden_data)
- if (appData.available_extra_discount) {
- response.available_extra_discount = appData.available_extra_discount
- }
- if (params.discount_coupon) {
- // should match discount by coupon code
- }
- /**
- * Sample snippets:
- // set discount value
- response.discount_rule = {
- label: 'X Campaign',
- extra_discount: {
- value: 20.5,
- flags: ['x-coupon']
- }
- }
- */
- res.send(response)
diff --git a/functions/routes/ecom/modules/calculate-shipping.js b/functions/routes/ecom/modules/calculate-shipping.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 26a7b4b..0000000
--- a/functions/routes/ecom/modules/calculate-shipping.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-exports.post = ({ appSdk }, req, res) => {
- /**
- * Treat `params` and (optionally) `application` from request body to properly mount the `response`.
- * JSON Schema reference for Calculate Shipping module objects:
- * `params`: https://apx-mods.e-com.plus/api/v1/calculate_shipping/schema.json?store_id=100
- * `response`: https://apx-mods.e-com.plus/api/v1/calculate_shipping/response_schema.json?store_id=100
- *
- * Examples in published apps:
- * https://github.com/ecomplus/app-mandabem/blob/master/functions/routes/ecom/modules/calculate-shipping.js
- * https://github.com/ecomplus/app-datafrete/blob/master/functions/routes/ecom/modules/calculate-shipping.js
- * https://github.com/ecomplus/app-jadlog/blob/master/functions/routes/ecom/modules/calculate-shipping.js
- */
- const { params, application } = req.body
- const { storeId } = req
- // setup basic required response object
- const response = {
- shipping_services: []
- }
- // merge all app options configured by merchant
- const appData = Object.assign({}, application.data, application.hidden_data)
- if (appData.free_shipping_from_value >= 0) {
- response.free_shipping_from_value = appData.free_shipping_from_value
- }
- if (!params.to) {
- // just a free shipping preview with no shipping address received
- // respond only with free shipping option
- res.send(response)
- return
- }
- /**
- * Sample snippets:
- if (params.items) {
- let totalWeight = 0
- params.items.forEach(item => {
- // treat items to ship
- totalWeight += item.quantity * item.weight.value
- })
- }
- // add new shipping service option
- response.shipping_services.push({
- label: appData.label || 'My shipping method',
- carrier: 'My carrier',
- shipping_line: {
- from: appData.from,
- to: params.to,
- package: {
- weight: {
- value: totalWeight
- }
- },
- price: 10,
- delivery_time: {
- days: 3,
- working_days: true
- }
- }
- })
- */
- res.send(response)
diff --git a/functions/routes/ecom/modules/create-transaction.js b/functions/routes/ecom/modules/create-transaction.js
index 8b8b650..53418d4 100644
--- a/functions/routes/ecom/modules/create-transaction.js
+++ b/functions/routes/ecom/modules/create-transaction.js
@@ -1,4 +1,10 @@
-exports.post = ({ appSdk, admin }, req, res) => {
+const { baseUri } = require('../../../__env')
+const Banrisul = require('../../../lib/banrisul/auth/create-access')
+const getOurNumber = require('../../../lib/banrisul/calculate-our-number')
+const createBodyToBillet = require('../../../lib/banrisul/payload-to-billet')
+exports.post = async ({ appSdk, admin }, req, res) => {
+ const collectionBillet = admin.firestore().collection('billets')
* Requests coming from Modules API have two object properties on body: `params` and `application`.
* `application` is a copy of your app installed by the merchant,
@@ -17,33 +23,91 @@ exports.post = ({ appSdk, admin }, req, res) => {
// merge all app options configured by merchant
const appData = Object.assign({}, application.data, application.hidden_data)
// setup required `transaction` response object
- const transaction = {}
+ const { amount } = params
+ const orderId = params.order_id
// indicates whether the buyer should be redirected to payment link right after checkout
let redirectToPayment = false
+ const transaction = {
+ amount: amount.total
+ }
- /**
- * Do the stuff here, call external web service or just fill the `transaction` object
- * according to the `appData` configured options for the chosen payment method.
