Food Donation Web Application FEATURES Post, Track, Manage SETUP & INSTALLATION Clone the repository to your local machine by running the following command on your command-line. clone Navigate inside the foodle folder cd foodle Create a virtual environment virtualenv venv Activate the virtual environment cd venv/Scripts/activate Install all the requirements. pip install -r requirements.txt Create a dotenv file. type nul > .env Open the .env file and write the following: SECRET_KEY = value DB_HOST= value DB_NAME= fododb DB_USERNAME= value DB_PASSWORD= value CLOUD_NAME = value API_KEY = value API_SECRET = value PHOTO_UPLOAD = cloud Create a flaskenv file. type nul > .flaskenv Open the .flaskenv file and make sure it contains the following: FLASK_APP=app FLASK_ENV=development FLASK_RUN_PORT=8080 In your MySQL IDE, execute the script.sql file located in foodle/database_script RUNNING THE APP Activate the virtual environment cd venv/Scripts/activate Run flask run