Time and Date: 13:00 - 14:30 | 13 December 2019 | Location: Graduate Insitute of Political Science at NSYSU
This repository hold the data and R code for the seminar titled: Politics and Economy of the Climate Change: A Comperative Analysis.
There is a growing attention on the implications of Climate Change. However, there is seldom attention on the concrete policy related research on what public and private sector can do to alleviate impact of this phenomenon. Exclusion of climate change from the policy related debates undermines this serious threat, and shadows the required policy preferences. This research utilizes the related literature from international relations, comparative politics and political economy to demonstrate the feasibility of the climate politics, with a particular emphasis on Taiwan. This research suggests that the structural limitations due to the small state restrictions can pose significant obstacles to pursue their economic growth while mitigating climate change. This research uses R Statistical computing for analyzing the data.
You can Download/Fork this repository to your computer to access the data and the R code.
You can watch the full lecture below