- */
+ if (params.payment_method.code === 'banking_billet') {
+ const banrisul = new Banrisul(appData.client_id, appData.client_secret, storeId)
+ try {
+ if (appData.beneficiary_code) {
+ await banrisul.preparing
- // WIP:
- switch (params.payment_method.code) {
- case 'credit_card':
- // you may need to handle card hash and create transaction on gateway API
- break
- case 'banking_billet':
- // create new "Boleto bancário"
- break
- case 'online_debit':
- redirectToPayment = true
- break
- default:
- break
- }
+ const documentRef = banrisul.documentRef && await banrisul.documentRef.get()
+ const docAuthBarisul = documentRef?.data()
+ const lastBilletNumber = (docAuthBarisul?.lastBilletNumber || 0) + 1
+ const banrisulAxios = banrisul.axios
+ const ourNumber = getOurNumber(lastBilletNumber)
+ const body = createBodyToBillet(appData, params, ourNumber)
+ console.log('>>body ', JSON.stringify(body))
+ redirectToPayment = false
- res.send({
- redirect_to_payment: redirectToPayment,
- transaction
- })
+ // test
+ // const data = require('../../../lib/billet/billet-test')
+ const { data } = await banrisulAxios.post('/boletos', body, {
+ headers: {
+ 'bergs-beneficiario': appData.beneficiary_code
+ }
+ })
+ console.log('>> boleto ', JSON.stringify(data))
+ transaction.banking_billet = {
+ code: data.titulo?.linha_digitavel,
+ valid_thru: new Date(data.titulo?.data_vencimento).toISOString(),
+ link: `${baseUri}/billet?orderId=${orderId}`
+ }
+ transaction.intermediator = {
+ transaction_id: data?.titulo?.nosso_numero,
+ transaction_reference: data?.titulo?.nosso_numero,
+ transaction_code: data.retorno
+ }
+ await collectionBillet.doc(orderId).set({ ...data, storeId, isHomologation: appData.is_homologation })
+ banrisul.documentRef.set({ lastBilletNumber }, { merge: true })
+ .catch(console.error)
+ res.send({
+ redirect_to_payment: redirectToPayment,
+ transaction
+ })
+ } else {
+ throw new Error('Beneficiary code not found')
+ }
+ } catch (error) {
+ console.log(error.response)
+ // try to debug request error
+ let { message } = error
+ const err = new Error(`${errCode} #${storeId} - ${orderId} => ${message}`)
+ if (error.response) {
+ const { status, data } = error.response
+ if (status !== 401 && status !== 403) {
+ err.payment = JSON.stringify(transaction)
+ err.status = status
+ if (typeof data === 'object' && data) {
+ err.response = JSON.stringify(data)
+ } else {
+ err.response = data
+ }
+ } else if (data && Array.isArray(data.errors) && data.errors[0] && data.errors[0].message) {
+ message = data.errors[0].message
+ }
+ }
+ console.error(err)
+ res.status(409)
+ res.send({
+ error: errCode,
+ message
+ })
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/functions/routes/ecom/modules/list-payments.js b/functions/routes/ecom/modules/list-payments.js
index 9d76a82..f16ce92 100644
--- a/functions/routes/ecom/modules/list-payments.js
+++ b/functions/routes/ecom/modules/list-payments.js
@@ -12,38 +12,83 @@ exports.post = ({ appSdk }, req, res) => {
* https://github.com/ecomplus/app-custom-payment/blob/master/functions/routes/ecom/modules/list-payments.js
- const { params, application } = req.body
- const { storeId } = req
+ const { application, params } = req.body
+ // const { storeId } = req
// setup basic required response object
const response = {
payment_gateways: []
- // merge all app options configured by merchant
const appData = Object.assign({}, application.data, application.hidden_data)
+ const isHomologation = appData.is_homologation
+ const amount = { ...params.amount } || {}
- /**
- * Sample snippets:
+ if (!appData.client_id || !appData.client_secret) {
+ return res.status(409).send({
+ error: 'NO_BANRISUL_KEYS',
+ message: 'Client ID e/ou Secret da API indefinido(s) (lojista deve configurar o aplicativo)'
+ })
+ }
// add new payment method option
- response.payment_gateways.push({
+ const gateway = {
intermediator: {
- code: 'paupay',
- link: 'https://www.palpay.com.br',
- name: 'paupay'
+ code: 'banrisul',
+ link: 'https://www.banrisul.com.br/',
+ name: 'Banrisul'
