A simple CLI to help with your daily OCC development.
- Your project shoud follow this structure.
npm install -g oracle-commerce-cli
After installing the CLI and make sure your project is following the prerequisites you need to start your project using occ --start
. At this point you will inform your current environment and pass the URL + AppKey.
$ occ --start
? Select an environment: TEST
? Admin URL: <URL>
? AppKey: <KEY>
Your project is ready!
After this you can use everything on this CLI.
Note: You only need to do this once, after that if you need to update, change or configure an environment, please use the Environment Manager (occ --env <operation>
The following table describes the options you can use with occ
Option | Description |
-h, --help |
Provides usage information for the CLI |
-V, --version |
Provides the CLI's version |
-s, --start |
Starts the project setup |
-d, --dev |
Starts Watcher + Browsersync. Note: Click here to see how configure Browsersync. |
-c, --create <type> |
Creates widget or element. Options: widget , element . |
-r, --refresh <path> |
Refreshes content from the Commerce instance within the specified directory. |
-p, --putAll <path> |
Sends everything from the specified directory. |
-e, --env <operation> |
Starts the Environment Manager. Options: current , config , change . |
-t, --transfer <path> |
Transfers things between current and selected environment. |
-x, --sse <operation> |
Starts the Server-side Extension Manager. Options: download , upload , transfer . |
-g, --grab <path> |
Starts grabbing everything from current environment. |
Oracle Commerce CLI is MIT licensed.