- payment_url: 'https://www.palpay.com.br/',
type: 'payment',
payment_method: {
code: 'banking_billet',
name: 'Boleto Bancário'
- label: 'Boleto Bancário',
- expiration_date: appData.expiration_date || 14
- })
+ label: `Boleto Bancário${isHomologation ? ' - Homologação' : ''}`,
+ expiration_date: appData.expiration_date || 7
+ }
+ const discount = appData.discount
+ if (discount) {
+ gateway.discount = {
+ apply_at: discount.apply_at,
+ type: discount.type,
+ value: discount.value
+ }
+ // check amount value to apply discount
+ if (amount.total < (discount.min_amount || 0)) {
+ delete gateway.discount
+ } else {
+ delete discount.min_amount
+ // fix local amount object
+ const applyDiscount = discount.apply_at
+ const maxDiscount = amount[applyDiscount || 'subtotal']
+ let discountValue
+ if (discount.type === 'percentage') {
+ discountValue = maxDiscount * discount.value / 100
+ } else {
+ discountValue = discount.value
+ if (discountValue > maxDiscount) {
+ discountValue = maxDiscount
+ }
+ }
+ if (discountValue) {
+ amount.discount = (amount.discount || 0) + discountValue
+ amount.total -= discountValue
+ if (amount.total < 0) {
+ amount.total = 0
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (response.discount_option) {
+ response.discount_option.min_amount = discount.min_amount
+ }
+ }
- */
+ response.payment_gateways.push(gateway)
diff --git a/hosting/description.md b/hosting/description.md
index e0e5c32..d7665d8 100644
--- a/hosting/description.md
+++ b/hosting/description.md
@@ -1,3 +1,76 @@
-# My Awesome E-Com Plus App
+# Boleto Banrisul
+# Antes de comerçar
+Será necessário solicitar ao banco Banrisul as credenciais para a homologação do aplicativo.
+Ref.: [Documentação Api Cobrança Banrisul](https://developers-openbanking.banrisul.com.br/pages/PORTAL_V1.6.6/docs/clientes-banrisul/api-cobranca-v1.1.0.html)
+## 1) Deverá encaminhar um e-mail solicitando a integração com a Api de cobrança.
+Encaminhar e-mail para: ```atendimento_teste_cobranca@banrisul.com.br```
+Informações solicitadas pelo banco para cadastramento:
+> CNPJ:
+> Razão Social:
+> Quantidade de requisições/chamadas por dia (aproximado)
+> *(Recomendamos aqui uma média de vendas por dia X 2)* :
+> Nome do responsável técnico:
+> E-mail de contato do responsável técnico:
+> OBS: O “Convite” será enviado para este e-mail;
+> Nome da aplicação (apelido):
+> Por exemplo "Sua Loja E-com Banrisul”
+> Sandbox: sim ( ) não ( )
+> Produção: sim ( ) não ( )
+> **Obs.:**
+> * no Sandbox não é necessário usar um código beneficiário ativo; em produção sim, mesmo que seja apenas para teste.
+> * se tiverem código beneficiário ativo, favor informar na resposta deste e-mail.
+> Após o cadastramento vocês receberão um “Convite” no e-mail informado neste cadastro para acessar o portal e concluir o cadastramento.
+> Serão dois “Convites”: um para o Sandbox e outro para Produção.
+> Tanto em Produção quanto no Sandbox o Secret não estará visível no primeiro acesso, sendo necessário alterá-lo.
+> Após a alteração, em Sandbox a liberação é automática.
+> Em Produção o Banco deverá ser comunicado para a liberação.
+## 2) Acesso ao portal do Desenvolvedor Banrisul
+Após cadastro realizado no portal do Desenvolvedor do Banrisul, obtenha as credenciais de produção do banco e as adicionei ao nosso aplicativo.
+* [Portal Banrisul](https://developersdev.banrisul.com.br/admin/login?to-default-config=true)
+## 3) Homologação
+* Crie um pedido com a opção homologação habilitada.
+* Em seguida desabilite a opção homologação e crie 5 pedidos e salve os PDFs
+* Envie os 5 PDFs juntamente com os códigos de retornos, que são códigos das transações, para o e-mail: `atendimento_teste_cobranca@banrisul.com.br` para conferência.
+> ***Informações Banrisul:***
+> A equipe Banrisul fará a conferência de campos e informações constantes nos boletos, algo que evitará transtornos futuros ou reclamações de pagadores. Se os boletos estiverem aderentes às regras abaixo, a sua organização será liberada em produção.
-Somethings about my app and what it does...